Government Publication - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Government Publication. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1926, 18 (10), pp 1098–1098. DOI: 10.1021/ie50202a040. Publication Date: October 1926. ACS Legacy Archive...
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T'ol. 18, No. 10

G O V E R N M E N T PUBLICATIONS Notice-Publications for which price i s tndicated can be purchased f r o m the Supnintendent of Documenlo, Gosernment Printing Ofice, Washington, D. C . Other Qublications can usually be supplied from the Bureau or Department from which they originate.

and mode of occurrence of potash deposits in United States, and to conduct laboratory tests. Public 424. 2 pp. Approved June 25, 1926.

Department of Agriculture

Chloropicrin. A Bibliography with Special Reference to the Use of ChloroBureau of Fisheries picrin as an Insecticide (1848 t o 1925). R. C. ROARK. Chemistry Bibliography 1. 73 pp. Nutritive Value of Fish and Shellfish. A4ppendixX to the Report of the Cocoa By-products and Their Utilization as Fertilizer Materials. G. P. U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1925. Document 1000. 52 pp. WALTONA K D R. F. GARDNER.Department Bulletin 1413. 44 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Paper, 10 cents. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Commercial Bordeaux Mixtures: How to Calculate Their Values. ERRETT Commercial and Industrial Organizations of the United States. Revised WALLACE A N D L. H. EVANS. Farmers' Bulletin 994. 9 pp. Edition, June 1, 1926. Domestic Commerce Series 5. 191 pp, Cloth, Direct Synthetic Ammonia Plan. 2 pp, 60 cents. Distribution of Volatile Flavor in Grapes and Grape Juices. J. W. SALE Paper and Paper Products in Central America Based on Reports Submitted A N D J. B. WILSON. Journal of Agricultural Research, 33 (August 15,1926), by Consular Officers of the Department of State. J. W. VANDER LAAN. 301-10. Trade Information Bulletin 414. 22 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Fertilizer Experiments with Alfalfa Conducted at Yuma Field Station, Bard, United States Trade with the British Empire in Hides, Skins, and Leather. Calif. H. L. WESTOVER A N D E. G. NOBLE. Department Bulletin 1418. J. SCHNITZER.Trade Information Bulletin 422. 38 pp. Paper, 10 11 pp. Paper, 5 cents. cents. Inoculation of Legumes and Nonlegumes with Nitrogen-Fixing and Other Bacteria. F. LOHNIS A N D L. T. LEONARD.Farmers' Bulletin 1496. Bureau of Labor Statistics 28 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Phosphorus Necrosis in the Manufacture of Fireworks and in the Preparation Insecticidal Value of Certain War Chemicals as Tested on the Tent Caterof Phosphorus. E. F. WARD. Bulletin 405. 44 pp. Paper, 15 cents. Piliar. F. J. BRIXLEY. Journal of Agriculfurol Research, 33 (July 15, Safety Code for Paper and Pulp Mills, National Safety Council, Sponsor. 1926), 177-82. Tentative American Standard, Approved December 8, 1925, American Laboratory Experiments with Arsenicals in the Control of the Codling Moth. Engineering Standards Committee. Bulletin 410. 37 pp. Paper, 15 E. J. NEWCOMER.Journal of Agricultural Research, 33 (August 15, cents. 1926), 317-30. Bureau of Mines Relation of Kernel Texture to the Physical Characteristics, Milling and BakAccidents in the California Petroleum Industry in 1923. H. C. MILLER ing Qualities, and Chemical Composition of Wheat. J. H. SHOLLENA N D C. E. STEIDEL.Technical Paper 382. 30 pp, Paper, 5 cents. BERGER ANn D. A. COLEMAN.Department Bulletin 1420. 16 pp. Paper, 5 cents. A N D B. W. BAGLEY. Mineral Resources Cement in 1924. E. F. BURCHARD Soil Productivity as Affected by Crop Rotation. W. W. WEIR, Farmers' of the United Slates, 1924. Part 11, pp. 347-83. Published August 19, Bulletin 1475. 22 pp, Paper, 5 cents. 1926. Paper, 5 cents. The Importance of Clearing the Hydrolyzed Solution in the Determination Fluorspar and Cryolite in 1925. H. W. DAVIS. Mineral Resources of the of Acid-Hydrolyzable Carbohydrates in Green Plant Tissue. V. H. Gnited Slates, 1925. Part 11,pp. 7-24. Paper, 5 cents. MORRISA N D F. A. W'ALTON. Journal of Agricultural Research, 33 (July Fourteenth Semi-Annual Motor Gasoline Survey. E. C. LANE,J. M. DE15, 1926) 195-9. VINE, AND PETERGRANDONE. Reports of Inz'estigations 2765. 2 pp. Gold and Silver in 1924. (General Report.) J. P. DUXLOP. Mineral Geological Survey Resources of the United States, 1924. Part I, pp. 503-40. Published Contributions to Economic Geology (Short Papers and Preliminary Reports) August 14, 1926. Paper, 10 cents. 1925. Part I-Metals and Nonmetals except Fuels. G. F. LOUGHI,IN Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in Nevada in 1924. Mines Report. A N D G. R. MANSFIELD. Bulletin 780. 167 pp. Paper, 40 cents. V. C. HEIKES. Mineral Resources of the Cnited States, 1924. Part I, Geology and Oil and Coal Resources of the Oregon Basin, Meeteetse, and pp. 419-50. Paper, 5 cents. Grass Creek Basin Quadrangles, Wyoming. D. F. HEWETT. Pro Manufacture of Lime from Small Stone with a Sintering Machine. W. 11, fessional Paper 145. 111 pp. Paper, $1.00. MYERS. Reports of Investigations 2762. 16 pp. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Ducktown Mining District, Tennessee. Metal-Mine Accidents in the United States during the Calendar Year 1924. W. H. EMMONS A N D F. B. LANEY with the active collaboration of ARTHUR W. W. ADAMS. Bulletin 264. 98 pp. Paper, 15 cents. KEITH. Professional Paper 139. 114 pp. Paper, 65 cents. Procedure for Testing Explosives Used in Metal Mines, Tunnels, Quarries, Mineral Investigations in Southeastern Alaska. A. F. BUDDINGTON. and Other Engineering Operations, with Test Requirements and Schedule Bulletin 783-B. 62 pp. of Fees. Schedule 1B. 3 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Mineral Resources of the United States in 1925 (Preliminary Summary). Recent Progress in Slate Technology. OLIVERBOWLES. Reports of I n J. KATZ. Statistics assembled by MARTHAB. Introduction by FRANK vestigations 2766. 9 pp. CLARK. 120 pp. Paper, 20 cents. The Movement of Oil through the Panama Canal. G. R. HOPKINS. CirThe Nixon Fork Country and Silver-Lead Prospects near Ruby. JOHNS. cular 6011. 10 pp. BROWN. Bulletin 783-D. 54 pp.

Bureau of Standards

Ordnance Department

Action of Sodium Sulfate in Synthetic Tanning Materials. EDWARD Notes on Selection and Use of Metals in Ordnance Design. Part IVWOLESENSKY.Technologic Paper 317. 16 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Wrought Nonferrous Metals. Addendum t o Doc. 2050. 6 py. A Review of the Literature Relating to the Normal Densities of Gases. 37 pp. hl. S. BLANCHARD A N D S. F. PICKBRING. Scientific Paper 529. Public Health Service Paper, 15 cents. A National Program for the Unification of Milk Control. I;. C. FRANK. Elimination of Waste. Package Sizes for Insecticides and Fungicides. Public Health Reports, 41 (July 30, 1926), 1583-1616. Simplified Practice Recommendation 41. 1pp. Paper, 5 cents. Benzol Poisoning as an Industrial Hazard. Review of Studies Conducted Endurance Tests of Tires. W. L. HOLT A N D P. L. WORMELEY. Techin Cosperation with the Subcommittee on Benzol of the Committee o n nologic Paper 318. 7 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Industrial Poisoning of Nat,ional Safety Council. LEONARD GREENBURG. Short Tests for Sets of Laboratory Weights. A. T. PIENKOWSKY.Scientific Parts I11 to V. Public Health Reports, 41 (July 9, 1926), 1410-31. Paper 527. 29 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Parts VI to VIII. Public Health Repor:s, 41 (July 23, 1926), 1516-39. Illinois Adopts Regulations Regarding Zinc Stearate Containers. Public Bureau of the Census Health Reports, 41 (July 16, 1926), 1480-1. Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils, Production, Consumption, Imports, The Influence of Vitamin Deficiencies on Susceptibility to Certain Poisons. Exports, and Stocks by Quarters, Calendar Years '1924 and 1925. W. L. M. I. SMITH, W. T. MCCLOSKY,A N D E. G. HEBDRICK. Reprint 1071 AUSTINAND H. J. ZIMMERMAN.16 pp. Paper, 5 cents. from Public Heallh Reports. 14 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Congress The So-called Action of Acid Sodium Phosphate in Delaying the Onset of Fatigue. F. B. FLINN. Pub!ic Health Reports, 41 (July 16, 1926), 1463Potash. S. 1821, Act authorizing investigations by Secretary of the Inis. terior and Secretary of Commerce jointly t o determine location, extent,