Government Publications - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Nov 5, 2010 - 68 pages. 25 cents. Chemical Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Simple Inorganic Compounds and Aqueous Solutions. MDDC 303 . 11 pages...
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DEAN. Report of Divestigatioits 4331. 8 pages. Ignition Qualities of Hydrocarbons in the Diesel-Fuel Boiling Range. A. D . PLTCKETT and Β. Η . CAUDLE. Reports of Investigations 7474- 14 pages.


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OLLAR. Report of Investigation 4265. 92 pages. Investigation of Arkansas Bauxite: Vol. XVI. Deposits in Ν ^ A T . 2 S R 14 W . M . C. MALAMPHY, G. K. DALE, T. M. ROMSLO, A. I I . REED, J R . , a n d Λ. OLLAR. Report of

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A. OLIAH. Report of Investigations 4^68. 121 pages. Investigation of Crescent Lead and Zinc Mine, Iowa County, Wis. M. H. BERLINER. Report of Investigations 4317. 6 pages. Investigation of Critchfield Manganese Deposit, Huntingdon County, Pa. W. H. KERNS a»xid R . S. SANFORD.

Report of In-

vestigations 4826. 7 pages. Investigation of Dempsey Zinc-Lead Mine, Washington County, M o . W . D. M C M I L LAN,







Report of Investigations 4382. 16 pages. Investigation of Dubois Fluorite Property, Hardin County, 111. A. S . SWANSON. Report of Investigations 431Ô. 7 pages. Investigation at Fairplay Zinc a n d Lead Area, Grant County, Wise. J. V. KELLY. Report of Investigations 4327. 5 pages. Investigation of Krueger Zinc Deposit, Washington County, Mo. H. J. BALLINGER. Report of Investigation 4292. 49 pages. Investigation of Louise Chromite Deposits, Troup County, Ga. T. J . BALLARD. Report of I nv&tti gat ion 4311. 24 pages. Investigation of Ore Hill Zinc-Lead Mine, Graf ton County, Ν. Η . Η . P. HEHN-ANCE and M C H E N R T MOSIER.

Report of Investigations

4328. 13 pages. Investigation of Hound Mountain Man­ ganese Properties, Bland. County, Va. M . H. KLINE a^xid A. F . ROBERTSON.

Report of

Investigation 4342. 9 pages. Light-Petals Industries in China. KLELMIAVNS.

R . E.

Supplement to vol. 25, N o . 2,

Mineral T r a d e Notes. Mineral Trade Notes, Special Supplement 24- IS pages. Recovery of Lithium from I t s Various Ores and Salts.

J . B. CUNNINGHAM a n d C. H.

GORSKI. Report of Investigations 4321. 35 pages. Survey of Commercial Aviation Gasoline Characteristics, July 1947, Production. W. C. HOIII-IMAN, M. G. B A R K E R , a n d NANCY

POTTS. Report of Investigations 4^53. 16 pages. Tungsten Report 12; Tungsten in 4th Quarter 1946. Mineral Industry Surveys. 3 pages.