Government Publications - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: August 09, 1948. Copyright © 1948 ... Yearbook of Agriculture 1901 . 11 pp. 5 cents. ... Published in print 9 August ...
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Government Publications T h e following d o c u m e n t s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t p r i c e s i n d i c a t e d f r o m t h e S u p e r i n t e n d ­ e n t of D o c u m e n t s , G o v e r n m e n t P r i n t i n g Office, W a s h i n g t o n 2 5 , I ) . C . I n ordering p u b l i c a t i o n s give t h e c o m p l e t e t i t l e a n d i s s u i n g oflice a n d e n c l o s e p r i c e in p o s t a l m o n e y o r d e r , c o u p o n s , o r c h e c k . Do n o t s e n d p o s t a g e s t a m p s . W h e n no price i s i n d i c a t e d , p a m p h l e t is free a n d o b t a i n a b l e f r o m i s s u i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n s . D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e About Hydroponics. N. W. STUART. Yearbook of Agriculture 1922. 4 pp. 5 cents. Control of Salinity. H. E. HAYWARD. Yearbook of Agriculture 1958. 7 pp. 5 cents. Corncobs Enter Industry. E. C. LATHROP. Yearbook of Agriculture 1974. 5 pp. 5 cents. Dairy Byproducts. E. 0 . WHITTIER. Yearbook of Agriculture 1972. 9 pp. 5 cents. Known Nutrients in Milk. C. A. CARY \NT> A. ME. HARTMAN. Yearbook of Agricul- • lure 1979. 9 pp. 5 cents. Liming of Soils.



of Agriculture 1901. 11 pp. 5 cents. New G-oods from Wood. A. J. STAMM AND G. EL CHIDBSTER. Yearbook of Agricul­ ture 197S. 9 pp. 5 cents. Tiutrient-Element Balance. C. B. SHEAR AND H. L . CRANE. Yearbook of Agriculture 1964- 10 pp. 5 cents. Organic Matter in Soils. A. G. NORMAN. Yearbook of Agriculture 1954. 12 pp. 5 cents. Paper from Flax. A. C. DILLMAN. Year­ book of Agriculture 1977. 3 pp. 5 cents. Penicillin. Κ . Β. RAPER. Yearbook of Agriculture 1970. 12 pp. 5 cents. Phosphate Fertilizers. W. H . P I E R R E . Yearbook of Agriculture 1959. 7 pp. 5 cents. Rutin for Capillaries. J. F . COUCH. Yearbook of Agriculture 1971. 5 pp. 5 cents. Starch from Wheat. C. T. LANGFORD AND

C. E. R I S T . Yearbook of Agriculture 1976. 6 pp. 5 cents. Tests of Plants and Soils. MICHAEL PEECH




of Agriculture 1963. 9 pp. 5 cents. Unidentified Nutrients with Lists of References.

C. A. CARY AND A. M . H A R T -

MAN. Yearbook of Agriculture 1980. 8 pp. 5 cents. Use of Minor Elements. MATTHEW DROSDOFF. Yearbook of Agriculture 1962. 6 pp. 5 cents. Use of Nitrogen Fertilizers. F. W. PARKER. Yearbook of Agriculture 1960. 5 pp. 5 cents. Uses of Vegetable Wastes. J. J. WILLAMAN AND R . K. ESKEW. Yearbook of Agri­ culture 1975. 4 p p . 5 cents. Agricultural



Agricultural Research Center of Depart­ ment of Agriculture, Account of Activities at Department's Largest Research Station, Beltsville, M d . 34 pp. Millions Saved for Government through Coordinated Chemical Analysis of Soybeans. Research Achieve?nent Sheet 89 (C). 2 p p . Quick, Simple Method for Quinine Analysis of Cinchona Bark. Research Achievement Sheet 91 (jO). 2 pp. Techniques of Vegetable, Fruit, and Egg Dehydration Advanced. Research Achieve­ ment Sheet 89 (C). 2 p p .

Tomorrow's Agriculture Research.


marks by OMER W. HERRMAN'N, Assistant

Research Administrator, before radio farmdirectors, April 2Sf 194S. 3 pp. Bureau

of Agricultural and Chemistry


Annotated Bibliography of Subtilin, Assay. Biological Production, Purification and Chemistry, Biological Activity. J . C. LEWIS. AIC 168. Western Regional Research Labo­ ratory. 9 pp. Candy: I t s Ingredients and Manufacture, List of References. Η. Η . HALL, compiler, under cooperative research project with National Confectioners' Association. AIC 181. 20 pp. Chemurgy, Servant o r Master. L. B . HOWARD.

AIC 186.


8 pp.

of Agricultural




174- Northern Re 'ional Research Labora­ tory. 6 pp. List of Publications and Patents, July-Dec. 1947. AIC 188. Southern Regional Re­ search Laboratory. S pp. Methods and Results of Analysis a n d Examination of Candy a n d Its Ingredients, List of References. H . H . HALL, under co­ operative research project with National Confectioners' Association. AIC 182. 9 p p . Properties of Allyl Starch Coatings. T. J . D I E T Z , J. E. HANSEN, AND M. E. GALLAGHER.

AIE 175. Eastern Regional Research Labo­ ratory. 9 pp. Research as Aid to Cotton and Cottonseed in Maintaining Markets. W . M. SCOTT AIC 185. Southern Regional Research Labo­ ratory. 8 p p . Small Rural Industry, Study of Possibility of Making Insulating Board from Straw. Pt. 2, Experimental Development, Plant D e ­ sign and Operation. P . C. LATHROP, T. R . NAFFZIGER, AND R. V. WILLIAMSON.


170. 52 pp. Bureau of Dairy


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LABORATORY MILL Produces the same charac­ ter of finished material as the large Raymond Pulverizers. Specially adapted for product develop­ ment work, pilot mill tests for production control and experi­ mental uses in pre­ paring powdered materials.

of Dairy


Bulletin #53.

COMBUSTION ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. R A Y M O N D PULVERIZER D I V I S I O N 1 3 1 6 North Branch St., C H I C A G O 2 2 , Illinois Sales Offices in Principal Cities Canada: Combustion Engineering C o r p . , L t d . , M o n t r e a l





2 pp.

Effect of Conditions of Storage on Viscosity of Sweetened Condensed Milk. B. H . W E B B AND C. P . HUFNAGEL.

10 pp.

Tennessee Valley Authority Continuous-Mixing Process for Manufac­ ture of Concentrated Superphosphate. G. L . BRIDGER, R. A. W I L S O N , AND R . B. B U R T .

pp. Continuous



Production of Copper Arsenite. MILLER.


Crystallization of

Ammonium Nitrate. P H I L I P W. C. SAEMAN. 4 pp.


11 pp.

Industrial Management

Write for Raymond Laboratory



Research Practice

T h e w a y s in which t r a d e associations a n d other groups of m a n u f a c t u r e r s c a r r y on their technical a n d scientific research in industry-wide problems a r e the subject of a s t u d y published b y the D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce. Eighty cooperation associa­ tions assisted in gathering a n d preparing t h e material. T h e resulting 64-page booklet, ' ' T r a d e Association Industrial Research, " describes financing of r e ­ search, selection of technical committees a n d projects, coordination a n d supervision of research programs, a n d dissemination of findings. Copies m a y be o b t a i n e d from t h e Superintendent of D o c u m e n t s , Wash­ ington 25, D . C , a t 25 cents each.