of these citations were carefully considered by Judge Chatfield and rejected. The June 15th meeting of the Southern California Section of the A. C. S. took the form of a joint dinner with the technical societies of Los Angeles-Civil Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Mining Engineers. .lrchitects, and Engineers and Architects. The meeting was addressed by \Vm. Mulholland and h y Dr. James A. B. Scherer, president of Throop College of Technology, on the subject, "Service of the Technical Man to the Community." M r . \Till H . Coghill wishes to announce t h a t alter seven years in the practice of ore testing a t Chicago he has removed his laboratory to 3705 Hueco Street, E1 Paso, Texas. where he will continue in the same line of work. Dr. Francis Clifford Phillips and AIrs. Phillips were the guests of honor a t a testimonial dinner given on June 3rd a t the German Club, Pittsburgh. Pa., by one hundred former students and friends who desired to show their love and esteem upon the occasion of Dr. Phillips' retirement from active service as professor of chemistry in the Cniversity of Pittsburgh. Dr. Phillips, who is well known professionally because of his contributions to the chemistry of gases and his active participation in the interests of the American Chemical Society, has occupied the Chair of Chemistry a t Pittsburgh since 1875 and is retiring under the terms of the Carnegie Foundation. Among the speakers at the dinner were Drs. Walther Riddle, Albert E. Frost, K . B. Carnahan and J. H. James, and Professor Alexander Silverman. As an expression of their high regard for his de7Totion to the University of Pittsburgh, the former students of Dr. Phillips presented him with a check for $rooo.oo. The annual spring excursion of the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society, on June the r r t h , consisted of a visit t o the chocolate and cocoa factory of the n'alter 51. Lowney Company in Mansfield, llassachusetts, followed by a dinner at the Mansfield Tavern, a t which l I r . Lownej- addressed the Section on the "Story of Chocolate and Cocoa." About seventy-five members and guests were present. The Hoskins Manufacturing Company announces the appointment of blr. It'. C. Tharp as District Manager in charge of its Pittsburgh office, to succeed Mr. I. J. Shults, resigned. hfr. Tharp has formerly been associated with the Republic Iron and Steel Company, the Scientific Materials Company and the Metallurgical Testing Laboratory of Pittsburgh. -4 monument to the late Professor J . H . van't Hoff was unveiled a t Rotterdam on April 17th. It consists of a bronze statue.
double life-size, in sitting position, arid has been placed in front of the school at which Professor van't Hoff was educated. Dr. Edu-ard Kohman, who has been a n instructor in Chemistry a t Yalc, has just been appointed Chief Dairy Chemist at the L-niversity of Illinois. Albert Plaut, president of Lehn and Fink arid one of the most prominent figures in this country's drug trade for many years, died in his fifty-eighth year, in Xew York, on June I 7th. The Spring Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical l