GOW-MAC INSTRUMENT CO. - ACS Publications - American

May 16, 2012 - GOW-MAC INSTRUMENT CO. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (4), pp 95A–95A ... Support. Get Help; For Advertisers · Institutional Sales; Live Chat...
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Product C a p s u l e s Stills & Demineralizers. Literature available on B a r n s t e a d stills and demineralizers for all pure water re­ quirements. Barnstead Still & D e mineralizer Co.. 9 Lanesville Ter­ race, Boston 31,' Mass. 90A Stirrers. " W a c o " power stirrers provide two V / ' shafts t h a t turn in opposite directions at 300 or 600 r.p.m. at high torque. Unit fea­ tures built-in cooling fans and in­ duction-type motor. Wilkens-Andcrson Co., 4525 W. Division St., Chicago 51, 111. 61A Sulfur Determinators. Bulletin pro­ vides full information on unit for the determination of sulfur in fer­ rous*, non-ferrous and petroleum materials by the combustion •method. Lindberg Laboratory Equipment Div., Lindberg Engi­ neering Co., 2440 W. H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 30A-2 Sulfur Determinators. 16-pg. cata­ log illustrates and describes both sulfur and carbon determinators and complete line of accessory equipment and supplies. H a r r y W. Dietert Co., 9330 Roselawn, D e t r o i t 4, Mich. 34A

Testing Instruments. C o m p a n y de­ signs and manufactures new instru­ ments, modifies existing instru­ ments, manufactures instruments from existing designs, and tests in­ struments. Circle 22A-1 for instru­ ment service bulletin. U. S. Test­ ing Co., Inc., 1270 P a r k Ave., H o b o k e n , N . J. 22A-1 Thermometers, Control. 4-pg. cata­ log available on YSI tele-thermom­ eters, controllers, and sensing units. Yellow Springs I n s t r u m e n t Co., Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio. 65A-2 Titrators. Information available on automatic recording tit.rat.or for simultaneous measurement and re­ cording of variable and constant p H factors. Scientific I n s t r u m e n t s Div., Polarad Electronics Corp., 43-20 34 St.. Long Island Citv 1, Χ. Υ. 26Α-1 Tubing, Plastic. Circle 20A for catalog on " N a l g o n " plastic tubing t h a t is available in all sizes from V s " through 2 " I D . The Nalge Co. Inc., Rochester 2, Ν . Υ. 20Α Vacuum Pumps. Literature avail­ able on the new " L a b - A s e o - V a c " portable, mechanical high v a c u u m

pump. Absolute pressure: 0.1 mi­ cron. P u m p i n g speed: 50 L . / m i n . Schaar and Co., 7300 W. Montrose Ave., Chicago 34, 111. 97A Vapor Fractometers. Automatic range control accessory for P - E model 154-C permits u n a t t e n d e d operation, keeps big peaks on scale automatically. Circle 8A for new brochure. I n s t r u m e n t Div., P e r kin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 8A

Viscosimeters. Circle 88A-2 for bulletin on the Hocppler viseosimeter t h a t operates on the falling ball principle and for bulletin on the U b belohde Viscosimeter t h a t operates on the principle of the suspended level. Fish-Sehurman Corp., 72 P o r t m a n Rd.. New Rochelle, N . Y. 88A-2

Water Curtain Enclosure. Informa­ tion available on the " M i s c o " water curtain enclosure (for spraying chromatograms) t h a t combats d a n ­ gers to health and toxic sprays. Microehemieal Specialties Co., 1834 University Ave., Berkeley 3, Calif. 89A-1

{Continued on jinge !)6A)




GAS PURITY, GAS MIXING AND PROCESS CONTROL OF Ortho-Para Argon Hydrogen Carbon Dioxide High Energy Deuterium Ethylene Oxide Fuels Freon Nitrogen (Genetron) Oxygen Helium Special Hydrogen Atmospheres — And Many Others



This Lindberg Sulfur-Carbon Determinator, shown with new Lindberg " H - F " unit, is designed for small volume laboratories — or one that must analyze both carbon and sulfur on every sample. The DS-C Determinator eliminates the need for separate apparatus and there­ by reduces the initial cost and conserves space. Write for Bulletin T-1067 for complete information. Sold only through laboratory equipment dealers.

Other Gow-Mac Analyzers inchdet GAS BLENDER — For quality con­ trol, oxygen or hydrogen burn-out and uniform quality of cylinder mixes and cascades. "GAS MASTER"—For closely linked laboratory systems. Has all compo­ nents in a single package. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY C E L L S Hot Wire and Thermistor Types ON STREAM T/C CELLS Hot Wire and Thermistor Types NEW CATALOG AVAILABLE Call or write for Bulletin TC TH-12-57 I Please addiess inquiries ίο Depr. AC. 1

GOW-MAC INSTRUMENT CO. Lindberg Laboratory Equipment Division LINDBERG ENGINEERING COMPANY 2440 West Hubbard Street, Chicago 1 2, Illinois Circle No. 95 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A

100 Kings Road, Madison, N.J. Telephone: FRontier 7-3450 Vis/f Booth I 02—NATL. ACS MEETING, San Francisco, Calif.—April 1 3 to J 8 Circle No. 95 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A VOL. 30, NO. 4, APRIL 1958

