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Great Research Is Surfacing... - American Chemical Society

conference, is useful to experienced ... This book, and the conference from which it was drawn, ... By phone: Toll-free: 1-800-333-9511 (within U.S.),...
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Biological Mass Spectrometry: Present and Future. T. Matsuo, R. M. Caprioli, M. L. Gross, and Y. Seyama, Eds. John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third A v e n u e , New York, NY 10158. 1994. xxi + 666 pages. $180, cloth. Recent developments in mass spectrometry, such as electrospray ionization and matrix-assisted laser desorption, have allowed analytical chemists to routinely determine the molecular mass of compounds that weigh more than 100,000 daltons and to analyze trace amounts of compounds at the femtomole level under favorable circumstances. This book, which contains papers presented at a 1992 international conference, is useful to experienced mass spectroscopists as well as newcomers to the field.

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Worst Things First: The Debate Over Risk-based Environmental Priorities. Adam M. Finkel, Ed. Re­ sources for the Future, 1616 Ρ Street, N.W., W a s h i n g t o n , DC 20036. 1994. 315 pages. $45, cloth. This book, and the conference from which it was drawn, explores the controversy over what approach scientists should use to set U.S.en­ vironmental priorities and presents alternative strategies for achieving the common but subjective goal of improving the efficiency and fair­ ness of environmental protection. At the Annapolis, MD, conference on risk-based priority setting held in 1991, authors distinguished be­ tween "hard" and "soft" compara­ tive risk assessment. Environmental Strategies Hand­ book: A Guide to Effective Policies & Practices. Rao V. Kolluru, Ed. in Chief. McGraw Hill, Inc., 1221 Ave­ nue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. 1994. xxi + 1030 pages. $79.50, cloth. This handbook explores the con­ cepts and strategies of resource management, stewardship, and sus­ tainable development. A main ob­ jective is to offer guidance to deci­ sion makers within and outside the corporate world for developing and implementing effective environ­ mental, health, and safety strate­ gies. The handbook contains 22 chapters, each written by an expert in the field, with an introduction by Stephan Schmidheiny, the Swiss industrialist who served as princi­ pal adviser to the secretary-general of the Earth Summit in Rio de Ja­ neiro in 1992.

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E n v i r o n . S c i . T e c h n o l . , V o l . 2 8 , No. 12, 1994

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