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Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the Calendar Year 1926. I n Two Volumes. Volume I. 543 pp. Cloth, $1.75. World-Wide Importance of United States Chemical Industry: United States Produces $2,278,000,000 Worth of Chemicals. A. H. SWIFT. 7 pp. Reprinted from Commerce Reports, December 12, 1927.
Bureau of Mines Abrasive Materials in 1926. Mineral Resozivces of the L-niled States, 1976. Part 11, pp. 245-63. Paper, 5 cents. Asbestos in 1926. B. H. STODDARD.Mineral Resources of the United States, 1926. Part 11, pp. 195-201. Paper, 5 cents. Consumption of Explosives in November, 1927. W. n-. BDAMS. Reports of Investigations 2845. 9 pp, Development of Some Fundamentals in the Ferric Sulfate-Sulfuric Acid Process. F. S. WARTMAN AND H. E. KEYES. Reports of Investigations 2839. 11 pp. Lead and Zinc Pigments and Salts in 1926. A. STOLL. Mineral Resources o f t h e United States, 1926. Part I , pp. 217-26. Paper, 5 cents. Mica in 1926. B. H. STODDARD. Mineral Resowces of the Ulzited Stales, 1926. Part 11, pp. 255-71. Paper, 5 cents. 589 pp. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1924. Part 1-Metals. 728 pp. Cloth, $1.00. Cloth, $1.00. Part 2-Nonmetals. National Survey of Fuel Oil Distribution, 1926. E. B. SWANSON.A Report of the U. S. Bureau of Mines, Department of Commerce, in Cooperation u-ith the American Petroleum Institute. 22 pp. Petroleum, Petroleum Products, and Natural-Gas Gasoline, January, 1928. Sfatisfiral and Economic Surveys. Monthly Petroleum Statement P 31. 11 PP. Phosphate Rock in 1926. Mineral Resources of the Gniled Stales, 1926. Part 11, pp. 273-80. Paper, 5 cents. Prevention of Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning in Handling and Refining HighSulfur Petroleums. H . C. FOWLER. Reports of Investigations 2847. 27 PP. Talc and Soapstone in 1926. B. H. STODDARD. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1926. Part 11, pp. 203-9. Paper, 5 cents. The Sulfur Content of Commercial Motor Fuels. A. J. KRAEXER, E. C. LANE,AND C: S . LUCE. Reports ojIneeszzgations 2843. 8 pp. Zinc in 1926 (Smelter Report). AMY STOLL. Mineral Resources of the United Stales, 1926. Part I , pp. 227-47. Paper, 3 cents.
Bureau of Standards Cleaning of Fur and Leather Garments. 31. H . GOLDMAX A N D C. C. HUBBARD. Technologic Paper 360. 15 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Deterioration of Steels in Synthesis of Ammonia. J. S. VANICK,W.\V. DE SVESHNIKOFF, AND J. G. THOMPSON. Technologic Paper 361. 35 pp. Paper, 16 cents. Elimination of Waste. White Glazed Tile and Unglazed Ceramic Mosaic, 1927. Simplified Practice Recommendation 61. Effective January 1, 1927. 28 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Gases in Metals. 111-The Determination of Nitrogen in Metals by Fusion in Vacuum. LOUISJORDANA N D J . R. ECKMAS. Scienti5c Paper 563. 19 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Thermal Expansion of Beryllium and Aluminum-Beryllium Alloys. PETER HIDNERTAND W. T.SWEENEY.Scientific Paper 565. 13 pp. Paper, 10 cents. United States Government Master Specification for Ink, Marking, Indelible, for Fabrics. Circular 197. 4 pp. Paper, 5 cents.
Department of Agriculture
Relation between Water and Potash in Plant Production. F . W. ~ I O R S E . Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (November 15, 1927), 939-46. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Fiscal Year 1927. 50pp. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Dairy Industry for the Fiscal Year 1927. 16 PP. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry for the Fiscal Year 1927. 43 PP. The Production of Certain Enzymes by Bacterium p r u n i , S. I,. ]ODIDI. Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (August 1, 1927), 219-21. The Relation of Atmospheric Humidity to the Deterioration of Evaporated AND J. S . CALDWELL.Jiiurnai Apples in Storage. C. W. CULPEPPER of Agricultural Research, 35 (November 15, 19271, 889-906. The Resistance of Certain Varieties of Winter Wheat to Artificially Produced Low Temperatures. D. D. HILL AND S. C. SALMON.J O U Y ? IoQj ~.lj.vicultural Research. 35 (November 15, 1927), 933-7. The Supplementary Relation between the Proteins of Corn and of Tankage Determined by Metabolism Experiments on Swine. H . H. MITCHELL A N D C. H. KICK. Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (Sovember 1, 1927), 857-64.
Geological Survey Annual Report of the Director of the Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1927. 77 pp. Mineral Industry of Alaska in 1926 and Administrative Report. P. S. SMITH. Bulletin 797-A. 66 pp.
Interstate Commerce Commission Report of Director of Bureau of Safety to Interstate Commerce Commission for the Fiscal Year 1927, and Extracts from the 41st Annual Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission Pertaining to Safety Appliances, Hours of Service, Medals of Honor, Investigation of Accidents, and Investigation of Safety Devices. 48 pp. Paper, 5 cents.
Navy Yard Safety Standards for the Protection of the Head, Eyes, and Respiratory Organs. Paper, 15 cents.
Public Health Service A Report on the Disposal of Zyklon-B Residue Following the Fumigation of the Holds of Vessels. G. C. SHERRARD. Public Health Repovts, 42 (December 16, 1927), 3071-5. Benzocaine-Chaulmoogra Oil in the Treatment of Leprosy. Preliminary Note on tne Use of an Oil-Soluble Analgesic Which Renders Intramuscular Injections of Chaulmoogra Oil Painless. F. A. JOHANSES. Public Heallh Reports, 42 (December 9, 1927), 3005-10. Shellfish Sanitation. L. M. FISHER. Public Heallh Repovts, 42 September 16, 1927), 2291-300.
Smithsonian Institution Report of United States Regional Bureau of International Catalogue of Scientific Literature under Direction of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year Ended June 30, 1927. From the Smitksonian Report f o r 19:7. 115 pp. The Effect of Aluminum Sulfate on Rhododendrons and Other Acid-Soil Plants. F. V. COVILLE. Publication 2897 from the Smithsonian Report for 1926, pp. 369-82.
Treasury Department Annual Report of the Commissioner of Prohibition for the Fiscal Year 1927. Department Document 2988. 92 pp. Paper, 15 cents.
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Agenda Chimie. Q 1'Usage des Chimistes, Ingenieurs, Industriels, Professeurs, Pharmaciens, Directeurs, et Contremaitres d'Usines. EYILE A Comparative Study of the Quinhydrone and Hydrogen' Electrodes for JAVET. Agendas Dunod, 1928. 285 pp. Dunod, Paris. Price, 17 Determining the Hydrogen-Ion Concentration of Soils. E. F . SNYDER. francs. Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (h-ovemher 1, 19271, 825-34. Chemical Elements and Their Compounds. An Introduction to the Study Definitions and Standards for Food Products. Service and Regulatory of Inorganic Chemistry from Modem Standpoints. J. A. V. BUTLER. Announcements. Food and Drug 2. (Supersedes Office of the Secretary 205 pp. The Macmillan Co., New York. Price, $2.00. Circulars 13, 17, 19, and 136.) 20 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Fertilizer Tests with Flue-Cured Tobacco. E. G.Moss, J. E. MCMURTREY, Elementary Account of the P. E. C. or the Softening of Refractories by Heat. STUARTM. PFIELPS. Bulle.in 17, American Refractories Institute, JR., W. M. LUNN, AND J. M. CARR. Technical Bullelin 12. 59 PP. Pittsburgh, Pa. Paper, 15 cents. AND F ...I BRADY. Budding Resear~h BullePozzolanas. A. D. COWPER Regulations for the Enforcement of the Caustic Poison Act. Service fin 2, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 10 pp. H. M . and Regulatory Announcement. Caustic Poison 1. 12 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Stationery Office,London. Price, 3 d. net.