Grid-Based Projector Augmented Wave (GPAW) Implementation of

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Article Cite This: J. Chem. Theory Comput. XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX

Grid-Based Projector Augmented Wave (GPAW) Implementation of Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) Electrostatic Embedding and Application to a Solvated Diplatinum Complex A. O. Dohn,*,†,∇ E. Ö . Jónsson,†,∇ G. Levi,‡ J. J. Mortensen,§ O. Lopez-Acevedo,○,¶ K. S. Thygesen,§ K. W. Jacobsen,§ J. Ulstrup,‡ N. E. Henriksen,‡ K. B. Møller,‡ and H. Jónsson†,¶ †

Faculty of Physical Sciences and Science Institute, University of Iceland, 107 Reykjavı ́k, Iceland Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark § CAMD, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark ¶ Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, 02150 Espoo, Finland ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: A multiscale density functional theory−quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (DFT-QM/MM) scheme is presented, based on an efficient electrostatic coupling between the electronic density obtained from a grid-based projector augmented wave (GPAW) implementation of density functional theory and a classical potential energy function. The scheme is implemented in a general fashion and can be used with various choices for the descriptions of the QM or MM regions. Tests on H2O clusters, ranging from dimer to decamer show that no systematic energy errors are introduced by the coupling that exceeds the differences in the QM and MM descriptions. Over 1 ns of liquid water, Born−Oppenheimer QM/MM molecular dynamics (MD) are sampled combining 10 parallel simulations, showing consistent liquid water structure over the QM/MM border. The method is applied in extensive parallel MD simulations of an aqueous solution of the diplatinum [Pt2(P2O5H2)4]4− complex (PtPOP), spanning a total time period of roughly half a nanosecond. An average Pt−Pt distance deviating only 0.01 Å from experimental results, and a ground-state Pt−Pt oscillation frequency deviating by rcpr ⎩ PR


with corresponding forces FiPR

⎧ ⎛ rcpr ⎞ ⎪ ⎟r′i if ri′ ≤ rcpr ⎪−kpr ⎜1 − ri′ ⎠ ⎝ =⎨ ⎪ ⎪0 if ri′ > rcpr ⎩


where kpr is a harmonic force constant, ri is the position of counterion i, and ri′ = |ri − rCQM|, where rCQM is the center of the QM cell. The cutoff rpr c , and the force constant for the harmonic restraint potential were chosen to be equal to 16 Å and 500 Kcal/mol respectively. The total number of water molecules after removing those overlapping with the solute was 1383. The ground state of PtPOP was described using the BLYP functional, a grid spacing of 0.18 Å, and with a tzp73 basis set for Pt and dzp73 for the rest of the atoms, while nonbonded parameters were chosen from the universal force field (UFF).76 After solvating the complex, the entire box was further equilibrated to 300 K, employing a 1 fs time step until the temperature has stabilized. Thermalization was realized using the ASE Langevin thermostat applied to the solvent, while periodic boundary conditions were applied according to the minimum image convention. Stability of the simulations was ensured by constraining all OH bonds and hydrogen bonds present in PtPOP with the RATTLE algorithm. Thereafter, MD data was collected with 2 fs time step, for at least 25 ps. From the equilibrated part of the trajectory, 48 more parallel MD production runs were started at 0.5 ps intervals, to further accelerate the data collection process. When starting each trajectory, the velocities of the atoms in the solvent were

Eb = Edimer − (Emono1 − Emono2)

changing only the distance between the two water molecules, but keeping all other structural features unchanged. The dimer binding energy curves were calculated for fully QM, fully MM, and the two possible choices for QM/MM systems. For systems containing more than two water molecules, the interaction energy was evaluated as D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00621 J. Chem. Theory Comput. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

embedding scheme couples the two subsystems in a “classical” fashion (i.e., via classical Coulomb interactions); this is to be expected. As seen in Figure 1, neither of the two QM/MM and MM/QM curves significantly overbind or underbind, compared to the difference between the pure QM and MM descriptions. 4.2. Benchmark: Larger (H2O)n Clusters. Figure 2 shows the statistical distributions of differences in interaction energies − EMM ΔE = EQMMM int int , between QM/MM results and full MM results for all possible QM/MM combinations. The dataset is produced from the water cluster geometries of the Bates− Tschumper hexamers and the set of (H2O)n, n = 3−10, clusters provided by Temelso and co-workers,81 to achieve better statistics for the interaction energy benchmarks. Overall, for the 3−9 molecule clusters, the difference in interaction energy middle 50% of the distribution (denoted by the white boxes) is mostly within the maximum difference between a full QM and a full MM description. For the 8−10 molecule clusters, the QM/ MM spread (total, as well as middle 50%) is actually smaller than that observed for the smaller clusters, which could indicate that the difference between the QM and MM descriptions decrease as the system size increases. The water database only contains 2, 3, and 2 clusters of 8, 9, and 10 molecules, respectively. The decreasing difference in TIP3P and PBE interaction energy with increased system size should therefore not be considered a general trend. Indeed, if the benchmark is repeated using the BLYP functional,82,83 as shown in Figure 3, the picture is different. This GGA-type functional is also often seen in QM/MM studies.84−87 Comparing Figures 2 and 3, the differences in how the two functionals (and, therefore, the QM/MM model) compare to TIP3P becomes evident. The absolute values for the overall full QM-full TIP3P differences (as represented by the red patches in the figures) are smaller when using the PBE functional to describe the water clusters. However, BLYP is consistent in producing smaller absolute interaction energies, giving consistently positive ΔE values, and underbinding the water clusters, compared to TIP3P. Furthermore, we observe how the QM/MM interaction energies systematically increase toward the maximum full QM versus full MM difference, when the number of QM molecules in the QM/MM calculations is increased. This systematic behavior could potentially open up for more elaborate tuning strategies for the explicit interaction, e.g. using constrained DFT to minimize this difference in the full QM and full MM descriptions.88 Lastly, Figure 4 shows PBE/TIP4P interaction energy differences. Again, with very few exceptions, the middle 50% of the distributions of QM/MM interaction energy differences are within the maximum difference between full QM and full MM results. Here, however, the full MM TIP4P potential consistently produces smaller interaction energies than the full QM PBE description, with an absolute QM-MM difference of roughly half that of BLYP/TIP3P. Again, we observe the systematic increase of QM/MM binding energy with increasing number of QM molecules of each cluster. In conclusion, the electrostatic embedding interface introduces no systematic energy errors exceeding the differences between the QM and MM description. For a comparison of pure grid-based results with LCAOmode results on the interaction energies of the Bates− Tschumper geometries (see the Supporting Information). 4.3. Benchmark: Liquid Water. Figure 5 shows how the QM/MM radial distribution functions (RDFs) have a set of features combined from the pure MM and pure QM

randomized by imposing a Maxwell−Boltzmann distribution at 300 K, to minimize the correlation between them. To assess the impact of constraining all OH bonds in the complex on equilibrium properties and dynamics, a single trajectory with increased mass for all hydrogen atoms but no constraints on the degrees of freedom of the solute was produced. The average of the main structural parameters of the complex and the Pt−Pt oscillating frequency obtained from this trajectory were found to be negligibly different from those obtained when employing RATTLE constraints for the OH bonds. Overall, the equilibrated trajectories amounted to 463 ps and were obtained over ∼9750 h of CPU time, corresponding to ∼21 h per picosecond.

4. BENCHMARKS In this section, we test the accuracy of the embedding scheme, relative to the distinct models for two regions. By comparing the QM/MM interaction energies with full QM and full MM results on a system that only contains one molecular species, we can assess the accuracy of our model. Since the method has been developed to describe molecules in solution, and that one of the most ubiquitous solvents is water, we focus our tests on pure water. The criteria of success are that (1) the coupled binding energies do not overbind or underbind, when compared to neither the chosen QM nor the MM models, and (2) that the various possible combinations of QM/MM geometries and regions are as similar as possible, so that there will be no orientation-induced differences in energies and forces. We note that neither the PBE functional, nor the TIP3P classical potential, are perfect water models,70,77−79 and constructing such a model is outside the scope of this work. 4.1. Benchmark: H2O Dimer. The calculated dimer binding energy curves for fully QM, fully MM, and the two QM/MM cases (where Emono1 ≠ Emono2), are shown in Figure 1. We observe that the QM/MM and MM/QM binding curves are essentially identical.

Figure 1. Binding energy for the H2O dimer. The two dashed lines represent the QM/MM binding energy of each of the QM and MM monomer description. The PBE energy functional is used for the QM and TIP4P potential function for MM. The two QM/MM results are practically the same and close to the results where both molecules are described with MM. The vertical lines represent the optimal O−O distance for the s22 geometry (black) and TIP4P potential (blue).

The pure PBE energy minimum of the s22 geometry is 0.014 eV higher than the CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ value, and the minimum energy is at a slightly larger separation (2.99 Å). However, the MM force field (TIP4P) gives a shorter dimer bond distance and a deeper well. The two QM/MM calculations, corresponding to the different choices for the QM and MM molecules, are very similar, and are close to the pure MM binding curve. Since the implemented electrostatic E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00621 J. Chem. Theory Comput. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

Figure 2. Box plot of ΔE = EQMMM − EMM int int , the QM/MM (PBE/TIP3P) vs full MM interaction energy difference of every possible combinations of QM and MM descriptions of both the Bates−Tschumper hexamers,80 and the (H2O)n, n = 3−10 clusters from the database by Temelso and coworkers,81 for a total of 6331 single point QM/MM calculations. The boxes represent the lower and upper quartile, split by the red median line, and the whiskers represent the standard 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR). The red patch is the signed maximum interaction energy difference between the full QM and full MM description. The blue patch is the maximum difference of opposite sign, so, e.g., if the maximum difference is negative (i.e., overbinding), the maximum difference of the opposite sign will be the largest possible underbinding result.

Figure 3. Box plot of ΔE, as in Figure 2, but this time using the BLYP functional for the QM subsystem (TIP3P is still used for the MM part). Compared to the PBE results, the interaction energy difference between the full QM and the full MM description is larger, but for BLYP, it is always positive, and it shows signs of systematic convergence. This also makes the QM/MM description more consistent, with a consistently increasing ΔE as the number of BLYP water molecules increases.

have used a hydrogen-bonding criterion similar to previous work,71,92 such that a hydrogen bond is deemed to exist if rOO < rmax − 0.00044δ2, where rOO is the O−O distance, rmax is the maximum radius of the first (O−O) solvation shell, and δ is the hydrogen bonding angle (β − βopt). The angle βopt is the optimal β angle of the water dimer from the s22 dataset.75 Thus, this relation defines a geometrical, conical criterion for hydrogen bonding, which includes a demand for directionality of the bond, which increases with the O−O distance, as visualized in the top left of the figure. In the upper plot in Figure 6, the distribution of α angles shows more angular rigidity when going from the TIP3P to the PBE description, with a further QM/MM increase, mirroring the QM/MM RDF overstructuring. The bottom plot, made to facilitate direct comparison to pure PBE results from the literature,71 again shows this increased rigidity in the angle β. Since the TIP3P molecules and the QM molecule of the QM/MM simulations are completely rigid, the bottom plot angle distributions have

description. The well-known overstructuring of water due to PBE71,77,89,90 is reproduced in the QM/MM results, as is evident from the large peak height, so the pseudo-structure over the QM/MM interface is internally consistent with the electrostatic embedding interface that we have developed for GPAW. The QM/MM RDFs shown have been produced using the Smoothly Switching (SS) short-range potential (see the Supporting Information). Results from a previously developed short-range method based on Gaussian charge distributions (GCDs),65 as well as results using an external MM code,91 are almost identical (see Appendix D in the Supporting Information). The same picture reveals itself when extending the liquid quasi-structure analysis to angular distributions, as seen in Figure 6. The literature suggests three angular distributions of importance for the hydrogen-bond structure of water:71,92−95 The donor angle α = ∠OD−HD−OA, the acceptor angle θ = ∠HD−OA−HA, and bonding angle deviation from linearity β = ∠HD−OD−OA, as illustrated in Figure 6. We F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00621 J. Chem. Theory Comput. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

Figure 4. Box plot of ΔE, as in Figure 2, but this time using PBE/TIP4P.

w(r ) = −kbT ln(gPtPt (r ))


where gPtPt(r) is the pairwise Pt−Pt RDF. The thermally averaged Pt−Pt distance of PtPOP in aqueous solution in our simulations was 2.99 Å. A previous QM/MM MD study by Penfold et al. obtained a value of 3.06 Å.53 The experimental value, obtained via X-ray diffraction (XRD) is 2.98 Å.51 From a Morse-potential fit to the PMF, a low degree of anharmonicity of the Pt−Pt stretching vibration can be deduced. The degree of deviation from harmonicity was estimated by calculating the anharmonicity constant xe, according to the expression

xe =

ℏ 4De

k0 μ

with De being the depth at the minimum and k0 being the force constant of the PMF, and μ is the reduced mass of Pt2. Using these parameters, a value of xe = 1. 5 × 10−3 is obtained, which is noticeably small, if compared, for example, to that of a very harmonic diatomic system (such as I2;97 2.8 × 10−3). The position of the minimum of the Morse-fitted potential at 2.98 Å, a Pt−Pt distance only 0.01 Å shorter than the thermally averaged value, also points to a remarkable harmonicity. As a further and last confirmation of the harmonicity, the vibrational frequency calculated from the force constant and reduced mass of Pt2, 124 cm−1 (270 fs period), is very close to the frequency obtained from the maximum of a Fourier transform (FT) of the oscillating Pt−Pt distance in the simulation and shown in Figure 7. With respect to this, we also note that the value obtained from the FT analysis, 121 cm−1 (275 fs), deviates by