Gold Gets Role in Outer Space - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - RADIOACTIVE isotopes as a source of electric power in space vehicles have been pushed forward again. General Electric engineers at the ...
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company scientists at Yallecitos -were interested primarily in proving thai* the MVàtein would work, they did not design for optimum capture of heat; there-fore, they do not know exactly how cHrWient their system is. That is why they re?port efficiency as V ( of the heat captnrcnl by the converter. For use in space, Naymark says „ GE would use isotopes with longer lives than gold-198and 199-cerium-14-4. for example. By designing the wholt? system lor optimum use of heat anc3 improving the thermionic converter itself, GE hopes to bring the efficiency *ip to the 1 0 ' , level. This will take Λ few years. U p to now, GE ha.s been using company money for this devclopiment.


Cancer Studies Continue Tobacco Industry Research Committee studies pos-sible role of tobacco in disease General Electric engineers Mark Lyons and Sherman Naymark show relation of components of nuclear thermionic converter to a scale model of a satellite. Satellite model shows radio transmitter ( inside ) and radiator used to dissi­ p a t e excess heat ( o u t s i d e ) . I n Naymark s hand, are converter and gold strips

Gold Gets Role in Outer Space G e n e r a l Electric uses h e a t f r o m r a d i o i s o t o p e s t o fuel its t h e r m i o n i c c o n v e r t e r RADIOACTIVE isotopes as a source of electric power in space vehicles have been pushed forward again. General Electric engineers at the Yallecitos lab­ oratory have suecessfuHy obtained power from a thermionic converter us­ ing a radioactive isotope as a source of heat (C&EX, F e b . 2, page 1 9 ) . Just a few weeks ago. President Eisenhower unveiled a similar device made by Mar­ tin Co., which uses thermocouples and isotopes. These miniature power plants have two advantages which make them use­ ful in space vehicles—they have a high ratio of power to weight, and they have a long life. G E now has proved that its system will work at high tempera­ tures ( u p to 1700° F . at the hot side. OVW

Γ . Oil LJltr KSUUI r > n - i v / . iU a


and under gamma irradiation—conditions to be met in outer space. Efficiencies obtained so far are rela52





tively low. GE engineer Sherman Naymark estimates that the thermionic wafer used at Yallecitos converted about A'.'f of the heat it received to electricity. In a few years, he feels, efficiency can be upped to about 10'