Graduate Education - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Statistics on graduate students and their education; need to do more to prepare graduate students ... Responses to Changing Needs in U.S. Doctoral Edu...
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Chemical Education Today


Graduate Education The lowest-ranking category for chemistry graduate stuAcademic research and graduate studies in chemistry are dents was teaching and TA preparation, even though this changing. The article by graduate student Eric N. Brown that result was above the overall average. The statement “The begins on p 13 describes one aspect of that change—the trend teaching experience available through my program is adequate toward interdisciplinary research. Brown’s account of his own preparation for an academic/teaching career” course of study clearly delineates the advanelicited 53% responses of “strongly agree” or tages to a graduate student of participating in an interdisciplinary research project. Inter- we should take the lead “agree” and 47% responses of “disagree” or “strongly disagree”. This is an area that we disciplinary research is less familiar than in advising students teachers know something about and in traditional single-investigator research. Menwhich we could improve significantly withtioning it in both advising and informal about…career choices. out undue expenditure of resources. Paying conversations might well expand horizons for more attention to preparation of graduate undergraduates considering graduate study as students for teaching would directly benefit those who aswell as for new graduate students. pire to academic positions and would also benefit the unAnother aspect of graduate programs is the degree to dergraduate programs in which they serve. which they meet the needs and expectations of those enGolde and Dore make a number of recommendations rolled in them. Two recent studies provide mixed reviews of to faculty that are worthy of consideration in chemistry dethis issue. Golde and Dore (1) tabulated results from surveys partments. In general, we should improve communication of 4114 doctoral students at 27 universities who were enwith graduate students and take the lead in advising students rolled in programs in more than 10 disciplines, including about graduate education and career choices. More specifichemistry. Golde and Dore conclude that “Although no more cally, we should than half of the students will become faculty, and most of those will not find jobs at research universities, doctoral pro• Inculcate values, discuss ethics, and model ethical grams continue to train students to be research faculty.” They behavior also found that many students do not understand what gradu• Encourage students to expand disciplinary boundaries ate study entails and do not know how to navigate it effecthrough course work and interdisciplinary research tively. Students in the sciences reported that they “do not • Make available information students need to make clearly understand what criteria will determine when they are informed choices, including choices of nonacademic ready to graduate.” Only a little over 50% of the students careers had the opportunity to learn specifically about teaching as part of their program, and many reacted as did one molecu• Regularly reexamine program requirements to make lar biology student: “I am amazed at how little preparation I certain that they support program goals and the am receiving in how to teach.” Overall, however, there is conneeds of students siderable satisfaction with Ph.D. programs. Only 3% of the • Encourage students to take advantage of activities that students reported that they would not attend graduate school provide breadth of experience in both academic and if they had it to do over again. More than 90% have the adcommunity settings visor they want and a dissertation topic that interests them. • Maintain good communication with students and act Data more specific to chemistry graduate programs are on what we learn from their opinions available in an online survey carried out by the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students between Continual attention to graduate chemistry education is March and August 2000 (2). More than 32,000 graduate necessary to ensure that the education of Ph.D. chemists is the best it can possibly be. Think about what you can constudents responded to the survey. Respondents who were chemistry students included 1123 Ph.D. candidates, 164 tribute to this goal, whether or not you are directly involved who received the Ph.D. between 1995 and 2000, and 29 in a graduate program. Then act appropriately. candidates during the same period who did not receive the Ph.D. Participants in this survey were self-selected, and so their responses may not fully reflect the opinions of the entire population of graduate students. Nevertheless, the results Literature Cited deserve our attention. Chemistry graduate students were satisfied with their programs and especially with the mentoring 1. Golde, C. M.; Dore, T. M. At Cross Purposes: What the Experiences of Doctoral Students Reveal about Doctoral Education. they received. Items on which the physical sciences scored above the average for all disciplines were information for pro (accessed Nov 2001), Philadelphia, spective students, teaching and TA preparation, career guidPA: A report prepared for The Pew Charitable Trusts, 2001. 2. National Association of Graduate and Professional Students. ance and placement services, overall program climate, and especially mentoring. In no category did physical sciences The 2000 National Doctoral Program Survey. http:// score below the overall average. (accessed Nov 2001). • Vol. 79 No. 1 January 2002 • Journal of Chemical Education