gow-mac instrument co. - ACS Publications

Verlag Chemie, Weinheim/. Bergstr., Schliessfach 149, Germany. 1957. Kart. DM 22. This monograph .... Testing Materials, 1916 Race St.,. Philadelphia ...
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Standard Scientific Supply Co. will sponsor a three-day demonstration of scientific instruments used in education, public health, and industry on No­ vember 10 to 12 at the Hotel New Yorker, New York City. There will also be a symposium and lecture on instrumentation and methods. Further details are available from Standard Scientific Supply Corp., 808 Broadway, New York, Ν. Υ.

NEW BOOKS Einfuhrung in die Ultrarotspektroskopie. 2nd ed. W. Briigel. xii + 404 pages. Verlag Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff, Holzhofallee 35, Darm­ stadt, Germany. 1957. Brosch. DM 49; Geb. DM 52. This revised and expanded second edition provides a comprehensive in­ troduction to the field of infrared spectroscopy. Beginning with an out­ line of the theory of infrared spectra in the gaseous state, the book goes on to describe apparatus and preparative techniques. Methods for practical in­ frared spectroscopy are also given. The last section summarizes results and applications, with specific chap­ ters on infrared spectra of important groups, high molecular substances, in­ organic compounds, and special effects. A list of 790 references to pertinent literature is given, as well as the usual subject index.

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For further information, circle number 58 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 103 A ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

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Muller. xiv + 170 pages. Dunod, 92, Eue Bonaparte, Paris. 1957. Broché: 1880 F . This revised French translation of Muller's paper on magnetoscopy is a summary of all the important work done on the subject, including basic


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fundamentals, industrial applications, methods of control, and economy of incorporating the procedure in manufacturing cycles. The book is divided into sections on principles of magnetoscopy, examples of applications and apparatus, demagnetization, economic considerations, and a bibliography of 151 references. Numerous illustrations accompany the text. Hochfrequenztitration. Kurt Cruse and Reinhard Huber. xii + 198 pages. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim/ Bergstr., Schliessfach 149, Germany. 1957. Kart. DM 22. This monograph sets forth the theory and principles of high frequency titrations. The significance of this method as applied to chemical analysis is described, and techniques for measurement and instrument usage are included. The booklet contains 152 illustrations, an extensive list of literature references, and a subject index. Chemische und biologische Laboratorien. Werner Schramm. 250 pages. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim/ Bergstr., Germany. 1957. DM 50. Many of the problems met in planning, constructing, and arranging chemical and biological laboratories are anticipated and answered in this volume. The book is fully illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and sketches. Some advertising is found in the back of the book, accompanied by indexes of advertisers and advertised products. A helpful list of reference books is also included. The subject index completes the wealth of material contained in this book. Lecture Notes on the Use of the Microscope. 2nd ed. R. Barer.

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viii + 76 pages. Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd., 24-25 Broad St., Oxford, England. 1957. $1.50. This 2nd edition is a revision of the first, limiting its changes to the correction of some minor errors and clarification of certain points. Intended primarily for beginners, the book is a concise scientific introduction to the use of the microscope. Emphasis -is placed on practical instructions; however, a short section on theory based on modern views is included. The author has dwelt on fundamental principles to the exclusion of specialized modern methods which he considers would only confuse the beginning student.



The C H R O M A - K I T vastly increases the utility of existing chromatographic an­ alyzers by taking advantage of catalytic combustion de­ tection techniques. The CHROMA-KIT accessory kit provides sensitive indications for the accurate analysis of combustible components in the sample stream. Conversion kit consists of de­ tection cell assembly (complete with combustion cell and spare set of filaments), bridge circuit, and a power supply for operating the catalytic combustion cell. Units available from stock. For further information write for Technical Bulletin 905.




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Circle No. 62 A on Readers' Service Card, page 103 A 62 A



Two appendices offer some instruc­ tive experiments with the microscope and a description of the use of researchtype microscope lamps. Analytical Control for Ammonia Synthesis. J. R. Hall, G. D. Barnes, and E. D. Frederick, compilers. TVA Chemical Engineering Bull. No. 2. xxii + 435 pages. 1955. $4.25. This bulletin is the second in a series published by the Tennessee Valley Au­ thority. It covers in detail the most recent laboratory procedures and meth­ ods in routine use for analytical control of processes at the TVA synthetic am­ monia plant. For the first time these procedures are compiled in a single publication. The bulletin contains 83 illustrations, 11 tables, 12 appendices, a subject in­ dex, and a bibliography of 55 refer­ ences. It may be purchased from the TVA Office of Chemical Engineering, Wilson Dam, Ala. Orders should be accompanied by a check or moneyorder made payable to Tennessee Valley Authority. ASTM Viscosity Tables for Kinnematic Viscosity Conversions and Viscosity Index Calculations.

ASTM Special Tech. Pub. No. 43-B. ν + 65 pages. American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. Sept. 1957. $2.00. The adoption, in July 1953, of 1.0038 cs. at 68° F. as the standard value for the kinematic viscosity of water necessitated revision of all ex­ isting conversion tables listing kine­ matic and Saybolt viscosity values. This paper-backed booklet, prepared by Section A of Research Division VII on flow properties of ASTM committee D-2 on petroleum products and lubri­ cants, contains five such tables. In addition to incorporating the required changes, the tables have also been expanded and extended. Standard X-Ray Diffraction Powder Patterns. Howard E. Swanson, Nancy T. Gilfrich, and Marlene I. Cook. NBS Circular 539. Vol. 7. ii + 70 pages. Order from Superin­ tendent of Documents, TJ. S. Gov­ ernment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Sept. 1957. 40 cents. The 46 patterns contained in this publication replace 62 already repre­ sented in the National Bureau of Stand­ ards' X-Ray Powder Data File. In addition, data are given for seven com­ pounds not previously represented.

The majority of the material covered is inorganic, with only two organic com­ pounds included. Separate sections on each compound comprise a table listing the ASTM file card numbers, the three strongest lines, radiations used, and literature refer­ ences for each card. The cumulative index lists all compounds found in the previous six volumes of the series. Proceedings of the Pilot Clinic on New Instrumentation for InStream Food Analysis. 66 pages. Foundation for Instrumentation Edu­ cation and Research Inc., 527 Lex­ ington Ave., New York 17, Ν. Ύ. 1958. $5.00. The Pilot Clinic held at Rutgers University on Nov. 16, 1957, was a meeting sponsored by the Foundation for Instrumentation Education and Research, to establish closer contact between instrument specialists and food technologists. Five papers were presented cover­ ing the food viewpoint on processed dairy products, concentrated citrus foods, cereals and baked products, meat and meat products, and heat stabilized foods. The session on the instrumen­ tation viewpoint included papers on nuclear magnetic resonance, ionizing radiation techniques, ultrasonic meas­ urements, gas chromatography, color measurements and infrared spectros­ copy. Besides providing the text of the formal remarks made during the clinic, a list of conferees attending and re­ prints of two pertinent articles are given. Qualitative Testing and Inorganic Chemistry. Joseph Nordmann. xii + 488 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1957. $6.25. Using a modern, practical approach, the author of this text emphasizes quali­ tative aspects, filling in general related chemistry as background. Combining lecture and laboratory material, the book is sufficient for course work with­ out any additional manuals or problem books. Although a solid foundation in basic chemistry on the reader's part is assumed, the first few chapters are de­ voted to a review of equation writing, calculations on solution concentration, and atomic structure and bonding. There is a full chapter on special ex­ periments to demonstrate such prac­ tical aspects as analytical chromatog­ raphy, electrography, chemical micros­ copy, etc. Throughout the text, thioacetamide is used instead of hydrogen sulfide, and


a method is given for its preparation. The appendix contains much helpful information on mathematics, suggested student equipment, side shelf solutions, constants, and potentials. Rapid Analysis of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys. George Norwitz. 106 pages. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., 212 Fifth Ave., New York, Ν . Υ. 1958. $4.25. Without any overemphasis on speed, this small book describes a number of rapid.methods for the analysis of nonferrous metals and alloys. According to the author, his book differs in sev­ eral respects from others previously published on metal analysis. There is increased reliance on sequence proce­ dures; lengthy separations are elimi­ nated by using mathematical correction factors to advantage; colorimetric pro­ cedures are emphasized; and use of perchloric acid is increased, particu­ larly in destroying organic matter.


In addition to descriptions and oper­ ating instructions for the various labo­ ratory instruments, considerable theo­ retical material is included. The stu­ dent is therefore given a broader under­ standing of the principles involved in each method and instrument. The more than 350 illustrations in­ clude the latest models of significant instruments. Organische Fallungsmittel quantitativen Analyse.


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in der 4th ed.

Wilhelm Prodinger. xv + 246 pages. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. 1957. Geheftet DM 33, Ganzleinen DM 35.60.

This volume on organic précipitants in quantitative analysis is a revised edition, bringing the material up to date. In spite of the steadily increasing significance of physicochemical methods of analysis, there is still a constant use for gravimetric methods, as evidenced by the demand for previous editions of this work. Complexometric Titrations. Gerold The book takes a number of organic Schwarzenbach. Translated by reagents in turn, and describes their use Harry Irving, xviii + 132 pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 in determination of specific elements. References to the original literature are Fifth Ave., New York 1, Ν. Υ. 1957. given throughout. Ten tables and three $3.75. illustrations accompany the text. This translation is a complete re­ vision of the original German book; new material, new diagrams, and new Fibre Microscopy. J. L. Stoves, vii procedures have been incorporated. + 286 pages. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N. J. 1958. $7.50. The subject of complexometric titra­ tions is of fairly recent growth and is The author gives the aims of this of great importance to analytical chem­ book as: (1) to describe the most ists. The basic theory of the method efficient use of the compound microis fully explained here, followed by scope; (2) to describe the methods of chapters on indicators, titration of mix­ preparing fibres for microscopic examitures, and solutions used in complexo­ nation; (3) to give, in broad outline, metric titrations. an account of the more advanced techThe greatest part of the book com­ niques of modern microscopy and their prises detailed procedures for specific application to the study of fibres; and determinations. The author adds some (4) to indicate, among other things, concluding remarks, then provides a examples of technical applications of list of 305 references, complete to Au­ fibre microscopy in industrial practice. gust 1956. The volume is divided into two parts. The Principles of Microscopy has ten Instrumental Methods of Analysis. chapters which cover the compound 3rd ed. Hobart H. Willard, Lynne microscope, illumination, polarizing L. Merritt, Jr., and John A. Dean, microscope, phase-contrast and intervi + 626 pages. D. Van Nostrand ference microscopy, photomicrography, Co., Inc., 120 Alexander St., Prince­ ultraviolet microscopy, reflecting miton, N. J. 1958. $7.50. croscopes and spectromicrography, electron microscope, and metal shadow Progress in instrumentation has been surging ahead at such a great rate that casting in visible microscopy. Part I I this third edition is almost a com­ covers the microscopy of fibrous matepletely rewritten version of its prede­ rials in six chapters. These deal with cessors. Some subjects, such as flame preparations of specimens, animal photometry, infrared techniques, and fibers, vegetable fibers, manufactured fluorescence methods, have been greatly fibers, mineral fibers, and microscopic expanded. Others—i.e., gas chroma­ methods of fiber identification. An aptography, nuclear magnetic resonance, pendix lists special reagents and stains, coulometric methods, and x-ray fluo­ and there are four indexes—subjects, rescence—are completely new. names, animals, and plants.



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