Glycoproteins associated with nuclei of cells before and after

Comparison of glycopeptides from control and virus-transformed baby hamster ... of chick embryo fibroblasts by rous sarcoma virus: The effect of campt...
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Glycoproteins Associated with Nuclei of Cells before and after Transformation by a Ribonucleic Acid Virust Albert A. Keshgegian and Mary Catherine Glick*

ABSTRACT: A comparison was made by gel filtration of Pronase-digested glycopeptides derived from nuclei of baby hamster kidney fibroblasts (BHK&d and the same clone transformed by the Bryan strain of Rous sarcoma virus (CIS/ B4). The comparison showed the presence of glycopeptides associated with the nuclei from the transformed cells labeled with radioactive D-glucosamine or L-fucose which were not seen to the same extent in the nuclei from nontransformed cells. Extraction of the nuclei with Triton X-100 from both cell lines removed most of the fucose- and glucosamine-containing glycoproteins. The nuclei appeared intact after this


he glycoprotein composition of surface membranes has been observed to change after transformation by RNA (Buck et ai., 1970) or DNA viruses (Buck et ai., 1971). These changes were demonstrated by gel filtration of surface membrane digests labeled with radioactive D-glucosamine or L-fucose. Further fractionation and chemical analyses showed that the glycoproteins which were more apparent after virus transformation actually contained in addition to fucose more sialic acid, mannose, and galactose suggesting a lengthening of a portion of the carbohydrate moiety (Glick, 1971). The appearance of these glycoproteins on the cell surface has been followed in hamster fibroblasts after viral infection and shown to correlate with the tumorgenicity of the cell population (Glick et ai., 1972). Others when comparing 3T3 and SV40 transformed 3T3 mouse fibroblasts, have observed small (Wu et ai., 1969) or no (Sakiyama and Burge, 1972) differences in the membrane

t From ( A . A.

the Departments of Therapeutic Research and Biochemistry

K.)School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 19104. Received September 22, 1972. This work was supported by American Cancer Society Grant PRA-68 and U. S. Public Health Service Grants 5P01 A107005-06 and 5T05 GM02046. *Address correspondence to this author at the Division of Biochemical Development and Molecular Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. 19146.

procedure suggesting that the glycoproteins are associated with the outer nuclear membrane. The ribosomal fractions from both cell lines showed a small amount of a heterogeneous population of fucose-containing glycopeptides. The glucosamine-containing glycopeptides of the nuclei differed somewhat in their patterns of elution from those derived from the surface membranes of the corresponding cells. However both the nucleus and surface membrane-derived glycoproteins from the transformed cells always showed the presence of glycopeptides which were not seen to the same extent in these cell fractions from the nontransformed fibroblasts.

glycoproteifis.The reason for this discrepancy is not apparent. Hamster embryo cells, transformed by SV40 virus, show the appearance of specific glycoproteins characteristic of the other transformed cells examined (M. C. Glick, unpublished observations). In order to see if the glycoproteins expressed on the cell surface following virus transformation are present also in nuclei, a comparison was made of the glycopeptides from nuclei of cells before and after virus transformation. The results show that changes in the glycopeptides associated with the nucleus also accompany virus transformation. Materials and Methods

Cefl Culture. Baby hamster kidney fibroblasts (BHK&13) and the same clone transformed by the Bryan strain of Rous sarcoma virus (C12/Bd) were grown as described previously (Buck et ai., 1970). The cells were of early passage stocks and in no case were used beyond the twelfth passage in our laboratory. Examination of the cultures at routine intervals for Mycoplasma showed them to be negative. The cells were cultured for 72 hr in the presence of L[l-14C]fucose (50.8 Ci/mol), ~-[G-~H]fucose (4.3 Cilmmol), D-[p- 14C]glucosamine (10.7 Ci/mol), or ~-[6-~H]glucosamine (1.3 Ci/mmol) obtained from New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, Mass. These procedures as well as those used for B I O C H E M I S T R Y , VOL.



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Fmction Number

2: Chromatography on Sephadex G-50 of Pronase-digested nuclei isolated from BHKz1/C13cells grown in the presence of L-[~H]fucose (0) and C13/B4 cells grown in the presence of ~-[~4C]fucose (0).All procedures are described in Materials and Methods. BD, fractions in which Blue Dextran was eluted; +R, fractions in which Phenol Red was eluted.


Fraction Number 1: Chromatography on Sephadex G-50 of Pronase-digested nuclei and trypsinates isolated from BHKII/C~P cells grown in the presence of ~-[~H]glucosamine ( 0 ) and C13/B4 cells grown in the presence of D-[14C]glucosarnine (0). Cochromatography of (a) nuclei and (b) trypsinates from BHK&l~ cells compared with nuclei and trypsinates from C13/B4 cells. All procedures are described in Materials and Methods. BD, fractions in which Blue Dextran was eluted; $R,fractions in which Phenol Red was eluted. FIGURE

harvesting the cells have been described in detail (Buck et al., 1970). Preparation of Cell Fractions. NUCLEI.Nuclei were prepared from radioactive BHK21/ClS and CI4/B4cells as described for L cells (Glick et al., 1971). The nuclei were obtained from cells from which the surface membranes were removed by the Zn ion procedure (Warren and Glick, 1969). Electron micrographs of nuclei prepared by this procedure showed the nuclei to be whole with the outer membrane intact. The preparations contained very little contaminating particulate matter (Glick et al., 1971). The nuclei which can be counted in a hemocytometer contained approximately 3-6 of the total cell radioactivity when the cells were grown in the






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presence of L-[~H]-or [lC]fucose. All nuclei which were examined were prepared by this procedure. TRYPSINATES AND SURFACE MEMBRANES. Radioactive BHK2,/ C13 and C13/B4 cells were removed from the culture bottle with trypsin (1 mg/ml per 1 X 107 cells). The material removed by this procedure is referred to as "trypsinate." The trypsinization procedure and the processing of this material have been described (Buck et al., 1970). Surface membranes were prepared from the trypsinized cells by the Zn ion procedure (Warren and Glick, 1969). RIBOSOMES AND SOLUBLE MATERIAL. Ribosomal and soluble protein fractions were obtained from radioactive BHKZ1/Cl3 and C13/B4 cells after the removal of the surface membranes. These procedures were as described for L cells (Glick et al., 1971). Pronase Digestion and Gel Filtration. Prior to chromatography on Sephadex G-50 the cell fractions to be compared were mixed and digested exhaustively with Pronase. All of these procedures as well as processing for radioactive counting have been described in detail (Buck et al., 1970). Triton Extraction of the Nuceli. Nuclei ( 1 X 107) were suspended in 0.25 ml of a solution containing 0.1 M Tris (pH 7.2), 0.002 M CaC12, 17% sucrose, and 5 % Triton X-100 (Rohm and Haus, Philadelphia) for 5 min at 5' and subsequently centrifuged at 6000g for 10 min at 5 ' . The supernatant material was removed and the nuclei were resuspended in 0.2 ml of the extraction mixture, kept for 2 min at 5 O , and centrifuged. The nuclei appeared intact when examined in the phase-contrast microscope after this procedure. No nuclei or fragments were seen in the supernatant solutions. After the extraction was repeated for the third time and the nuclei examined in the phase-contrast microscope some of them appeared to be lysed. Incubation with Neuraminidase. Radioactive nuclei and surface membranes were incubated with neuraminidase (Vibrio cholerae; Calbiochem) as described (Glick et a!., 1970). After 60-min incubation at 37" the fractions were centrifuged at 6200g for 20 min. The supernatant solutions were


TABLE I : Triton Extraction (in cpm) of Nuclei from BHK21/C13and c l 3 / B 4





BHKzi/Ci3 3H



BHKzi/Cis 3H


Fractions Nuclei Extract 1 Extract 2 Pellet

7433 (100%) 5520 (74.3 %) 621 (8.4%) 1314 (17.7%)

7800 (100%) 6458 (82.8 %) 735 (9.473 1062 (13.6%)

4100 (100%) 3000 (73.2 %) 250 (8.0%) 65 (2.273

4267 (100%) 3475 (81.5 %) 146 (3.4%) 401 (9.4%)


a Nuclei were isolated from BHKZ1/Cl3or the virus-transformed C13/B4 cells grown in the presence of D-['"C]or E3H]glucosamine or L-['~C]-or [3H]fucose. The nuclei were extracted twice with Triton X-100. The radioactivity in two successiveextractions (extracts 1 and 2) and the pellet remaining after the second extraction was determined as described in Materials and Methods. The numbers in parentheses represent the percentage of total radioactivity of the nuclei found in each subsequent fraction.

centrifuged at 6200g for 20 min and aliquots were removed for radioactive counting. The pellets were suspended in 0.5 % sodium dodecyl sulfate and aliquots were removed for radioactive counting (Buck et al., 1971). Controls containing no added neuraminidase were treated by the same procedure. Results Glucosamine-Containing Glycopeptides. Nuclei from BHKZl/ and C13/B4 which were made radioactive by the growth of the cells in D-[ 3H]-or [ 14Clglucosamine,respectively, were combined and digested with Pronase and the glycopeptides were examined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. Figure l a represents the patterns obtained. Nuclei from both cell lines always showed the presence of material eluting in the void volume representing approximately 20 of the total radioactivity in the nuclei. Differences were observed in the distribution of the glycopeptides eluted from the gel; that is, the nuclei from the virustransformed cells (C13/B4) showed the presence of larger amounts of material which was eluted from the column soon after the void volume in comparison with the nontransformed cells (BHK2,/Cl3).This material appeared in fractions 20-35 (Figure la) and is similar to the differencesobserved when the trypsinates from both cell lines were compared (Figure lb). However, the nuclei from both cell lines contained larger amounts of material in fractions 43-53 than observed in the trypsinates. Fucose-Containing Glycopeptides. Nuclei from BHK21/C13 and the virus-transformed cells, C13/B4, radioactively labeled with L-[14C]- or [ aH]fucose were combined, digested with Pronase, and examined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. Figure 2 represents the distribution of fucose-containing glycopeptides from the nuclei. As observed for the glucosaminecontaining glycopeptides (Figure 1) the more rapidly migrating glycopeptides were always found in the nuclei from the virus-transformed cells, C13/B4 (fractions 20-35). This is similar to the distribution of the fucose-containing glycopeptides from the trypsinates of these cells (Buck et al., 1970); 5-10 % of the total radioactivity of both cell lines eluted with the void volume of the gel and was less than that found when radioactive D-glucosamine was used as a precursor (compare Figure l a and Figure 2). When the radioactive labels were reversed, similar results were obtained. Glycopeptides in the Triton Extract of Nuclei. Isolated nuclei from BHK21/C13or the virus-transformed, C13/B4, cells made c 1 3

radioactive by growth of the cells in the presence of L-[ TI]or [ aH]fucoseor D-[ 14C]-or [ 3H]glucosaminewere combined and extracted twice with Triton X-100. Table I shows the distribution of radioactivity in the extracts. The Triton extract from nuclei of both cells lines contained 80-85 % of the radioactive L-fucose. When the nuclei were labeled with radioactive Dglucosamine, 85-90 of radioactivity was extracted with the Triton. A third extraction removed an additional 5 1 0 % of the radioactivity but also lysed some of the nuclei. Triton extracts of the radioactive nuclei from BHK21/C13 and c13/B4 cells were digested with Pronase and examined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. Figure 3a,b shows the distribution of the glucosaminine- and fucose-containing glycopeptides. In both cases, the distribution of the glycopeptides was similar to that obtained when the whole nuclei were analyzed by the same procedure (Figures l a and 2). Comparison of the Triton Extracts of Nuclei with the Trypsinates. A comparison of the Triton extract of the nuclei from the virus-transformed cells with the material removed from the cell surface (trypsinate) of the nontransformed cells, as well as a comparison of the Triton extract of nuclei of BHK21/Cla cells with the trypsinate from are shown in Figure 4a,b. As a reference the pattern obtained with the trypsinates from both cell lines can be seen in Figure lb. With both cell lines, the distribution of glucosamine-containing glycopeptides of the nuclei was different from that found in the material removed from the cell surface (trypsinate). Glucosamine-containing glycopeptides which eluted less rapidly from the Sephadex gel (fractions 43-53) were more abundant in the patterns obtained from the Triton extracts of nuclei than in the trypsinates (Figures 4 and 1). However, the glycopeptides which eluted more rapidly from Sephadex G-50 were always observed to a greater extent in the virus-transformed cells than in the nontransformed cells, whether comparing the nuclei, Triton extracts of nuclei, or the trypsinates. Fucose-Containing Glycopeptides in Other Fractions of' the Cells. Ribosomes were isolated from radioactive BHKZ1/C13 and cells after removal of the surface membranes and nuclei. The ribosomal fractions contained less than 0.4% of the total radioactivity of the cell. The distribution on Sephadex G-50 of this radioactivity as fucose-containing glycopeptides from the ribosomal preparations is shown in Figure 5a. Although the glycopeptides appear as a heterogeneous population, the pattern showing this distribution was reproducible. Reversal of the radioactive labels gave the same result. More than 50% of the total radioactivity found in the riboB I O C H E M I S T R Y , VOL.



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TABLE 11: Distribution of

Radioactivity in the Cell Fractions. L-Fucose (3H or Percentage of the Whole Cells



A .




Surface membranes Trypsinates Nuclei Ribosomal Soluble materialc

19.2 26.2 4.6 0.3 1.5

20.5 22.0 5.5 0.5 1.7

a Preparation of the fractions is described in Materials and Methods. Average of four determinations. Precipitated with trichloroacetic acid.


a Fraction Number




without neuraminidase but incubated in a similar manner, was subtracted from the amount released in the presence of neuraminidase. The amount of sialic acid per nucleus can be calculated if an assumption is made that the radioactivity released in the presence of added neuraminidase represented sialic acid. BHK21/C1,and CI3/BI cells contain 1.5 X and 3.5 X 10-9 wmol of sialic acid per cell, respectively (Buck et al., 1971). The percentage of the radioactivity of the total cell which is found in the nucleus from BHK&13 and C1)/B4 cells is 8 and 3 respectively; 8 and 9 % of this radioactivity is released by neuraminidase representing 9.6 X lo-'* pmol of wmol of sialic acid per BHKB1/CI3nucleus and 9.0 X sialic acid per C13/B4 nucleus.


Fmction Nwnber FIGURE 3 : Chromatography on

Sephadex G-50 of Pronase digests of glycopeptides extracted by Triton X-100 from nuclei. The Triton extracts of nuclei from BHK2,/C13( 0 )and Cl3/B?(0)cells grown in the presence of (a) D-[~H]or [14C]glucosamineand (b) L-[~H]or [14C]fucosewere compared. All procedures are described in Materials and Methods, BD, fractions in which Blue Dextran was eluted. @R,fractions in which Phenol Red was eluted.

somes from the BHK&13 cells was recovered as slow eluting material (fractions 60-75) from Sephadex G-50 column. Fucose-containing glycopeptides recovered from the ribosomal washes showed patterns similar to those obtained from the trypsinates or nuclei (Figure 5b). The material which was precipitated with trichloroacetic acid from the soluble fractions of both cell lines showed a distribution of fucose-containing glycopeptides similar to the corresponding trypsinates or nuclei (Figure 5c). That is, the glycopeptides which eluted more rapidly from Sephadex G-50 were more abundant in the transformed cells than in the nontransformed cells. Only