Vapor-Liquid Equilibria a t Atmos pheric Pressure. I. 1-ButanolToluene System. R.S. Mann and L.W. Shemilt
N-Substituted Trifluoroacetamidines. Clark S. Kamper a n d M. Woodburn 189
The Salting O u t of Helium a n d Argon by Sodium Iodide in M e t h a n o l a n d in W a t e r at 3 0 ° C. H. Lawrence Clever and G.S.Reddy Zirconium Diboride: Heat Ca pacity and Thermodynamic Properties from 5° to 3 5 0 ° K. Edgar F. Westrum, Jr. and George Feick
The Solubility of Tetraethyllead in W a t e r . Charles J. Feldhake and Charles D. Stevens A
Generalized Equation for Diffusion in Liquids. Ramalingam Sitaraman, S.H. Ibrahim, and N.R. Kuloor
Specific H e a t M e a s u r e m e n t s of Complex Saturated Hydro carbons. B.J. G u d z i n o w i c z , R.H. C a m p b e l l , a n d J.S. Adams Thermodynamic Properties of Inorganic Substances. V I . The High Temperature H e a t Con tents of Chromel-P and A l u m e l . Arun Kumar G a n g o p a d h y a y a n d John L. M a r g r a v e . The Equilibrium Absorption of O x y g e n by p - X y l e n e . G.T. Fisher Refraction and Polarization Properties of Binary Solutions of t h e N i t r o t o l u e n e Isomers with the Xylene Isomers, Chloroform a n d C y c l o h e x a n e . W.K. Plucknett a n d R.T. D o w d . . . Effect of Polar C o m p o n e n t s on the Relative V o l a t i l i t y of t h e Binary System n-HexaneBenzene. P.S. Prabhu and M a t t h e w Van W i n k l e Oxides of Nitrogen in Combus tion. Effects of Pressure Perturbations. G.N. Richter, H.H. Reamer, and B.H. Sage Thermal Conductivity of Fluids. Nitrous O x i d e . G. Neal Richter and B.H. Sage
Esters a n d Amides of 2,2Diphenic Acid. Roberta B. Hill, Robert L. Sublett, and H o w a r d G . Ashburn
Solubility of Benzamide m-Xylene. John B. Wilkes John F. Manning
Some 5-Aryl-6-arylmethyl-2,4-diaminopyrimidines. Bernard E. Rosenkrantz, Louis Citarel, Geroge E. Heinsohn, and Ernest I. Becker . .
Stability Constants for IodineAromatic Complexes in Cyclo hexane. W.K. Plucknett and H.L.Richards
Vapor Pressure of Tiracetin, Triethylene Glycol Dinitrate, a n d Metriol Trinitrate. Alan L. W o o d m a n and Arnold Adicoff . .
Acetal Esters of Polyols as Lubricants. Walter E. Conrad, Robert J. Bucko, Leonard A. Levasseur, and Raymond F. Murphy
Molar Refraction. Extension of the Eisenlohr-Denbigh System of Correlation to Liquid O r g a noboron Compounds. Ralph Sayre
Esters a n d A m i d e s of Fluore n o n e - 4 - C a r b o x y l i c Acid. Billy W a y n e Perry, Robert L. Sublett, and H o w a r d G . Ashburn
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Director of Publications, Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations, Joseph H. Kuney Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications, Rodney N. Hader Assistant to the Director of Publications, for Editorial Development, William Q. Hull Director of Editoral Research, Robert F. Gould
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Katherine I. Biggs, Manager, Manuscript Reviewing Ruth Reynard, Manager, Manuscript Editing
Bernard G. Lazorchak This issue was photocomposed on Photographic Type Composing machine.
Capacity of Petroleum Asphaltenes to Complex Heavy Metals. J. Gordon Erdman and Phillip H.Harju
Pyrolysis of η-Butane Differential Flow Samuel Sandler and Lanewala
in a Reactor. M. Ali
Conversion of G a s Oils by O x i d a tion. Thomas E. Daubert, Jennings H. Jones, and M e r r e l l Fenske
Physical Properties of Diaryl" a l k a n e s . Richard J. Best
V a p o r - L i q u i d Equilibrium in t h e P r o p y l e n e - W a t e r System. C. C. Li a n d John J. McKetta
Fluorothiophenols Derivatives. N . I. Lalezari
and Their Sharghi a n d
M i x e d Ketals a n d Acetals of 2 Methoxy-2-Phenylethanol and M e t h a n o l . G. E. Ham
PART II Some Phosphines, Phosphine Sulfides, a n d Phosphine Selenides. Ralph A. Zingaro and Raymond E. McGlothin
in and
Ethyl Esters of Coumarin-4-Acetic Acids. L.L. Woods and John Sapp.
Isoxazolinium Chloride-Ferric Chlo ride Salts. R. Percy Barnes and Frank L. McMillian
4,6-Dichlorobenzotriazole. Richard H. Wiley and James Moffat
Synthesis a n d Ultraviolet Spectra of 1-Methyl- a n d l-Phenyl-2( Γ - Naphthyl) - N a p h t h a l e n e . Leslie Reggel, Milton Orchin, and R. A. Friedel
Copyright 1963 by the American Chemical Society
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