Gmelins Handbuch der Anorganischen Chemie ... - ACS Publications

Organos Silicon Compounds. Edited by the Gmelin Institute under the direction of E. H. E. Pietsch. 8th ed. Verlag Chemie, GmbH, Weinheim/. Bergstr., 1...
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Ion Exchange.

A Laboratory Manual

J. E. Salmon, Batterma College of Technology, and D. K. Hale, National Chemical Laboratory, Teddington. Butterwortha Scientific Publications. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 136 pp. 33 figs., 5 tables. 1959. vii 15 X 22 cm. $5,


This is a short practical textbook with a n account of the fundamental principles of ion exchange and detailed procedures for several illustrat,ive examples. Both theory and practice are a t a level that can be understood and used by superior high school students or beginning college students. It is intended primarily as a teaching aid, and presumably covers the order of a month's work st the elementary level. The introduction covers the history of the method. the nature of ion exchanee ma-

synthesizing several types of resins from commercially available starting materials. A far more useful feature is a detailed table of commercial resins with names, designations, properties, and manufacturers. Another useful table lista equivalent resins which may be substituted for each other. A chapter on properties treats the swelling phenomenon, penetration, equilibria, factors whichdeterminedistribution, orders of affinity in groups of ions, and includes a simplified discussion of kinetics. Column behavior and chromatogra~hy are discussed in the next chapter, which ineludes "hrenk-through," "sharpening" versus "diffusing" boundaries; frontal, displacement and elution techniques, and the theoretical plate concept. A few simple formulae are given, hut no derivations. The experimental part is preceded by some useful general techniques for setting up columns, maintaining and adjusting flow rates, fraction cutters, etc. Detailed, easy-to-fallow directions are given to illustrate the theory oavered: preparation of washed, air dried resin; detennination of resin capacity and rate of ex: change; conversion ot resin from one form to another; break-through capacity of a oolumn: reeeneration of a column: de-

water; separation of iron and copper; and the behavior of cupric and ferric complexes. Conclusions are given at the end of each experiment pointing out the implications of the results. Literature references follow each chapter and a list of recent monographs is given a t the end. In general the text is well written, accurate and free from misprints. This revie~er'scriticisms are minor: directions for synthesizing resins seem out of place with the otherwise elementary scope, the terms "Type I" and "Type 11" resins are used several times but never defined clearly, and on page 88 it is suggested that copper can be determined by titration with thiosulfate. In view of the otherwise very specific instructions, this latter suggestion needs amplification.



Journal of Chernicol Education

The book can be recommended as an excellent introduction to ion exohctnge. Its non-mathematical approach will please some and will stimulate others to pursue more advanced works.

L. PECSOK ROBERT University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, Calif.

Gmelins Hmndbuch der Anorganirchen Chemie. Special Volume: Alphabetic Series to Systematic Subject Index Edited by the Gmelin Institute. 8th ed. Verlag Chemie, GmbH, Weinheim/Bergstr., 1959. 109 pp. 17.5 X 25 cm. Paperbound. $7; cloth bound, $8.50. The "Alphabetic Series," with bilingual test in Gennan and English, is a supplement to the "Systematic Subject Index." The classification terms in the alphabetic are series carry code numbers-which likewise listed in the "Systematic Subject Indexn-so that the location of a. concept within the proper group in the system can be established. The alphabetio series contains aver 50% more terms than the systemt~ticindex.

Gmelinr Hmndbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. System 15: Silicon, Pad C, Organor Silicon Compounds Editod by the Gmelin Institute under the direction of E. If. E. Pielseh. 8th ed. Verlag Chemie, GmbH, Weinheim/ 501 pp. 41 figs. Bergstr., 1959. xii 156 tables. 17.5 X 25 cm. $67.44.


The Gmelin Silicon C volume deals with the chemistry of the non-mineral eompounds of silicon, sometimes called the organosilicon compounds. The surge of new literature concerning these compounds has been prompted by the increase in industrial applications for silicones. -The preparation and properties of silicon-hydrogen compounds forms the main portion of the Silicon C volume. These compounds itre arranged according to the following groups: Tetrsalkyl-, alkylhydrogen-, halogeno-, thio-, amino-, and alkoxy-silanes, silanoles, siloxanes, and silicie acid esters. More than 3000 compounds are either separately described or their characteristics summarized by groups in table form. An added feature of this volume is the presentation of special manufacturing problems and of the chemical and physical properties which me important for industrial use of silicones. Applications for silicones in oils, pastes, greases, resins, and rubbers me discussed. Although all German headings and subheadings are accompanied by English translations, no English subject index is included.

R. WILLIAMS THEODORE The College of Woostw Wooster, Ohio

Gmelins Handbuch der Anorganirchen Chemie. System 5. Fluorine Supplement Edited by the Gmelin Institute under the direction of E. X. E. Pietsch. 8th ed. Verlag Chemie, GmbH, Wein258 pp. heim/Bergstr., 1959. xviii 31 figs. 17.5 X 25 em. $36.


The increase in the new knowledge of fluorine chemistry during the years 1926 to 1949 is evidenred by the size of the supplement to the fluorme volume. The main volume comprised only 86 pages as compared with the 258 pages in the addendum. This volume deals with the compounds that fluorine forms with nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. The chapter devoted to the occurrence of fluorine contains a detailed review of the numerous fluorine content determinations of minerals, water, and biological suhstances. Dental applications of fluorine chemistry have led to extensive investigations in this field. A chapter is devoted to the manufacture of fluorine by electrolytic means. Details of the most important method of preparation of hydrofluoric acid by the decamposition of fluorite are given. The lahhoratory preparations of fluorine compounds are discussed. A chapter on Toxicity deals with the hazards in handling fluorine and fluorine compounds, and safety requirements. The physical properties of fluorine, hvdrofluorie acid, and other com~ounds &e thoroughly re&ewed. The use of anhydrous H F as a solvent and its reaction with organic compounds is described and detailed accounts of the chemical reactions of fluorine and hydrofluoric acid are given. Special analytical methods are presented in the chapter dealing with detection and determination. The compounds of fluorine with nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen are thoroughly reviewed. The innowtion of a German-English table of contents enhances the acceesibility of the information contained in the volume. THEODORE R. WILLIAMS Th,e College of Woosler Wooster. Ohio

Thaorelical Organic Chemistry Proceedings and Discussions of the KekuM Symposium, London, September 15-17, 1958. IUPAC. Butterworths Publications, Ltd., London, 1959. Sole USA distributors. Academic 298 Press Inc., New York. xvii pp. Figs. and tables. 15 X 22 em. $9.50.


This volume represents the full proceedings of the Kekul6 Symposium on Theoretical Organic Chemistry held in London in September, 1958, under the aus~icesof The Chemical Societv and h l ! . 'I'hr 10 p:j;lm are 8,onrrrnrd with rrrurrurr :.wl chcrnlml l.onding, nnd elwrmphiliv, utxlwphiliv, . ~ n dhomolytic reactions. These papers provide an excellent review of modern ldeas in aromatic (Cmlinued on page A1741

BOOK REVIEWS chemistry, and in most cases new data is presented. It ir a book which should be extremely useful to any teacher anxious to enliven his lectures on aromatic character with examples of current research. The hook properly begins with a brief but excellent biography of A u p s t Kekul6 written by Peter Verkade. This is followed by a thought provoking srticle by Linus Pauling on aromatic bonds. His suggestion that the modern sigma-pi description of unsaturated bonds is less satisfactory than che older bent-bond ideas will attract the rebel in college students, and should provide excellent material

for organic seminars. Chapters on The Ground State of Some r-Electron Systems by Lonquet-Higgins, Aromatic Character by D. P. Craig, Stabilization Energies and Strain Energies by Heats of Hydrogenation by R. B. Turner, and Molecular Geometry and Steric Deformation by C. A. Coulson, should aid the student in putting the Hiickel rule in its proper perspective, and provide some interesting areas of uncertainty open to investigation. Doering provides a nice summary of the non-benzenoid cyclic 6r-electron systems of cyclopentadienide and eycloheptatrienylium ionsin his chapter on Tropylium and Related Molecules. Modern problems of aromatic substitution are discussed from several angles. J. F.

Bunnett relates Nucleophilie Substitution a t Unsaturated Centers to aromatic nucleophilio substitution, while R. Huisgen summarizes recent work on the benayne intermediate in Recent Developments in the Elimination Mechanism of Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution. Nitration by E. D. Hughes and Some Recent Studies of Reactivity and Orientation in Aromatic Halogen Substitution by Peter de'la Mare cover the area, of electrophilic substitution. New work on Hydrolysis of Diaryliodonium Sslts is reported by J. D. Roberts and co-workers, and by 0.A. Reutow (in German) in Polare Faktoren in der Zerseteungsreaction unsymmetrisoher Jodoniumsalze. Aromatic Rearrangement is discussed by M. J. S. Dewar, and radical reactions are considered in chapters by D. H. Hey (Homolytio Substitution Reactions in the Naphthalene Series) and M. Sswarc and J. H. Binks (The Behavior of Radicals in Addition and Abstraction Reactions). The remaining chapters deal with special areas of current interest not so closely related to aromatic chemistry. These are Some Recent Progress in Conformational Analysis by D. H. Barton, Frrtgmentation in Salvoly~is Reaotions by C. A. Grob, Nucleophilic Octahedral Substitution by C . K. Ingold, and Quasiheterolytic Reactions in the Gas Phase by Alan Maccoll. I found myself making frequent changes and improvements in my lecture nates on aromatic chemistry as I read these srimulating chapters. The book is a valuable monograph which will likely have to he kept on the reserve shelf. E. CAMPAIGNE Indiana University Bloornzngton The Structure of Electrolytic Solutions

Edited by Walter J . Hamer, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New 441 pp. Figs. and York, 1959 xii tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $18.50.


This book is a collection of the papers presented at an International Symposium on Eleotrolytes sponsored by the Theoretical Division of the Electrochemical Society and the National Science Foundation and held at Washington, D. C., during May, 10x7

This reviewer attended the symposium and can attest to its excellence both as to the quality of the papers and the contributors and to the organization of the meeting in general. The meeting was truly international in character and the list of contributors eontsins the names of many of the outstanding scientists in the electmlytic field today. Perhaps the most outstanding feature of the book is the scoDe of the material Dresented. The topics covered range f&rn dilute solutions, through concentrated solutions and fused salts to ionic crystals. Besides aqueous solutions, various data. for non-aqueous and solvent mixtures are discussed. As the title suggests, the problems of structure are emphasized along with mechanism. In many cases (Continued a page Ai76)



Journol o f Chemical Education