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Marketing of Gypsum Products. R. M. S.+s'r>%yERs. Circirlu 6157. 26. PP. Method and Cost of Mining at Barr Mine, Tri-State Zinc and Lead District,. 0...
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Vol. 21, Fo. 11

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Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce The French Chemical Industry and Trade in 1928. D. J . R E A Information Bullelin 652. 41 pp. Paper, 10 cents.

Bureau of Mines Carbon Black in 1928. G. R . HOPKINS A N D H . BACKUS. J l i u e r a l Resources of the L'niled Slates, 1928. Part 11, pp, 31-35. Coal-Washing Investigations. Methods and Tests. H. F . YANCEYA N D THOMAS FRASER. Bulletin 300. 259 pp. Paper, 50 cents. Consumption of Tin in the United States during 1928. J. B. VXH.\C. Circular 6165. 8 pp. Fuller's Earth in 1928. JEFFERSONhlIDDLETos. Mineral Resouvres OJ the Uniled Slates, 1928. P a r t 11, pp. 37-40. Paper, 5 cents. Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in Utah in 1927. Mine Report. C. K. GERRY. Mineral Resources of lhe United Slalrs, 1927. Part I, pp. 63776. Paper, 10 cents. Gypsum: I t s Uses a n d Preparation. R . M. SANTMYERS. C'irrdar 6163. 27 pp. Marketing of Gypsum Products. R . M. S.+s'r>%yERs.C i r c i r l u 6157. 26 PP. Method and Cost of Mining at Barr Mine, Tri-State Zinc and Lead District, 0. W. KEENER. Circular 6159. 9 pp. Method and Cost of Mining a t No. 8 Mine, St. Louis Smelting and Refining Company, Southeast Missouri District. R. H. POSTON. Cirririar 6160. 22 pp. Method and Cost of Mining Zinc and Lead a t No. 3 Mine, Tri-State District, Crestline, Kansas. W. F. NETZEBAND.Circular 6174. 10 pp, Methods of Mining Disseminated Lead Ore a t a Mine in the Southeast Missouri District. C. P.JACKSON.Circular 6170. 21 pp. Mineral Resources of the United States in 1928. (Preliminary Summary.) Introduction by F R A N KJ. KATZ. Statistics assembled by h l . B. C L A R K . 116 pp. Paper, 20 cents. Mining Methods and Costs a t the Magma Mine, Superior, Ariz. E.'. IT. SNOW. Circular 6168. 32 pp. Mining Practice and Methods a t Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co., Inspiration, Ariz. A. C. STODDARD.Circular 6169. 23 pp. Mining Practice at Ray Mines, Nevada Consolidated Copper Co., Ray, Ariz. R . W. THOMAS. Circular 6167. 27 pp. Mining Soft Hematite a t Mine No. 2 of the Marquette Range, Michigan. LUCIENEATON.Circular 6179. 15 pp. Mining Soft Hematite by Open Stopes a t Mine No. 1, Menominee Range, Michigan. LUCIENEATON. Circular 6180. 10 pp. Issued October, 1929. Oxides in Pig Iron: Their Origin and Action in the Steel-Making Process. C. H. HERTY,J R . , A N D J. M. G.AINEs,JR. Bulletin 308. 56 pp. Paper. 15 cents. Sources and Distribution of Major Petroleum Products, Atlantic Coast States, 1928. E. B. SWANSON.Circular 6187. 9 pp. Temperatures for Rapid Self-Heating of Powdered Coal and the Semicoke A N D D. F. SMITH. Reporis of IitMade Therefrom. F . A. HARTGEN ?estigalions 2960. 5 pp. The Canadian Gypsum Industry. R . bI. SAWXYERS. Circular 6162. 27 PP. Twentieth Semi-Annual Motor Gasoline Survey. E. C . LANE LOR, A N D C. J . WILHELM. Re,borts of Inz,esligalions 2959. 12 pp.

Bureau of Standards Light Fastness of Lithographic Ink Pigments. 1%'. D. APPEL A S D R . I: REED. Research Paper 100. 16 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Removal of Dissolved Gases from Liquids by Vacuum Sublimation. J. H HIBBEN. Research Paper 87. 8 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Some Absorption Properties of Clay Brick. I,. A . PALMER. Rrsearch I'aPt'i 88. 23 pp. Paper, 10 cents.

From Bureau o f Standards Journal



A Study of Purified Wood Fibers a s a Paper-Making Material. RASCH. Vol. 3 (September, 1929), 469-506.


Determination of Fluorine and of Silica in Glasses and Enamels Containing Fluorine. J . I. HOFFMAN A N D G. E. F . LUNDELL. Vol. 3 (October, 1929), 581-95,

Determination of Manganese in Steel and Iron by the Persulfate-Arsenite Method. H . A. BRIGHT A N D c. P . LARRABEE.Vol. 3 (October, 1929), 573-79. Effect of Oxidizing Conditions on Accelerated Electrolytic Corrosion Tests. €1. S . R.IWDONA N D W. A. TUCKER.Vol. 3 (September, 1929), 376-90. Effect of Water on Expansion of Ceramic Bodies of Different Composition. H. G. SCHURECHT AID G. R . POLE. Vol. 3 (August, 1929), 331-41. Hot Aqueous Solutions for the Quenching of Steels. H. J . FRnNcrr A N D T. E. HAMILL. Vol. 3 (September, 1029j, 399-418. Making a Glass Disk for a 70-Inch Telescope Reflector. A. S . F I N N . Vol. 3 (August, 1929j, 315-29. Photoionization of Some Alkali Vapors. F. L. hioHLeR A S D C. BOECKNER. Vol. 3 (August, 1929), 303-14. Soil-Corrosion Studies, 1927-28. K . H. LOGAN. Vol. 3 (August, 1929), 275-302. T h e Heat of Formation of Sulfur Dioxide. J . R . ECKMAN A N D F. D . ROSSINI. Vol. 3 (October, 1929), 597-618. The Structure of a-Methylxyloside. F . P. PHELPSA N D C. B . PURVES. Vol. 3 (August, 1929), 247-53. Two Isomeric Crystalline Compounds of &Mannose with Calcium Chloride. J. K . DALE. Vol. 3 (September, 1929), 459-68. Weights per United States Gallon and Weights per Cubic Foot of Sugar Solutions. Compiled by C. F . SNYDER A N D I,. D. HAMMOND. Circular 375. 6 pp. Paper, 5 cents.

Department of Agriculture Composition of Commercial Acid Lead Arsenate and I t s Relation to Arsenical Injury. H . S.SWINGLE.Journal of Agricullural Research, 39 (September 1 5 , 1929), 393-401. Relation of Temperature of Fermentation to Quality of Sauerkraut. E. A . MARTEN, W.H . PETERSON, E. B. FRED,A N D W. E. VAUGHN. Journul of Agvicultural Resiarch, 39 (August 15, 19291, 285-92. Review of United States Patents Relating to Pest Control. R. C . R O A R K . Vol. 2, No, 6 (June, 1929). 14 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Same. Vol. 2, No. 8 (August, 1929). 11 pp. Paper, 10 cents. The Spontaneous Combustion of Hay. C. A. BROWSE. Technical Bulle lin 141. 39 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Vitamin Content of Honey and Honeycomb. H . B . KIFERISD H . E. MUNSEI,L. .rournal of .Igricullural Research, 39 (September, 1929), 355-66.

Geological Survey Contributions to Economic Geology (Short Papers and Preliminary Reports) 1928. Part 11-Mineral Fuels. H. D. M I S E R . Bullelin 806. 195 pp, Paper, 75 cents. Geology and Mineral Deposits of Southeastern Alaska. A. F . BUDDINGTON A N D THEODORE CHAPIN. Bullelin 800. 398 pp. Paper, 85 cents. Geology of the De Queen and Caddo Gap Quadrangles, Arkansas. H. D. hlIsER A N D A, H . PURDUE. Bulletin 838. 195 pp. Paper, 75 cents. Mineral Resources of Alaska. Report on Progress of Investigations in 1926. p. S. SMITHASD OTHERS. Bullelin 797. 227 pp. Paper, 80 cents. The Contact of the Fox Hills and Lance Formations. C. E. DOBBINA N D J . B. REESIDE, JR. Professional Paper 158-B. 17 pp. The Forsyth Coal Field, Rosebud, Treasure, and Big Horn Counties, Montana. C. E. DOBBIN. Bulletin 812-A. .55 pp. Paper, 20 cents. The Kevin-Sunburst Oil Field and Other Possibilities of Oil a n d Gas in the Sweetgrass Arch, Montana. A. J. COLLIER.Bulletin 812-B. 3 3 pp. Paper, 30 cents.

Public Health Service Chloro-Phenol Tastes and Odors in Water Supplies of Ohio River Cities. H . W. STREETER.Public Health Reports, 44 (September 6 , 1929), 214956. Experimental Studies of Natural Purification in Polluted Waters. Stream Pollution Investigations, United States Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio. I-Apparatus and Technique for the Study of Biochemical and Other Oxidations in Liquids. E. J . THERIAULT A N D C . T. BUTTERFIELD. Public Health Reporls, 44 (Septemher 20, 1929), 2253-67.