Government needs more scientists - Journal of Chemical Education

Government needs more scientists. J. Chem. Educ. , 1942, 19 (2), p 60. DOI: 10.1021/ed019p60. Publication Date: February 1942. Note: In lieu of an abs...
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the original was owned by le Duc d'Or1eans and that unlike most paintings of this type and age there is no daaander in the picture. The title page of the second edition of Glass's trmtise places him as an ordinary apothecary to the king and to the duke. Van Mierls died in 1681 so the subject could not have been Such a law was not passed in England until about one Guillaume Homberg who became apothecary to the hundred years later. duke about 1702. The writer is hazarding the guess that it was done by order of le Due d'Orleafls and is a paintitlg of the laboratory in the faubourg St. Germaiu with the old chemist Christopher Glasex looking down into apot of "Sel Polychreste." The author wishes to thank the following for their courteous &tame: the Tulane Graduate School'for money for photostats; Profess01 Lionel Durel of the Department of French, Newcomb College; Mrs. Simons of the Lloyd Library in Cincinnati; Cotinne Mr. W. B. MeDaniel, 2nd, of the Library of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia; Miss Eva Annstrong of the Edgar Fahs Smith Memotial Collection in the University of Pennsylvania; Professor George %on of Hamard University; and the statI of the Hmard CollegeLibrary. "to keep them in a safe place to which they. themselves, have the key; to keep s particular regist& in which shaU he recmded the kind of remedy sold, in what form the minwlwas sold, the names of those to whom it was sold, the quantity sold; to record in this register at the ens of each year the a m a t of each poisonous mineral that remained on hand" (14).


vol. 1,P. d y .

~ Q ~ W "B%BliOtkeca N , ckcmico," Maelehom and So-w, lwci, Vol. l,p. 321. 'A cQnvse pf chymistty," translated from the 5tl tB

is,* cwq-in the Hsrvard Library. (9) B ~ m & 4 m"A new met$& of chemistrp," translated b! P&IBP h w ,3rd ed, Loqkmans. London, 1753, p. 47. (7) ROE^ '%istoire de la chimie," Didot h k .Park 1869, Vol. 11, p. 282. (8) Bouvm. "Histoire de la uharmacie en France." Edition Occitania, Paris, 1937, p. 88. Lwmmw, "Die Oesehichte des Wismuts." Springer, Ber a

In the Januarg, 1941, number of Industrial and En-

gineering Chamistry appeared No. 121 of the Berolz-

heimer Alchemical and Historical Reproductions. It is a copy of an engraving of a painting, "Le Chimiste," by Franz van Mieris. Mr. Berolzheimer states that

GOVERNMENT NEEDS MORE SCIENTISTS IN AN effort to meet the inaeasing needs of the defense pr6gram for scienti!ically trained men and women, the Federal Civll Swice Colnmission has reannouneed, with mMiified requirements, three of its examinatiw for scientists. The rea~nounced examinations are those for Anslytical and &search Chemist, Explosives Chemist, and Chemical Engineer positions, with salaries in each field rangingfrom $2603 to $6800 a year. For all, appropriate college study and experience are required. For analytical and researchchemists (Ann~~lltcement 185) any specialized branch of chemistry is included. In chemical engineering there is a shortage of qualified people in plant layout, equipment design, market analysis, chemical economics, heavy chemicals, plastics, rubber, agricultural byproducts and stnrtegkc minerals. Applicants may now substi-


tuti college teaching in chemical engineering or chemist7 for pai-t of the prescribed experience. Over 100 explosives chemists are tleeded. In this examination the tern "exp1aSnes chemistry" isinterpreted to mean ''research, developmen& or production work on explosives, or materials which require for their preparation and handling, methods, technics, and precautionary measures similar to t h e used for explosives." The age limit has been raised to 60 years, for regular probational appointment. Provision is also made for the waiver of age and physical requirements for temporary positions. The annoupcements and application forms may be obtained a t any &stor sffond-class past 05ce or from the Civil %-vice Commisdon in Washington, D. C. aualified persona are urged to apply at once.