There's a completely ... disadvantage, due to silica solubility, and where no other filteraids have ... Since the filter cake is combustible, disposal...
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There's a completely new answer in filtrations involving caustics or fluorides...




The n e w p r o c e s s e d c a r b o n - b a s e d


was developed primarily for nitrations involving strongly alkaline solutions w h e r e diatomite is at a disadvantage, due to silica solubility, and w h e r e no other filteraids have proved entirely satisfactory. N E R O F I L is processed from selected carbonaceous materials. D u e to low cake density and high cake porosity, it is a highly effective filteraid, with flowrates comparable to many grades of diatomite and excellent filtrate clarity. Since the filter cake is combustible, disposal presents no problem. Metals values recovery is t h u s made easy in the filtration of metallurgical solutions. N E R O F I L is both physically and chemically stable. Boiling 50% caustic has negligible effect on N E R O F I L . . . tests show no silica solubility in 50% sodium hydroxide at 125°F. in a 30-minute period. This new filteraid is proving highly successful in caustic and sulfur production, in textile mercerizing, processing involving ligno-sulfonates, and in filtering plating solutions. F o r more information, send in the coupon, at right, today! NEROFIL

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