Grumman Data Systems

Structure Studied by Means of Electron ... A. D. Buckingham and A. Maccoll, Eds., ... Can. J. Chem., 52,1997 (1974). (23) M. B. Comisarow and A. G. Ma...
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"With the Grumman ADP-30SD we now process three times as many samples without increasing our costs'.'

p e r i m e n t s n o t previously accessible. Ordinarily, t h e details of e x p e r i m e n t a l m e a s u r e m e n t , a l t h o u g h crucial t o those working in t h e field, are relative­ ly u n i n t e r e s t i n g t o chemists in gener­ al. I n t h i s article, we h o p e t o h a v e shown t h a t by t a k i n g t h e t i m e t o see how a d o u b l e - p a n balance should best be used, it is possible to e n c o m p a s s a wide s p e c t r u m of spectroscopic appli­ cations of direct chemical interest. References

Marion Walker, Health Maintenance Centers, Inc., a subsidiary of the American Health Corp., New York.

"Here at Health Maintenance we've had a tremendous increase in our laboratory load. In one year we went from 300 to 1000 tri­ glyceride and cholesterol specimen tests per week. "Even without the extra load, hand-held pipetting resulted in a high percentage of errors. Many tests had to be done twice. This was intolerable, because most of our test results are required the same day with many needed in 45 minutes. "Obviously, we needed to automate our pipetting to handle the extra diluting. After we looked at other units, we chose the Grumman ADP-30SD dilutor/dispenser. "It has now been working for us for eight months. That comes to about 32,000 tests. Errors have been significantly reduced, and I haven't had to increase our costs. An equivalent yearly saving in time of over $10,000. "NowonderlthinktheADP-30SDiswell worth the money we invested'.' For information and a free trial of the ADP-30SD, write Grumman Data Systems Corporation, Instruments Systems Products, 45 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797. Or call (516) 575-3888.

Grumman Data Systems

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