Green Chemistry

We thank the many people who contributed their time and efforts toward making this volume possible. The dedication of Joseph Breen in further- ing the...
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Downloaded by on October 8, 2015 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0626.pr001

Preface GREEN CHEMISTRY focuses on the design, manufacture, and use of chemicals and chemical processes that have little or no pollution potential or environmental risk and are both economically and technologically feasible. T h e principles of green chemistry can be applied to all areas o f chemistry including synthesis, catalysis, reaction conditions, separations, analysis, and monitoring. T h e chemical industry i n the U n i t e d States releases more than 3 b i l l i o n tons of chemical waste each year to the environment. Industry then spends $150 billion per year i n waste treatment, control, and disposal costs. T h e challenge for chemists involved at all stages o f chemical design, manufacture, and use is to make incremental changes that, when summed, w i l l achieve significant accomplishments i n the design of new products and processes that are less polluting and hazardous to the environment. T h e symposium upon which this book is based was organized by Joseph J . B r e e n and A l l a n F o r d under the auspices of the D i v i s i o n of Environmental Chemistry, Inc. This book is composed primarily of topics that were presented at sessions of the symposium that were chaired by the editors of this volume. In addition, presentations from another session of the same symposium that focused o n environmentally benign chemistry research i n the international arena, chaired by Steven Hassur, have also been included. This book presents the current research efforts and recent results of leaders i n the field of green chemical syntheses and processes. T h e projects described cover a range of topics that are broadly applicable to the chemical industry as well as to chemical education. A s such, this book should appeal to chemists from academia, industry, and government who are involved i n fundamental research, methods development and application, education, and decision making. O u r hope is that this book w i l l provide a wealth of information to chemists involved i n chemical synthesis and processing at the research, applied, and management levels and w i l l also act as a catalyst i n stimulating many more chemists to become involved i n the design and use of chemical syntheses and processes i n an environmentally responsible manner.

xi In Green Chemistry; Anastas, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Disclaimer W e edited this book i n our private capacities. N o official support or endorsement of the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency is intended or should be inferred.

Downloaded by on October 8, 2015 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0626.pr001

Acknowledgments W e thank the many people who contributed their time and efforts toward making this volume possible. The dedication of Joseph Breen i n furthering the cause of green chemistry through all avenues and specifically for his role i n organizing the Design for the Environment Symposium is valued and appreciated. W e also recognize the Division of E n v i r o n m e n tal Chemistry, Inc., and A l l a n F o r d for their contributions to the symposium. T h e assistance of Margaret Cavanaugh and M a r i a B u r k a i n identifying individuals for the original symposium sessions is much appreciated. W e also thank Steven Hassur for his role i n organizing the international session of the symposium. Chemists who dedicated their time to provide insight and support for this book include: Steven D e V i t o , Russell Farris, C a r o l Farris, D a n i e l L i n , D a n i e l Bushman, Jenny T o u , Caroline Weeks, D i a n a Darling, Steven Hassur, P a u l Tobin, P a u l Bickart, Gregory Fritz, and F r e d M e t z . M a n y thanks to R h o n d a Bitterli, whose guidance was essential to getting this volume initiated. Thanks to the A C S Books Department Staff, including Barbara Pralle and Charlotte M c N a u g h t o n . A n d most of all, thanks to each of the authors whose outstanding efforts have made this volume so valuable. P A U L T . ANASTAS T R A C Y C . WILLIAMSON

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D C 20460 December 12, 1995

xii In Green Chemistry; Anastas, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.