Vol. 19, No. 6
Notice-Publications for which price is indicated can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documenls, Goaernment Prinling Ofice, Washington, D . C. Other publications can usually be supplied from lhe Bureau or Department from which lhey originale.
Bureau of Education An Outline of Methods of Research with Suggestions for High School Principals and Teachers. Bulletin 24, 1926. 31 pp, Paper, 10 cents.
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Important Demand for Insecticides for Tobacco Estates in Sumatra East Coast. Special Civculav 171, Chemical Division. 8 pp. Issued April 23, 1927. Palm-Oil Industry of Sumatra and West Africa. S. B. REDECKER ASD FRANK hlESSENGER. Trade Informalion Bzclletin 471. 17 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Rayon Industry of Lucerne, Switzerland. Semi-.Wonth!3~ Buileiin 19-J, Textile Division. 4 pp. Issued May 3, 1927. The Chemical Industry in Baden. Special Civcular 172, Chemical Division. 9 pp. Issued April 25, 1927.
Bureau of Mines
Effect of Soil MicroSrganisms on Paraffin Used a s a Coating to Decrease the Injurious Action of Lead Arsenate on Plant Roots. W. E. FLEMING. Journal of Agricullural Research, 34 (February 15, 1927), 335-8. Relation of Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture to the Infection of Sweet Potatoes by the Stem-Rot Organisms. L. L. HARTERA N D W. A. WHITY E Y . Journal of Ajiricultural Research, 34 (March 1, 1927), 435-41. The Determination of Organic Matter in Soils by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide. W. 0. ROBINSON. Journal of Agricultural Research, 34 (February 15, 1927), 339-56. The Nitrogen Compounds of the Rice Kernel as Compared with Those of Other Cereals. S. L. JODIDI. Journal of Agricultural Research, 34 (February 15, 1927), 309-25. The Value of Beef Protein as a Supplement to the Proteins in Certain AXD G. S . SNIDER.Journal of Vegetable Products. RALPHHOAGLAND Agricultural Research, 34 (February 15, 1927), 297-308. The Vitamin C Content of Fresh and Canned Pear. V. C. CRAVENA N D M. M. KRAMER. Journal of A g r i c u h r a l Research, 34 (February 15, 19271, 385-92.
Department of Commerce Progress in the Elimination of Waste. HERBSRTHOOVER. Extract from the Fourteenth Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce. 29 pp.
Accidents at Metallurgical Works in the United States during the Calendar Geological Survey Year 1925. W.W. ADAMS. Technical Paper 413. 40 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Contributions to the Geography of the United States, 1926. hl. R. CAMPCoal-Mine Fatalities in March, 1927. V’. W. ADAMS. Reports of I n w c t i BELL. BuhAin 790. 46 pp. galions 2803. 7 pp. Issued April, 1927. Geology of the Cat Creek and Devils Basin Oil Fields and Adjacent Areas Consumption of Explosives in March, 1927. \V. W. ADAMS. Repovts of REEVES. Bullelin 786-B. Contributions t o Ecoin Montana. FRANK Inwslzgations 2804. 9 pp. Issued April, 1927. nomic Geology, 1926. P a r t 11. pp. 39-95. Paper, 30 cents. Copper in 1925 (General Report). C. E. JCLIHN A N D H . hl. MEYER. Geology of the Upper Matanuska Valley, Alaska. S. R . CAPPS. With a Mineral Resources of fhe Cniled Stales, 1925. Part I , pp. 347-408. Section on the Igneous Rocks. J. B. MERTIE, JR. Bullelin 791. 92 pp. Issued April 27, 1927. Paper, 10 cents. Paper, 30 cents. Explosibility of Coal Dust from Four Mines in Utah. H. P . GREEKTVAI~D.Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1924. Part IV-St. Lawrence Technical Paper 386. 20 pp. Paper, 5 cents. River Basin. N . C. GROVER, S. B. SOULE, A. H . HORTON,LASLEYLEE, Methods and Tools for Removing Paraffin from Flowing Wells. C. E . A. m’.WARRINGTON,A N D c. H . PIERCE. T.t’aleY-SUpplY Paper 584. 147 REISTLE,JR. Reports of Investigations 2802. 4 pp. Issued April, 1927. ’ pp. Paper, 20 cents. Petioleum in 1925. G. R. HOPKINSA N D A. B. COONS. Minevnl Resources Pan American Union of the United Stales, 1925. Part 11, pp. 311-84. Issued April 20, 1927. Paper, 10 cents. Tropical Hardwoods with Special Reference to Their Uses in American Production of Sponge Iron. C. E. WILLIAMS,E. P. BARRETT,A N D B. 14. Industries. Forestu?. 15. Reprinted from the March, 1927, Bulletin of LARSEN. Bulletin 270. 175 pp. Paper, 35 cents. l h r Pan .American 1-nion 9 pp Safeguarding Workmen a t Oil Derricks. H . C. MILLER. Bulletin 272. 111 pp, Paper. 40 cents. Public Health Service Sand a n d Gravel in 1925. E. R . PHILLIPS. Mineral Resources of the rnited Slates, 1925. Part 11, pp, 281-303. Paper, 5 cents. Arsphenamine-Sodium Thiosulfate Treatment of Experimental Syphilis. Some Economic Phases of the Carbon Black Industry. G. R. HOPKINS. CARL\ ’ o E c T r I N A N D H. A . DYER. Public Heallh Reports, 42 (April 13, Civculav 6033. 5 pp. Issued April, 1927. 1927), 1046-52. Sources and Distribution of Major Petroleum Products: Atlantic Coast F J. Definitions of Pasteurization and Their Enforcement. L. C. FRANK, Circular 6031. 14 pp. Issued &4pril, States 1925. E. B. SWANSO&-. Moss, A K D P. E. LEFEVRE. Public Heaiih Reports, 42 (April 29, 1927), 1927. 1152-62. Stop, Look, and Listen! The Roof Is Going to Fall. J . W. PAUL. Circular Paris Green Applied by Airpline in Control of Anopheles Production. L L. 6032. 3 pp. Issiied April, 1927. \VILLIAMS, JR., A N D S . S . COOK. Reprint 1140 from Public Health Tests with Rock Dust for Extinguishing Fire. H . C. HOWARTH A N D H. P. Reports. 22 pp. Paper. 10 cents. GREENWALD.Reports of Incestigalions 2801. 5 pp. Issued April, Water Supplies on Canadian Great Lakes Vessels. G. H. FERCCSON. 1927. Public Health Reports, 42 (April 22, 1927), 1097-1101. T h e Manganese Situation from a Domestic Standpoint. J. W. FURNESS. Circular 6034. 2 1 pp. Issued April, 1927. Zinc in 1925 (Smelter Report). AwY STOLL.Mineral Resources of t h e L-nited Slates, 1925. P a r t I , pp. 329-46. Issued April 25, 1927. Paper, 5 cents. Class-Book of Organic Chemistry. Vol. I. For First-Year Medical Students and Senior Science Students in Schools. J. B. COHEN. 344 pp. Bureau of Standards The Macmillan Company, New York. Price, $1.60. Standards Yearbook 1927. Compiled by the NATIOSALBUREAUOF STAKD- Elements of Chemistry. HARRY N. HOLMES A N D Lonrs W. MATTERN. ARDS. Miscellaneous Publication 77. 392 pp. Cloth, 61.00. 519 pp, T h e Macmillan Company, New York. Price, $1.80. Thermal Expansion of Graphite. PETER HIDNERTA N D VV’.T.SWEENEY.First Principles of Chemistry. F. W.D o o T s o ~A N D A. J. BARRY. 339 pp. Technoiogic Paper 335. 8 pp. Paper, 5 cents. The Macmillan Company, New York. Price, $2.00. Investigation of the Caking Power of Coal. J. T. BURDEKIN. Fuel ReBureau of the Census search, Physical and Chemical Survey of the National Coal Resources, Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils: Production, Consumption, Imports, No. 8, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 21 pp. H. M. Exports, and Stocks by Quarters, Calendar Years 1925 and 1926. 16 pp. Stationery Office,London. Price, 1 s. net. Paper, 5 cents. Methods of Analysis of Coal. 35 pp. Fuel Research, Physical and Chemical Survey of the National Coal Resources, No. 7, Department of ScienDepartment of Agriculture tific and Industrial Research. H. M. Stationery Office, London. Price, 9 d. net. Annotated Bibliography on the Storage of Cottonseed and of Seed Cotton. Selenium. A List of References 1817-1925. Compiled by MARION HENRYM. STEECE.Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, 13 pp. FOSTER DOTY. 114 pp. New York Public Library. Price, 6 5 cents.
New Books