Vol. 23, No. 12
GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Notice-Publications for which price is indicated can be purchased f r o m the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Ofice, Washington, D. C. Other publications can usually be supplied f r o m the Bureau or Department f r o m which they originate.
Aqueous Solutions of Ethylene Glycol, Glycerin, and Sodium Silicate a s Quenching Media for Steels. T. E. HAMILL. 7 (September, 1931), 555-71. Correlation of Certain Soil Characteristics with Pipe-Line Corrosion. I. A. DENISON. 7 (October, 1931), 631-42. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Cryoscopic Constant, Heat of Fusion, and Heat Capacity of Camphor. The Chemical Industry and Trade of Sweden. Trade Information Bulletin 7 (September, 1931), 477-83. MIKKEL FRANDSEN. 774. 29 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Isolation and Determination of the Cyclohexane in a Midcontinent Petroleum. J. H. BRUUNA N D M. M. HICKS-BRUUN.7 (September, 1931). Bureau of Mines 607-15. An Apparatus for the Determination of Hydrogen Sulflde in Gases. J. W. Permanence Studies of Current Commercial Book Papers. J. 0. BURTON. HORNEAND W. B. SHIREY.Reports of Investigations 3135. 6 pp. 7 (September, 19311, 429-39. Antimony in 1930. P. M.TYLER.Mineral Resources of the United States, Relation between the Twist and Certain Properties of Rayon Yarns. H. 1930. Part I, pp. 1-15. Paper, 5 cents. A. HAMMA N D R. S. CLEVELAND.7 (October, 1931). 617-20. A Study of the Properties of Texas-New Mexico Polyhalite Pertaining to Soil-Corrosion Studies: Nonferrous Metals and Alloys, Metallic Coatings, the Extraction of Potash. V-Suggested Processes for the Production and Specially Prepared Ferrous Pipes Removed in 1930. K. H. LOGAN. A N D N. FRAGEN. of Syngenite and By-product Magnesia. H. H. STORCH 7 (September, 1931), 586605. Reports of Investigations 3116. 19 pp. The Passage of Gas through the Walls of Pyrometer Protection Tubes at Boron and Its Compounds. R. M. SANTMYERS.Information Circular High Temperatures. W. F. ROESER. 7 (September, 1931), 485-94. 6499. 37 pp. The Porosity of Electroplated Chromium Coatings. W. BLUM, W. P. Coke and By-products in 1929. F. G. TRYON A N D H. L. BENNIT. Mineral BARROWS, AND A. BRBNNER.7 (October, 1931), 697-711. Resources of the United States, 1929. Part 11, pp. 569-671. Paper, 20 cents. Department of Agriculture Engineering Report of Cotton Valley Field, Webster Parish, La. J. S. Ross. Arsenical and Other Fruit Injuries of Apples Resulting from Washing Technical Paper 504. 69 pp. Paper, 30 cents. AND E. L. REEVES. Technical Bulletin 245. Operations. D. F. FISHER Experiments to Determine the Minimum Amount of Coal-Dust Required for Propagation of a Mine Explosion. G. S. RICE AND H. P. GREENWALD. 12 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Factors for Converting Percentages of Nitrogen in Foods and Feeds into Reports of Investigations 3132. 3 pp. Percentages of Proteins. D. BREESE JONES. Circular 183. 22 pp. Fuller’s Earth in 1930. JEFFERSON MIDDLETON.Mineral Resources of Paper, 5 cents. the United States, 1930. Part 11, pp. 69-71. Paper, 5 cents. Improvements in the Production of Oleoresin through Lower Chipping. Gold and Silver in 1929. J. P. DUNLOP. Mineral Resources of the United ELOISE GERRY. Technical Bulletin 262. 24 pp. Paper, 15 cents. States, 1929. Part I, pp. 877-920. Paper, 10 cents. New Fertilizer Materials. A. R. MERZ. Circular 185. 15 pp. Paper, Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in the Eastern States in 1930. J. P. 5 cents. DUNLOP. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1930. Part I, pp. Petroleum Oils and Oil Emulsions as Insecticides, and Their Use against t h e 17-23. Paper, 5 cents. Jose Scale on Peach Trees in the South. H. S. SWINGLEAND 0. I. San Gypsum in 1930. R. M. SANTMYERS A N D JEFFERSON MIDDLETON.Mineral SNAPP. Technicol Bulletin 253. 48 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Resources of the United States, 1930. Part 11, pp. 87-100. Paper, 5 cents. Review of United States Patents Relating to Pest Control. R. C. ROARK. Hydrogen-Sulfide Content of the Gas in Some Producing Oil Fields. J. 4, No. 7 (July, 1931), 15 pp. M. DEVINEA N D C. J. WILHELM. Reports of Investigations 3128. 15 pp. Same. 4, No. 8 (August, 1931), 12 pp. List of Permissible Self-contained Oxygen Breathing Apparatus, Gas 4, No. 9 (September, 1931), 12 pp. Same. Masks, and Hose Masks. Information Circular 6494. 3 pp. Mercury in 1930. P. M. TYLER. Mineral Resources of the United States, F r o m J o i t r n a l of A g r i c u l t u r a l R e s e a r c h 1930. Part I, pp. 31-56. Paper, 5 cents. Effect of Chlorates upon the Catalase Activity of the Roots of Bindwood. Potash in 1930. A. T. COONS. Mineral Resources of the United Stales, J. R. NELLER. 43 (July 15, 1931), 183-89. 1930. Part 11, pp. 59-67. Paper, 5 cents. Germicidal Efficiency of Mixtures of Phenols with Sodium Hydroxide, Production of Motor Fuels from Natural Gas. I-Preliminary Report on A N D J. M. SCHAFwith Glycerin, and with Ethyl Alcohol. F. W. TILLEY the Pyrolysis of Methane. H. M. SMITH,PETERGRANDONE, A N D H. T. FER. 43 (October 1, 1931), 611-17. RALL. Reports of Investigations 3143. 12 pp. Penetration of Petroleum Oils into Plant Tissue. J. M. GINSBURG.43 Pyrites. General Information. R . H. RIDGWAY. Information Circular (September 1, 1931), 469-74. 6523. 26 pp. Some of the Characteristics of Yeasts Found in Fermenting Honey. G. E. Reduction of Evaporation Losses from Gasoline Bulk-Storage Station MARVIN,W. H. PETERSON, E. B. FRED,AND H. F. WILSON. 43 (July Tanks. LUDWIGSCHMIDT AND C. J. WILHELM. Reports of InveStigatiOnS 15, 1931), 121-31. 3138. 11 pp. G. J. LARThe Assimilation of Nitrogen by Tobacco. A. B. BEAUMONT, Salt, Bromine, and Calcium Chloride in 1930. A. T. COONS. Mineral SINOS,P. PIEKENBROCK, A N D P. R. NELSON. 43 (September 15, 19311, Resources of the United States, 1930. Part 11, pp. 73-86. Paper, 5 cents. 559-67. Silica in 1930. E. R . PHILLIPS.Mineral Resources of the United States, 1930. Part 11, pp. 111-116. Paper, 5 cents. Geological Survey Studies on Determination of Sulfur in Gasoline. R. H. ESPACHA N D 0. C. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Quakertown-Doylestown District BLADE. Technical Paper 513. 22 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. F. BASCOX,E. T. WHERRY,G. W. The Acidity of Several Pennsylvania Streams during Low Water. R. D. STOSE,A N D A. I. JONAS. Bulletin 828. 62 pp. Paper, 40 cents. LEITCH. Reports of Investigations 3119. 10 pp. Geology and Water Resources of the Middle Deschutes River Basin Oregon. The Use of Aluminum for Oil Lease Tanks: Part 11-Laboratory Tests. H. T. STEARNS. Water-Supply Paper 637-D. 88 pp. Paper, 35 cents. LUDWIGSCHMIDT,J. M. DEVINE,A N D C. J. WILHELM. Reports of I n Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1928. N. C. GROVERAND vestigations 3131. 16 pp. OTHERS. Part 111-Ohio River Basin. Water-Supply Paper 663. 245 Treating a Complex Ore. G. L. OLDRIGHT. Technical Paper 499. 101 PP. pp. Paper, 35 cents. Paper, 15 cents. Same. Part V-Hudson Bay and Upper Mississippi River Basins. WaterTwenty-third Semiannual Motor-Gasoline Survey. Part 111. A. J. S u p p l y Paper 665. 109 pp. Paper, 20 cents. KRAEMER, E. L. GARTON, A N D E . C. LANE. Reports of Investigations Same. Part VII-Lower Mississippi River Basin. Water-Supply P a p n 3152. 35 pp. 667. 80 pp. Paper, 15 cents. Utilization of Dolomite and High-Magnesium Limestone. PAULHATSame, Part VIII-Western Gulf of Mexico Basins. Water-Supply P a p n MAKER. Information Circular 6524. 18 pp. 668. 123 pp. Paper, 20 cents. Warning Agents for Fuel Gases. A. C. FIELDNER,R. R. SAYERS,W. P. Same. Part X-The Great Basin. Water-Supply Paper 670. 95 pp. YANT,S. H. KATZ,J. B. SHOHAN, A N D R. D. LBITCH. Monograph 4. Paper, 20 cents. 177 pp. Same. Part XII-North Pacific Slope Drainage Basins. B-Snake River Bureau of Standards Basin. Water-Supply Paper 673. 172 pp. Paper, 25 cents. F r o m B u r e a u of S t a n d a r d s J o u r n a l of R e s e a r c h Same. Part XII-North Pacific Slope Drainage Basins. C-Pacific Slope Basins in Oregon and Lower Columbia River Basin. Water-Supply Accelerated Aging Test for Paper. R. H. RASCH. 7 (September, 1931), Paper 674. 155 pp. Paper, 25 cents. 465-75.