GroEL-Mediated Protein Folding - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

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Chapter 10

GroEL-Mediated Protein Folding 1

François Baneyx and Anthony A. Gatenby Central Research and Development, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, P.O. Box 80402, Wilmington, DE 19880

The molecular chaperone GroEL has been shown to facilitate the refolding of chemically unfolded proteins by a mechanism which depends upon the presence of Mg-ATP and the cochaperonin GroES. In this article, we have used inhibition, proteolysis and fluorescence techniques to show that the adenine nucleotides AMP-PNP, y-S-ATP and ADP also bind to GroEL and alter the conformation of the tetradecamer. The absolute requirement for the cochaperonin GroES to achieve folding of biologically active Rubisco was further demonstrated using a GroEL single amino acid substitution mutant which interacts with GroES suboptimally. The implications of these results for the mode of action of GroEL are discussed. In the recent years, the traditional notion that all the information necessary for the proper folding of a polypeptide chain is contained in its amino acid sequence has been challenged by the discovery of molecular chaperones. Molecular chaperones are defined as a class of proteins which assist protein folding without becoming part of the final structure (1) and have been isolated in most of the tissues and cellular compartments examined to date. They include the nucleoplasmins, the heat shock proteins (hsp) 60, 70, and 90, the signal recognition particle as well as the secB and papD proteins in E. coli (for recent reviews see references 2-3). Among these polypeptides, the hsp60 and hsp70 families have been particularly well studied, owing to their natural abundance and their multiple roles in the cell. Nevertheless, despite the growing body of information, their function and mechanism of action remain obscure. The E. coli hsp60 homolog is the chaperonin GroEL, a protein which was initially discovered by its requirement for bacteriophage assembly (4). GroEL is organized as a double stack of seven subunits (subunit Mr 57,000) (5-7) and displays a weak ATPase activity fully dependent upon the presence of potassium ions (8-9). A large number of functionally and structurally unrelated proteins are capable of forming a binary complex with GroEL once they have been chemically unfolded, but cannot associate with the chaperonin in their native form. The resulting complexes are usually Current address: Department of Chemical Engineering, BF-10, University of Washington, Seattle, W A 98195

0097-6156/93/0526-0133$06.00/0 © 1993 American Chemical Society



quite stable since they can survive size exclusion chromatography and it has been postulated that they are formed as a result of interactions between hydrophobic patches (10). NMR analysis of transferred nuclear Overhauser effects has demonstrated that small peptides and protein fragments adopt a a-helical conformation at the surface of GroEL (77-72), suggesting that structural features may also play a role in complex formation. One to two proteins in a non-native form appear to associate with each GroEL tetradecamer (13-15). When such binary complexes are supplemented with Mg-ATP and the cochaperonin GroES (organized as a single ring of seven 10 kDa subunits) (7-8), bound proteins are released in a folded and active conformation by a process which remains largely unknown. In this paper, we have attempted to shed some light on the mechanism of action the GroEL/GroES system using proteolysis and fluorescence techniques and by comparing the behavior of wild type GroEL to that of a single amino acid substitution mutant, GroEL140. Interactions between GroEL, Adenine Nucleotides and GroES Susceptibility to Proteolysis. The binding of ATP and its subsequent hydrolysis by the chaperonin is likely to play a fundamental role in the refolding of proteins associated with GroEL. Non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs such as AMP-PNP and y-SATP (Figure 1) have been reported to support the refolding of GroEL-bound proteins, albeit with a lower efficiency than ATP (16-18). In order to show that ATP analogs were able to interact with the ATP binding site of GroEL, a series of inhibition experiments were performed (79). Table I shows that all the adenine nucleotides tested inhibited ATP hydrolysis by GroEL. Full inhibition was achieved with y-S-ATP, while even a 100-fold excess of AMP-PNP only inhibited 60% of the ATP hydrolysis by GroEL. These results suggest that the ATP binding site(s) on GroEL can be very discriminating since ADP binds tighter to the chaperonin than the non-hydrolyzable ATP analog AMP-PNP. Table I. Inhibition of the ATPase Activity of GroEL by Adenine Nucleotides Nucleotide Inhibition (%) ATPase activity (s- ) ATP 0 2.10 x 10 ATP + AMP-PNP 61 0.81 x 10" ATP + ADP 80 0.41 x 10" ATP + ^S-ATP 100 < 10" SOURCE: Adapted from ref. 19. Assays were performed with 0.1 U.M GroEL, 9.375 | i M ATP and 1 mM of the adenine nucleotides as described (79). 8



2 2



The current body of information suggests that GroEL mediates protein folding in a highly dynamic fashion, harvesting energy from ATP binding and hydrolysis to modify its conformation. Such conformational changes have been demonstrated by protease digestion experiments with the hsp70 homologs Bip (20) and DnaK (27). Similar experiments were carried out with GroEL (79). Figure 2 shows that under the experimental conditions chosen, GroEL is essentially unaffected by the presence of trypsin for up to 30 minutes. However, when ATP is added to the reaction mixture, the half-life of the protein decreases to 22 minutes. This result is indicative of a conformational change induced by ATP. A similar, or in some cases enhanced, susceptibility to proteolytic degradation was observed when ADP, y-S-ATP, or AMP-


GroEL-Mediated Protein Folding







O" _'PL_





N_'P'_ 0 _ ' P ' _ 0 _ C H H











o" _ P ' _ o_ P ' _ o_ p ' _ o _ C H


Figure 1. Chemical structure of ATP (adenosine 5' triphosphate) and the nonhydrolyzable analogs AMP-PNP (5' adenylyl imidodiphosphate) and y-S-ATP (adenosine 5'-0-(3-thiotriphosphate)). Only the relevant domains of the analogs are shown in the figure.

o H — « — i — > — i — « — i — « — i — • — i — • — i — 0





Incubation T i m e




Figure 2. Susceptibility of GroEL to trypsin digestion at 37 °C; effect of adenine nucleotides and GroES. GroEL was incubated with 0.17 mg/ml of trypsin at 37 °C with no additives (•), 2.5 mM ATP (A), 2.5 mM ATP and a 3.8 fold molar excess of GroES (•), 5 mM ADP (O), 5 mM AMP-PNP (•), or 5 mM yS-ATP (A). The reaction was quenched at the times indicated with 10 mM PMSF. Aliquots were resolved by SDS-PAGE and the intensity of the GroEL band quantified by videoscanning. The intensity at time zero was assigned the value 100% (Adapted from ref. 19).



PNP were substituted for ATP. Thus, the binding of adenine nucleotides is sufficient to induce a conformational change in the GroEL tetradecamer, although a subsequent conformational change resulting from ATP hydrolysis cannot be ruled out. In this respect, GroEL behaves like Bip (20), but differently from DnaK, since the latter protein requires ATP hydrolysis to change conformation (27). In the presence of ATP, GroEL and the cochaperonin GroES form a stable complex consisting of one to two heptamers of GroES per GroEL tetradecamer (5). To determine whether the binding of GroES imparted a further conformational change in GroEL, trypsin digestion was repeated with a 3.8-fold molar excess of (GroESh over (GroEL)i4 in the presence of Mg-ATP (79). Figure 2 shows that addition of GroES did not affect the hydrolysis profile of GroEL.ATP, suggesting that the formation of a complex between GroEL and GroES did not make additional lysine and/or arginine residues available to trypsin. This result was unexpected since electron micrographs of GroEL.GroES complexes formed in the presence of ATP show gross conformational modifications in the GroEL molecule (22). A possible explanation for these results could be that GroES binding generates quaternary structural changes in GroEL. BisANS Fluorescence. The fluorescent probe bisANS exhibits little intrinsic fluorescence (Figure 3) but becomes highlyfluorescentupon binding to hydrophobic domains in proteins. This reporter has been shown to bind to GroEL with a stoichiometry of 2.8 probes per tetradecamer (77). In addition, although bisANS does not interact with GroES, it associates with GroEL.GroES complexes formed in the presence of Mg-ATP. Under these conditions, only 1.5 probes interact with each GroEL tetradecamer (77). In an attempt to determine whether the conformational changes induced by adenine nucleotide binding affected the hydrophobic patches within the chaperonin, the changes in the fluorescence of GroEL-bound bisANS was examined in the presence of different additives as described in Figure 3. In all cases, addition of adenine nucleotides slightly reduced the maximum intensity of the spectrum (Figure 3a). Since the mere presence of nucleotides did not influence bisANS background fluorescence (data not shown), the decrease in maximum fluorescence intensity may either result from the quenching of probe fluorescence by neighboring amino acids, or by a change in the stoichiometry or strength of binding of bisANS to GroEL as imparted by the binding of adenine nucleotides to the chaperone. ATP and ADP had a comparable quenching effect (5 to 6% decrease in maximum intensity) while AMP-PNP only weakly reduced the fluorescence level. Interestingly, y-S-ATP, which induces the strongest ATPase inhibition, also yielded the highest quenching (13%). Nevertheless, none of the nucleotides examined induced a shift in the maximum wavelength (493 nm), suggesting that the conformational changes generated by adenine nucleotide binding do not drastically affect the solvent-exposed hydrophobic domains in GroEL. The fluorescence of bisANS was also examined with samples supplemented with a 3.7-fold molar excess of (GroES)7 over (GroEL)i4. Figure 3b shows that fluorescence quenchings similar to that reported for the GroEL.GroES.ATP complex (7 7) were observed with all the adenine nucleotides studied. As was the case in the absence of GroES, the relative order of quenching was AMP-PNP (22% decrease in maximum intensity), ATP (29%), ADP (32%), and y-S-ATP (36%). Overall, these results confirm the fact that GroES can form a complex with GroEL whether or not the nucleotide present is hydrolyzable. GroES binding did not significantly affect the hydrophobicity of the probe environment since the maximum emission wavelength was not changed. Using titration experiments, Mendoza et al. (77) were able to show that the dissociation constant of bisANS was essentially unaffected by the binding of GroES to GroEL in the presence of ATP. They suggested that the loss of one bisANS binding site on GroEL could result from a reduced accessibility or physical modification of the exposed hydrophobic domain in GroEL. It is tempting to further speculate that the



GroEL-Mediated Protein Folding



T — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — r 420.0 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 500.0

Wavelength (nm) 29.0-







Wavelength (nm) Figure 3. BisANS fluorescence. The fluorescence of bisANS (10 | i M final concentration) was measured in the presence of GroEL (1 uM protomer final concentration) and different additives in 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 10 mM KC1, 10 mM MgCh at 37 °C using a Perkin-Elmer fluorescence spectrophotometer with excitation at 394 nm and a slit width of 5 nm. Panel a. from top: GroEL, GroEL + 2 mM AMP-PNP, GroEL + 2 mM ATP, GroEL + 2 mM ADP, GroEL + 2 mM y-S-ATP, and background bisANS fluorescence in buffer. Panel b, from top: GroEL, GroEL + 2 mM ATP, GroEL + GroES + 2 mM AMP-PNP, GroEL + GroES + 2 mM ATP, GroEL + GroES + 2 mM ADP, GroEL + GroES + 2 mM y-S-ATP, and background bisANS fluorescence in buffer. For all recordings made in the presence of GroES, a 3.7 molar excess of GroES heptamers over GroEL tetradecamers was used, and the background fluorescence of bisANS .GroES substracted.



topological change(s) induced by nucleotide binding is a requirement for the binding of GroES. If hydrophobic interactions are indeed the principal determinant for the binding of non-native proteins to GroEL, the "sririnking" of the hydrophobic patch imparted by GroES binding could weaken the anchoring of the partially unfolded protein and facilitate subdomain folding in a protected environment. The process could continue by successive rounds of ATP hydrolysis coordinated by GroES binding and release, during which the bound protein would progress from a molten globule-like structure to a more compact and native-like conformation (23). At this point, the protein could be released as a result of decreased affinity. Suboptimal GroES Binding Affects Protein Folding by GroEL E. coli strains mutant in the groE operon have been isolated on the basis of their inability to support bacteriophage X morphogenesis (24). Such a mutation (groEL140) was recently mapped to a single amino acid substitution ( Ser -> Phe) in the groEL gene (Georgopoulos, C., CMU Geneva, personal communication). GroEL140 was purified to near homogeneity and compared to wild type GroEL (79). The mutant protein behaved as a tetradecamer and exhibited an ATPase activity approximately 1.5fold lower relative to the wild type protein. It was capable of binding the adenine nucleotides AMP-PNP, ADP, and y-S-ATP (in order of increased ATPase activity inhibition). GroEL140 was more sensitive than wild type GroEL to trypsin hydrolysis (ti/2 = 30 min) and its susceptibility to hydrolysis was significantly enhanced in the presence of adenine nucleotides (79). Overall, these results indicated that GroEL 140 assembled in a looser conformation than GroEL. The ability of GroEL140 to support the refolding of the dimeric form of S labeled Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) from R. rubrwn was examined as described (25, 79, for a review see 26). Both wild type and mutant chaperonins could bind comparable amounts of acid unfolded [ S]Rubisco (Figure 4) indicating that the affinity of GroEL140 for non-native proteins was not compromised by the mutation. When ATP was added to the reaction mixture, over 75% of the radioactive material associated with GroEL was released from the chaperonin but only trace amounts folded into a monomer (LI) or the biologically active dimer (L2). Addition of GroES resulted in the recovery of 58% of the radioactivity in the L2 peak and 18% in the LI peak, while increasing the discharge of the GroEL-bound Rubisco (Figure 4a). Thus, addition of ATP alone to GroEL promotes the discharge of bound Rubisco. This material is however unable to fold properly and, presumably, binds to the column irreversibly (25, 79). The requirement for GroES to obtain active Rubisco dimers is consistent with the hypothesis that GroES couples rounds of ATP hydrolysis with subdomain folding and prevents the "wholesale" dissociation of proteins bound on the surface of GroEL in an inactive form (23). Figure 4b shows that the mutant GroEL140 only released 18% of the bound Rubisco following treatment with ATP. Discharge was increased to 53% in the presence of GroES, but under these conditions only 14% of the radioactivity properly folded as a L2 specie while 11% migrated to the LI peak. Since the low level of Rubisco refolding by GroEL 140 could only be partially attributed to its lower ATPase activity, we examined the interaction of the mutant chaperonin with GroES in more detail (79). When GroEL140 was mixed with an excess of GroES in the presence of Mg-ATP and resolved on a gel filtration column, no GroES protein could be detected by immunoblotting in the GroEL peak, while a GroES band was clearly visible when the experiment was repeated with wild type GroEL. This result suggested that either GroES was incapable of forming a complex with GroEL 140 or that the affinity of GroES for the mutant chaperonin was much lower relative to the wild type, resulting in dissociation of the complex upon size exclusion chromatography. Since GroEL140 could promote low levels of Rubisco refolding, the second possibility seemed more 201





GroEL-Mediated Protein Folding

E l u t i o n volume


(ml) 35

Figure 4. Release and refolding of chaperonin-bound [ S]Rubisco. Acid unfolded [ S]Rubisco was loaded onto GroEL (Panel a) or GroEL140 (Panel b) and incubated with no additives (O), 2.5 mM ATP (•), or 2.5 mM ATP and a 7fold molar excess of (GroESh over (GroEL)i (•). The samples were fractionated on a TSK G3000SW gel filtration column and the fractions counted (79). The positions of the Rubisco monomer (LI) and the biologically active Rubisco dimer (L2) are indicated by arrows (Adapted from ref. 19). 35




attractive. A suboptimal interaction between GroEL140 and GroES was in fact proven by showing that increasing the molar excess of GroES or the refolding incubation time enhanced the recovery of biologically active Rubisco (79). The above experiments point out that although GroES is not essential to release GroEL-bound Rubisco, it is required for its folding, as anticipated from previous studies (27-28). Proteins able to fold rapidly in the absence of a chaperone (e.g. pre plactamase [73] and DHFR [76]) can be released in a folded conformation from GroEL by the action of adenine nucleotides alone. It therefore appears that even though a large percentage (and perhaps all) of the E. coli proteins can interact with GroEL (25), only a fraction may use the "foldase" activity of the GroEL/GroES system. The interaction may however be necessary for other purposes since GroEL has also been implicated in DNA replication (29-30), cell division (57), and protein translocation (32-34). Acknowledgements We are grateful to Saskia van der Vies, Mathhew Todd, Gail Donaldson, and Paul Viitanen for helpful discussions and suggestions. We thank Uwe Bertsch for reading the manuscript.

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RECEIVED October 26, 1992