Graphical Methods for Temperature Distribution with Unsteady Heat

of food, control of temperature in massive concrete structures, heat treatment of metals, annealing of glass, vulcanization of rubber, flow of heat th...
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Graphical Methods for Temperature Distribution with Unsteady Heat Flow J

The field of usefulness of the graphical method in solving unsteady-state heat conduction problems is outlined by briefly comparing the graphical method with several alternate procedures. Methods which extend the graphical type of solution to cover temperature distributions through a composite wall, a cylinder, and a sphere are presented. Each procedure is fully illustrated by a representative problem, and an approximate theoretical derivation is submitted for each of the three cases discussed. The manner in which a situation is treated, where some quantity takes on variable values, is also indicated.

the thermal conductivity, specific heat, and density of the conducting material. I n working with heat conduction problems, it is necessary that these factorsbe expressed in a set of consistent units. Unless stated otherwise, the units used here are given in Table 11. The diffusivityof a material is defined by the equation,


a k/h) The rate of heat transfer through a unit cross section of area is assumed to follow the basic heat transfer equation, p = k(At/Az) TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION ACROSS BOUNDARY OF COMPOSITE WALL

TEMPLE C. PATTON Tha Baker Castor Oil Company, New York, N. Y .

EAT ffow through a conducting material is unsteady or


transient when the temperature a t any given point in the material changes with time. Conditions of unsteady heat conduction are often encountered in engineering work-for example, in the molding and extruding of plastics, thermal processing of food, control of temperature in massive concrete structures, heat treatment of metals, annealing of glass, vulcanization of rubber, flow of heat through walls, etc. Hence, not infrequently the engineer is confronted with the problem of computing the teniperature distribution within a material as a function of time. Several methods are available, and each has advantages as well as disadvantages and limitations. These methods are usually limited in application to some simple geometrical shape such as a plane slab, a cylinder, a sphere, a box-shaped figure, etc. However, most shapes can be considered as approximating one or more of these simple forms. Table I lists several of the methods employed in solving problems of unsteady heat conduction. This article deals exclusively with the graphical method of obtaining temperature distributions. It extends the methods already in use to include several new situations which have not been discussed before in the manner presented here. Credit for the establishment of the graphical method is usually given to Schmidt (19) although the discussion of a paper by Emmons (9) brought out that priority for the method should be assigned to L. Binder. Although the graphical method is approximate, i t circumvents many of the difficulties imposed by the purely mathematical a p proach. For example, i t is readily applicable to more or less complex situations which cennot be simply resolved by a rigorous mathematical analysis. Essentially, the graphical method consists in replacing the differential equation by an equation of finite differences. In keeping with this idea, the method will be presented in terms of algebra and finite increments of change. UNITS

The rate of heat diffusion through a solid conducting material depends on the factors of temperature difference, time, and

Schmidt (19) and Sherwood and Reed ($0)outlined graphical methods for obtaining the temperature distribution across the boundary interface of a composite wall. Both methods, however, are rather involved. A third method, considerably simpler, is given here which requires the use of only a single auxiliary construction line. All three procedures require the time period A0 to be the same for both of the materials making u p the composite wall. Let primes be used to identify the quantities referring to one side of the composite wall:

w [r



'h +n



c11: CL


w t-









d X


DISTANCE Figure 1. Method for Obtaining Temperature Distribution across a Composite Wall Interface

November, 1944





Method Advantages Disadvantages and Limitations Mathematical analysis Direct substitution of Exactness; basic equations lend Basic equations in general are highly innumerical values into themselves to study of generalvolved and require extensive computabasic equations in ized interrelations existing tion work in getting results. Complexcalculating results among several factors contribity of problem may defy mathematical uting to unsteady heat conduoanalysis. Function of initial temp. tion distribution required. In general, limited to one material and constant k, E, and h Numerical results eval- Quite exact; results quickly ob- Limited to coverage of charts and tables uated by prepared tained extant in literature. Considerable charts and tables work necessary to obtain s d c i e n t points for over-all temp. distribution Numerical procedure: ap- Good approx. results can be rap- Approx. solution, although precision of idly obtained. Method widely method is probably better than data proximate solution obapplicable, especially to rightavailable for problem. Cylindrical and tained by using a network angled shapes. Gives over-all spherical shapes call for somewhat of temperature points temp. distribution more involved procedure than rightcovering the region being investigated angled shapes Graphic& procedure: ap- Good approx. results can be Approx. solution, although accuracy of quickly obtained. Applicable proximate solution obmethod is probably better than data to complex temp. distributions tained through line conavailable for problem. Construction (two materials). Gives in visual work requires care and is somewhat structions form the over-all temp. distributedious tion prevailing at any time. Allowances for change in ambient fluid temp. and in k, E , and h can be incorporated in procedure Analogical procedures Accuracy of method probably as Expensive and elaborate equipment reElectrical analogy good aa data used in setting up quired. Training necessary to master and adjusting controls of aptechnique of setting up apparatus and operating controls. Limitation of use paratus. Adaptable to wide variety of problems, especially is largely matter of skill with which to periodic temp. fluctuations operator can adjust controls to simuover long periods late unsteady-state conditions Considerable equipment required. Many Hydraulic analogy Fair accuracy inherent faults and imperfections in proposed apparatus appear to limit method to rough and approx. results

. 1

This means that the lamina thickness Ax and Ax’ are intertiependent. Hence in selecting a thickness value for As, i t must be borne in mind that this selection arbitrarily fixes Az’ for the other side. A judicious choice can usually be made which gives convenient lamina thickness values for both sides. In the proposed new method, lamina half sections of thickness &x/2 and &x’/2 are laid off to either side of the interface boundary to give a mixed but full lamina section altogether. The interface surface is considered as the midplane of this composite lamina section. T o the side of the interface having the larger Arc, an auxiliary construction line is drawn parallel to the boundary line and at a distance A s ( k ’ / h ) from it, or at a distance Ax’ (k/k’)if Ax’ is larger than A$ (Figure 1). I n proceeding with the graphical process, temperature steps or temperature increments through the walls to either side of the interface boundary are obtained by standard graphical procedures as described by previous writers ( 9 , 1 9 , 8 O , I I ) . Briefly, the graphical procedure for obtaining successive temperature distributions through a homogeneous solid as a function of time consists in progressively connecting alternate temperature values, as plotted on the midplane lines of the several laminae sections into which the solid is conveniently divided, by straight lines. The intersection of each connecting straight line with the intervening midplane which i t crosees gives the desired new temperature value for the intervening midplane. By proceeding across the solid in some regular manner and by dealing with three adjacent midplanes a t a time, a series of temperature increments or jumps are obtained and, when interconnected, result in a new temperature distribution. A succeeding distribution is obtained


References (9, 8, 1.9, 18)

( 1 , 6 , l d ,l 4 , 1 8 , 8 8 )


(4, 6 , 7,9, 11.16, 17,19, 90,$2)



by building on a previously completed distribution. The time interval elapsing between successive distributions is given by the relation A6 = (&)*/2a, a n expression which involvea the lamina thickness value and the diffusivity of the solid under consideration. To provide for the heat flow contribution of a fluid at a solidfluid interface, a point corresponding to the temperature of the fluid is located at a distance ( k / h ) beyond the surface of the solid (a pole center). Any subsequent graphical construction which gives the temperature distribution is then made to tie in with this pole center point. If the value of half the lamina thickness (Ax/2) is less than (h/h),a fictive midplane is also to be drawn at a distance (As/2) outside of the solid-fluid interface to aid in the graphical construction. This is a purely mechanical device to aid

TABLE 11. CONSISTENT UNITS Quantity Diff usivity Specific heat Surface conductance Thermal conductivity Rate of heat transfer Total heat transferred Radius Temperature Thickness Time Density Difference or increment

Symbol U C



6 1

Pq. ft./hr.

Ft. O F.








B.t.uJ(lb.1 (” F.) B.t.u./(sq. ft.) (hr.) ( O F.) B.t.u./(ft.) (hr.) ( O F.) B.t.u./hr. B.t.u.

Lb./cu. ft.




in closely approximating the temperature distribution actually occurring. For details of these graphical procedures reference should be made to the sources already noted. The temperature jumps for the interface midplane, hoRever, are obtained by considering the auxiliary line as one of the adjacent midplanes and using i t in conjunction with the midplane to the other side of the interface boundary to obtain a temperature increment. At all times the temperature of the auxiliary line assumes the temperature value of the midplane i t replaces. In Figure 1 the method is shown in detail; tc, tm, and t h give initial temperatures, tm being that of the interface midplane. To obtain a new value for the midplane temperature A0 time units later, temperature t h is projected horizontally to intersect the auxiliary line. A straight line connecting tc with this point of intersection cuts the interface midplane to give tn, the new temperature value required. The following problem gives an illustrative application of the method. PROBLEM I. A 13.5-inch firebrick wall (9.00-inch firebrick, 4.50-inch insulating brick), initially at a uniform' temperature of 100' F., is subjected to a furnace temperature of 2900' F. for 12 hours. Assuming the values tabulated below, determine the approximate temperature distribution through the wall a t the end of this 12-hour period: Wall Material




Firebrick Insulating brick

1.02 0.103

126 30

0.26 0.23

a 0.0314 0.0149

h 20.0


Vol. 36, No. 11

foot insulating brick wall into 2.5 laminae. Using these values, the A6 time period for either side of the wall is approximately 0.74 hour: Thickness, No. 00 Ft.

Wall Material Firebrick Insulating brick

Laminae 3.6

0.75 0.375






0.73 0.75

The graphical solution to the problem is given in Figure. 2. The temperature distribution a t the end of the 12-hour period is given a t the end of the (12/0.74 = ) 16th AB time period. DERIVATION OF COMPOSITE WALL RELATION

Consider the three laminae C, $1,and H in Figure 1. During a relatively short time period A@, the heat which flows into the composite lamina M (from H)per unit of area is: A0

Q I ~



- tm) 4X

During the same time period the heat which flows out of lamina M (into C) is:

If AB' is made equal to AB, the net gain of heat by lamina M becomes: Qgorn






By successive trials it is found.that a division of the 0.75-foot firebrick'wall into 3.5 laminae results in a division of the 0.375-



3 I-

6 fx w a, 2 W


A X' (AX's.l52


Figure 2.






AX --2



lkmperature Distribution across a Composite Brick Wall


November, 1944



lated to AT by the equation A0 = (At-)*/!& However, in laying off the midshell distances, it is necessary to modify the distance AT between the midradii of adjacent shells. One spacing schedule for modifying the midradius separation distances when the surface conductance is involved is given in column A, Table 111, where R is the outside radius of the cylinder and 7 0 , T I , Ta, etc., are the midshell radii, the numbering starting from the outside (Figure A COMPOSITE WALL 3E). If the surface conductance is infinite-Le., if the surface and ambient fluid temperatures are always the same-the spacing schedule in column B of Table I11 is suggested (Figure 30). numterinq -surface coductarce ' As done in the case of the plane wall situation, the temperature distribution across a solid-fluid boundary is accomplished by locating a pole center a t a distance k / h beyond the surface of the cylinder and a t a temperature corresponding to 1g-u the temperature of the ambient fluid. An illustrative problem is given to demonstrate the method. numberlnq surface conductance finite PROBLEM 11. A steam pipe (1.25-inch nominal diameter) is covered with cork insulation 1.4 Figure 3. Modaed Spacing Arrangements to Be Used in Obtaining inches thick. The inside of the pipe is suddenly Temperature Distributions raised from 88' to 211" F. by admitting steam. Assumha an initial -uiue - and insulation temperature of 88' F. and neglecting the thermal capacity of thepipe, This heat which is gained by lamina M goes to increase its avdetermine the temperature. distribution through the insulation erage temperature from tm to tn; hence the heat absorbed by the a t the end of 12 minutes\ lamina (per unit of area) is:




Material Cork insulation

Equating these two expressions for the heat gain, solving for (tn tm), and arbitrarily setting


it is possible to obtain the following expression for t,:

At first glance it would appear that


in this expression could

not be easily obtained by graphical means. However, a graphical solution can be simply obtained (Figure 3A). If the distance between midplanes C and M is made equal to Axt, and the distance between midplanes M and H is made equel to Ax (b'/k), a straight line connecting t~ and t, on midplanes H and C,respectively, automatically cuts midplane M a t a point corresponding t o a value of In, the temperature of the midplane M at the end of A0 time units in accordance with the requirements of the equa-

k 0.026

c 0.485





h 3.9

A solution is given in Figure 4. The cork insulation is divided into 51/2 concentric shells, giving a AT value of 0.0212 foot and a A0 time period of 0.0355 hour. The schedule outlined in column A of Table I11 was followed. The temperature distribution a t the end of 12 minutes is nearly the distribution given a t the end of the 3.5th A0 time period. Actual measurements have been made on this particular setup. The graphical solution gives values which are about 5' F. higher on the average than the measured values. This is probably due to the fact that the thermal capacity of the steel pipe was neglected in the graphical procedure and hence a temperature lag a t the inner surface of the cork insulation was not taken into account. DERIVATION OF CYLINDER RELATION

Consider the three concentric shells H,M , and C in Figure 5, each of thickness AT and having midradius temperatures of h, tm, and tc a t midshell radii of Th, rm, and r0, respectively. During a relatively short time period A0, the heat which flows into shell M (from H)per foot of linear length is:



Trinks (21) outlines a graphical procedure for obtaining the temperature distribution across a solid cylinder. The method w u m e s the cylinder to be made up of a series of concentric cylindrical shells fitted inside of each other, each of thickness AT. The temperature a t the midradius of any shell is taken as a measw e of the average temperature of the shell, and a plot of these midshell temperatures against their radial distances gives the temperature distribution acrom the cylinder. The method of obtaining incrementa of temperature change for given increments of change in time is similar to the method for the plane slab or wall, and aa before, time interval A0 is re-


Modified Spacing Separation B. infinite surface bonductance conductance

A finite surface

Let Y and ra rt and 7 1 ra and r4 rl

Ar/2 Ar/2 2 Ar.R



...... Ar


Let X = ( R TI) Ar X (n in)

4 $2




Vol. 36, No. 11


R 1-

l i



7 -

a xis of




- '6 :.069ft.r -


Temperature Distribution across a Cylindrical Pipe Cover

During this same time period the heat which flows out of shell .W (into C) is: (t,,, Qwt

- t.)

k.AO.2s ( r -


- $)



This heat The net gain of heat by shell M is then &in &out. gain goes to increase the average shell temperature from 1, to tn, and hence the heat absorbed by shell 211 is Qoain=


- t,)


( 2 rm ~ Arpc)

factor as suggested in the schedules of Table I11 for convenienw in the graphical plotting. TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION THROUGH A SPHERE

The graphical method proposed for obtaining this temperature distribution assumes the sphere to be made up of a series of con-


Equating these two expressions for the heat gain, arbitrarily setting A0 = (Ar)*/2u,and solving for tn,

which can he rearranged to give

This equation is in suitable form so that t, can be graphically obtained, for if the distance between the midradii of C and M is made equal t o 2/(rc + rm)snd the distance between the midradii r h ) , a straight line connectof 1c1 and H i s made equal to 2/(rm ing t, and t h on C and H, respectively, will automatically cut the midradius line of M at a point corresponding to tn, the temperature of shell iM a t the end of A6 time units as demanded by the equation (Figure 3 B ) . I n the actual working out of a problem i t is advisable to multiply the spacing distances by some constant


Figure 5. Assumed Cross Section of Cylinder or Sphere

November, 1944




.r;n 0






I 8 % a sN Ns







Figure 6. Temperature Distribution across a Ceramic Ball centric spherical she& fitted inside of each other, each of thickaeas Ar. The temperature at the midshell radius of any shell is taken as a measure of the average temperature of the shell, and a plot of these midshell temperatures against their radial distances gives the temperature distribution through the sphere. The method of obtaining incrementa of temperature change with time is similar to the procedures outlined previously. The t h e interval A0 is related to Ar by the equation A8 = (Ar)s/2a; aa in the case of the cylinder, i t is necessary to modify the spacing between the midshell radii of adjacent shells. A spacing schedule for modifying the midradii separation distances when the surface conductance is involved is given in column A, Table IV, where R is the outside radius of the sphere and re, t-1, rs, etc., are the midshell radii, the numbering starting from he schedule in column A was used in the outside (Figure a&'). working out problem 111. A simpler and probably as satisfactory a schedule is given in column B. If the surface conductance is infinite, the spacing schedule of column C is suggested. PROBLEM 111. A 0.48-inch diameter refractory ceramic ball, initially a t 100' F., is placed in a 2100O F. gas stream. Assuming a surface conductance value of 40, determine the temperature a t the surface and a t the center of the ball during the &st minute of time.


Material Ceramicball







a 0.0120

most shell. The A8 period, given by (Ar)e/2a, is 2.96 seconds. The schedule outlined in column A of Table IV was followed. The temperature distribution during the first minute of heating is given by the first 20 A8 time increments of change. The temperatures a t the surface and center of the ceramic ball a t the end of 1 minute are 1920"and 1700' F., respectively. Figure 7 shows the closeness with which the values obtained by the graphical method check the equivalent values obtained by a Gurney-Lurie Chart. DERIVATION OF SPHERE RELATION

Consider the three concentric spherical shells H,M, and C in Figure 6, having thickness Ar and temperatures of th, tm, and 1, a t the midshell radius distances rh, rm,and re,respectively. During a relatively short time interval AO, the heat which flows into shell M (from H)is: k ( t ~ I,,,) 4n ( r f */*Ar)*AO &in = Ar


During this same time period the heat which flows out of shell M (into C) is: &(I, C) 4a ( r l / z Ar)z A0 &ow#

h 40

problem is given in Figure 6. Starting from A solutionto the outside, the ball is divided into four concentric shells, each having a thickness Ar of 0.0046 foot. The effect of the spherical core a t the center of the ball can be neglected as i t comprises less than 0.2%of the ball volume. The temperature at the center of the spherical ball will be essentially the temperature of the inner-






The net gain is (& QOyt)which goes to increase the average temperature of shell M from t m to tn. Hence the heat gain by shell M is: &,a