Full details, including the latest Tech Book Bulletins, are yours by writing Goodyear, Chemical Division, Dept. P-9420, Akron 16, Ohio. GOOD Y E A R. ...
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— as used Ιο moke belter (ruck gaskets at Rogers Corporation, Rogers, Conn.

How to get the best out of a s b e s t o s - w i t h CHEMIGUM LATEX! The trick w a s to make a truck transmission gasket having maximum resistance to oil at elevated temper­ atures plus the strength, compressibility and uniform thickness needed for top sealability. Nothing else worked, until this manufacturer tried fiber-by-fiber saturation of asbestos through the beater addition of C H E M I G U M LATEX.

CHEMIGUM LATEX w a s chosen for its outstanding oil resistance plus ease and thoroughness of incorpora­

tion, mechanical stability and good physical proper­ ties. Asbestos was used because of its dimensional stability and freedom from warpage. Beater addition was used to get the most out of both materials and obtain a homogeneous sheet of closely controlled thickness.

How can


help your product? Full

details, including the latest Tech Book Bulletins, are yours by writing Goodyear, Chemical Division, Dept. P-9420, Akron 16, Ohio.

GOOD Y E A R CHEMICAL DIVISION Chcmlffum — T. M. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio Circle No. IS on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 5 2 , NO. 4 ·

APRIL 1960
