Gordon Research Conferences

reserved on the bureau's grounds forprivate cars. Gordon Research Conferences. 1951 Gordon Research Conferences, sponsored by the. American Associatio...
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A guided tour of selected laboratories is planned for members of the Society and their guests on Thursday, June 14, to begin a t 2 P . V . Those members who wish to visit laboratories that are not on the guided tour can arrange for this when they arrive a t the burmu. Headquarters for all ACS visitors will be Room 214 Chemistry Building (Chemistry Lecture Room). The guided tour will include such activities as standards of

length and mass, the production and analysis of standard samples, micronave spectroscopy, the omegatron, and the determination of the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton. The tour will end at 5 p . x . at a tea to be held a t the residence of the director, Edward C. Condon, which is located on the bureau’s grounds. The bureau is located about 5 minutes’ distance by taxi from the Shoreham Hotel. A limited numbei of parking spaces J\ ill be reserved on the bureau’s grounds for privnte cars.

Gordon Research Conferences 1951 Gordon Research Conferences, sponsored by the hmerican Association for the Advancement of Science, are to be held from June 18 to August 31 at Colby Junior College, Kew London, K.H., and New Hampton School, Yew Hampton, K. H. Those interested in attending the Conferences should send their names immediately to IT-. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, 1-niversity of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. 1. The program includes sessions of especial iut erest to analytical CliPinists. r THE

At Colby Junior College INSTRUMENTATION

H. W.WASHBT-RX, Chairmarl HOWARD C ~ R Y\-ice , Chairman July 30 Zasm Recent Advances in Infrared Instrumentation. I\-ILLIAMs. 3Iicrospectrophotometry. R. C. ~ I E L L O R ~ . Interference Filter Spectroscopy. ERC-CE BILLISGS. July 31 Refractometry. J. it-.FORREST. Inqtrument Art and Experimental Science. ,JOHS STRONG. llagnetic Amplifiers. G. \I-.Don ss. .2ugust 1 llagnetic lIeasurenients i n Physical Chpnii-try. 1’. jr-. SELWOOD. In>trumentation Research at the Bureau of Standards. I\-. .\, WILDHACK. Process Control Instrumentation. E. C. 1Irr.r.ER. August 2 Mass Spectrometry of Solids. JOHX HIP PI.^. Automatic Mass Spectrometer Process Conti 01. 1Iazs Spectrometer for Aqueous Samples August 3 llicrowave Refractometry. Seutron Spectro;copy.


Statistics in Laboratory Experimention Divussion. \I7. J. YOL-DEN. Prohlems in Spectrochemical Analysis. B. F. SCRIBNER. 1-w ot Ranks in Latin Square Designs. FRANK WILCOXOX. July 26. Statistics in Laboratory Experimentation (continued) I’rwiiion Reference Temperatures. J. I. ~ ~ I X O R . Select ion of Economic Precision Limits for Laboratory Tests. I , o r ~ sTAXSER. Statistics in Industrial Research Diwussion. K. H. XOEL. Resolution of Interactions in Chemical Experimentation. W.I,. GORE. . Utility of Variance -4nalysis. A. K. IGMBALL, JR. July 27. Statistics in Industrial Research (continued) Role of Statistics in Increasing Productivitv of Industrial Rebearch. C. A. Bicking. o Subject to be announced. I