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tween stainless steel inner jacket and outer wall. Working dimensions: 22" xll%"x9%" deep. Three-heat selector switch offers settings of 400, 800 and...
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Entire control unit detaches for easy installation in another bath. This exclusive feature not offered in competitive units!

Typically outstanding Greiner qual­ ity .. .yet remarkably priced at about 50% less than competitive models of similar sensitivity!


Newly designed constant temperature bath for general lab­ oratory use features double-wall type construction. Water chamber is stainless steel, with glass wool insulation be­ tween stainless steel inner jacket and outer wall. Working dimensions : 22" x l i y 2 " x 9 % " deep. Three-heat selector switch offers settings of 400, 800 and 1,600 watts. Fine screw adjustment in thermoregulator operates fully enclosed tungsten contact for fine precision setting (.020E). Bath operating range is ambient to 180° Ε ; can be expanded by addition of special cooling coils for operation below ambient and special heating coils for work above 180° Ε Specially designed mercury relay is built to provide liter­ ally millions of silent, service-free operations. Controls are installed in compact, self-contained, stainless steel box mounted on aluminum housing. Special stirrer motor,

with large air circulating unit on top of motor, cools in­ side of control box. Τ 3 3 7 0 0 All-Purpose Economy Bath — complete with heater, heat selection switch, thermoregulator and relay. 115-volt 50-60 cycle A.C. operation. Each $179. Entire control unit can be purchased separately.

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GREINER SCIENTIFIC C O R P O R A T I O N and Palo Laboratory Supplies, Inc. 22 N. Moore St., Dept. 521, New York 13, Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 57 on Readers' Service Card


35, NO. 1, JANUARY 1963


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