Guanosine Gels for DNA Separations - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

Feb 17, 2011 - The use of GMP for DNA separations, in contrast, is based on differential ... (Figure 3) shows the results for the separation of a mixt...
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Chapter 10

Guanosine Gels for DNA Separations Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on June 6, 2012 | Publication Date (Web): February 17, 2011 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1062.ch010

Linda B. McGown*,1 and William S. Case2 1Department

of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 2Department of Chemistry, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23220 *[email protected]

The use of guanosine gels (G-gels) formed by guanosine 5′-monophosphate (GMP) was investigated for the separation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) fragments of equal length based on differences in sequence in capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE). The strands were labeled with the fluorophore 6-carboxyfluorescein (6-FAM) and detected by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Baseline resolution was achieved for the separation of a series of homodimers and homopentamers of adenosine, cytidine, and thymidine nucleotides. G-gels provided better resolution than capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and a traditional sieving gel in CGE, and this can be traced to analyte-gel interactions. Comparison of migration order among the different techniques suggests that base- or sequence-specific interactions within the buffer-gel system become important in G-gel separations in going from the dimers to the pentamers. G-gels were then applied to the separation of four 76-mers that form part of a highly polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) sequence used in forensic DNA typing. Resolution of the four strands was achieved using the G-gel in CGE, while no separation was achieved using CZE or CGE with a commercial sieving gel. The separation order of the 76-mers was found to be related to the number of guanosine nucleotides in each strand under conditions of forward polarity (anode as the inlet and cathode as the outlet), with the strand having the most guanosine nucleotides eluting first and the strand having the least eluting last. The results suggest that separation in CGE

© 2011 American Chemical Society In Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry; Helburn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

is dependent upon both the number of guanosine nucleotides in each strand and their positions within the strand.

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Introduction Electrophoretic techniques for the separation of biomolecules have led to important advances in many areas (1–5). These separations are based upon the different migration rates of analytes in the presence of an applied electric field, with separations typically resulting from differences in the effective charge-to-size ratios of analytes. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) (6–9) has become an attractive alternative to more traditional gel electrophoresis for many applications due to the long length and high surface-to-volume ratio of the capillary, which allows use of high field strengths for rapid, high efficiency separations (10). CE also requires only minimal sample consumption, on the order of nanoliters, and allows for real time detection of analytes during the separation process. In the simplest CE technique, capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), the sample is injected into the capillary filled with a simple buffer. Solutes are separated based on differences in their electrophoretic mobility, which is a function of their mass-to-charge ratio. The separation of DNA molecules cannot be achieved in CZE because DNA that is more than a few nucleotides in length has linear charge density, so that electrophoretic mobility is independent of strand length (11, 12). The successful application of electrophoresis to DNA separations has therefore relied upon the development of media such as sieving gels that provide separations based on differences in strand length or structural conformation. Early applications of CE to the analysis of DNA involved filling capillaries with polymers commonly used in slab gel applications, resulting in the development of capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE). While these gels afforded excellent resolution, they suffered from breakage, air bubble formation, and hydrolysis within the capillary, resulting in low reproducibility and short capillary lifetimes (13–15). Over the years such gels have been replaced by more manageable polymer solutions created from derivatives of common celluloses and alcohols. These gels are stable, easy to prepare and can be replaced between runs. While sieving gels and polymeric solutions offer high resolution of DNA fragments of different lengths, they are not designed to separate fragments that differ in sequence. To meet this need, techniques have been developed that rely upon the presence of sequence-dependent conformational differences between the DNA strands. These approaches include single stranded length conformational polymorphism (SSCP) (16–18), heteroduplex analysis (HA) (19, 20), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (21–23), and affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) (24–27). These techniques have been successful in some instances but are limited by the need for sufficient differences in mobilities arising from sequence-based conformational variations among the strands (SSCP, HA, ACE) or the need for specific recognition sites in the DNA (RFLP). Thus, the ability to resolve ssDNA fragments of equal length based on minor differences in sequence remains a challenge in electrophoresis. The 216 In Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry; Helburn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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ability to perform such separations could lead to great advances in areas such as microbial genomics, forensics, and biomedical analysis that would benefit from the detection of slight differences in DNA sequence among strands of similar length. The present work addresses this challenge through the use of organized media formed by self-association of guanosine 5′-monophosphate (GMP) for sequence-selective DNA separation in CGE. The formation of gels by guanosine nucleosides and their derivatives has been well documented since the early 1900s (28–34). Of the four nucleobases in DNA, gelation is unique to guanosine due to the number and arrangement of hydrogen bond donor and acceptor molecules present within the nucleobase moiety. While guanosine gelation was once primarily considered to be a nuisance that hindered DNA sequencing and synthesis, the phenomenon has received growing attention in recent years for potential applications in nanotechnology (35).

G-Gels and G-Gel Formation The structural basis of G-gels is the G-tetrad that arises from Hoogsten hydrogen bonding between four guanine nucleobases (31, 35). As monomer concentration is increased, discrete G-tetrads begin to stack upon each other to form columnar structures (alternatively, in the case of GMP, the aggregates may be in the form of a continuous, hydrogen bonded helical network (31, 36). The columnar structures are stabilized through the presence of cations that are centrally located between tetrads. As monomer concentration continues to increase, these columnar structures can further organize into cholesteric and hexagonal lyotropic liquid crystalline phases (37, 38). These stages of guanosine aggregation are depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Schematics of a single G-tetrad (top, left), a columnar stack of G-tetrads (top, center), a helical model for GMP (top, right) and more highly ordered cholesteric (bottom, left) and hexagonal phases (bottom, right). Adapted from Reference (35) with permission. 217 In Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry; Helburn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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The first use of G-gel phases in CGE (39) employed GMP for chiral separations of the enantiomers of propranolol, a drug commonly used for the treatment of angina. The separation was based on the intrinsic chirality of the aggregates of GMP in the gel phase. The use of GMP for DNA separations, in contrast, is based on differential interactions of the GMP organized aggregates with steady state ssDNA as a function of DNA sequence, as illustrated in the work described here and first reported in 2007 (40). It is important to recognize that each separation system (presented in this chapter) was individually optimized for a particular set of conditions. The exact nature of the G-gel aggregates under each condition are not known at this time.

Figure 2. Separation of homodimers (1 µM each). Top: G-gel CGE (0.02 M GMP, 0.02 M KCl in 25 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH = 7.0, 400 V/cm, 50 µm ID capillary, 25 °C, 5 s hydrodynamic injection). Middle: CZE (0.02 M KCl in 25 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 400 V/cm, 50 µm ID capillary, 25 °C, 5s hydrodynamic injection). Bottom: sieving gel CGE (89 mM Tris borate EDTA (TBE), pH = 8.0, R-100 commercial sieving gel, 400 V/cm, 100 µm ID capillary, 30 °C, 5 s hydrodynamic injection, as recommended by gel manufacturer). 218 In Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry; Helburn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

Description of Experiment and Results

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Separation of Homodimers and Homopentamers We first investigated the separation of homodimers and homopentamers of A (adenosine), C (cytidine) and T (thymidine). G (guanosine) was not investigated because the guanosine nucleotide at the strand terminus quenches the fluorescence of the FAM (6-carboxyfluorescein) dye used for LIF detection. Results (e.g. resolution and elution orders) for CZE were compared with those of CGE using a conventional DNA sieving gel. Figure 2 shows the results for the separation of the homodimers. Baseline resolution was obtained for the homodimers using CGE with both the G-gel and the commercial sieving gel, while only partial separation was achieved using CZE. The elution order of the homodimers was determined by spiking the samples with each nucleotide component. The order was T,C,A for G-gel CGE, A,C,T for CZE and A,C,T for sieving gel CGE. In order to interpret these orders, it is necessary to consider that G-gel CGE and CZE were performed in forward polarity, with the cathode at the outlet, while sieving gel CGE was performed in reverse polarity, with the anode at the outlet. Additionally, in CZE and G-gel CGE the capillary contents are driven by electroosmotic flow (EOF) in the direction of the cathode, whereas the sieving gels in CGE create a dynamic capillary coating that eliminates EOF and so movement through the capillary is driven strictly by electromigration, which for DNA is in the direction of the anode. Taking these factors into account, G-gel CGE and sieving gel CGE result in the same elution order for the homodimers (T,C,A in forward polarity for CGE and A,C,T in reverse polarity for sieving gel CGE), while the order is reversed in CZE. Since the dinucleotides are too small to assume secondary structure, the similarity between the migration order for the G-gel and the sieving gel suggests that specific interactions with G-gels are not a determining factor in the dinucleotide separations. Rather, for these small homodimers, resolution is attributed to the different nucleotide structures and the disproportionate effects of the fluorescent tag on overall charge density at the GMP concentration and experimental conditions studied here. It is interesting that the migration order in G-gel CGE is opposite that for CZE since both are performed under forward polarity. In CZE, T2 (homodimer of thymidine) has the highest electrophoretic mobility towards the positive inlet and therefore appears at the detector last. In G-gel CGE, T2 appears at the detector first. In G-gel CGE, the electrostatic attraction influences the oligonucleotides and the G-gels all to migrate counter to the EOF and towards the positive inlet, but at different rates that are fastest for the unencumbered DNA strands and slowest for those strands most closely associated with the cumbersome G-gel network. Those oligonucleotides that interact most with the G-gels will therefore have the fastest net forward migration rate and appear at the detector first. It follows that T2 must have the strongest interaction with the G-gel, in order to slow down its migration toward the positive inlet relative to the other homodimers. This is consistent with the strong interaction of T with the G-gel indicated by anisotropy experiments (40). In order to determine if base-selective interactions play a role in separations of longer oligonucleotides, G-gel CGE separations were performed for the 219 In Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry; Helburn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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homopentamers. Again, quenching of the fluorescent label by interactions with the terminal guanosine nucleotide hindered detection of the guanine pentamer, which was therefore not included in these experiments. Figure 3 shows the results for the separation of a mixture containing A5, C5 and T5. Baseline resolution was obtained for the mixture using G-gel CGE. Spiking studies determined the elution order for the 5-mers to be the same as for the dinucleotides (T5, C5, A5 in forward polarity). No separation was achieved using CZE, which is consistent with the decreasing influence of the fluorescent tag and oligonucleotide sequence on electrophoretic mobility with increasing oligonucleotide length. Separation in sieving gel CGE achieved resolution of T5 from co-migrating A5 and C5 (confirmed by spiking studies). Since commercial sieving gels are designed to separate oligonucleotides strictly on the basis of size, it is not surprising that similarly sized fragments with little or no secondary structure would not be well resolved. The achievement of baseline resolution in G-gel CGE suggests that sequence specific gel-analyte interactions are important in separating the 5-mers.

Figure 3. Separation of homopentamers (1 µM each). Top: G-Gel CGE (0.08 M GMP, 0.08 M KCl in 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). Middle: CZE (0.08 M KCl in 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). Bottom: sieving gel CGE. Separation conditions for G-gel CGE and CZE: 400 V/cm, 50 µm ID capillary, 25 °C, 5 s hydrodynamic injection. Separation conditions for sieving gel CGE: 400 V/cm, 100 µm ID capillary, 30 °C, 5 s hydrodynamic injection (recommended by gel manufacturer). Reproduced from Reference (40) with permission. 220 In Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry; Helburn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Separation of 76-mers We next investigated separations of a set of four 76-mers, shown in Figure 4, that form part of a short tandem repeat (STR) marker that is commonly used for comprehensive DNA testing in forensic analysis (41, 42). The sequences differ only in the substitution of guanosine nucleotides for adenosine nucleotides. The number and location of the substitutions vary for each sequence, providing a mechanism for exploring G-gel recognition towards adenosine or guanosine nucleotides within each strand. This is of particular interest given the possibility that guanosines in the DNA might interact with the GMP aggregates to form transient G-tetrads as the oligonucleotides migrate through the G-gel. Circular dichroism spectroscopy established the absence of significant conformational differences among the four strands (40). The results for the separations of the 76-mers are shown in Figure 5. At least partial resolution was achieved using G-gel CGE and spiking studies determined the migration order to be Strand 3, Strand 1, Strand 2, Strand 4 (see Figure 4). This is inversely proportional to the number of guanosine nucleotides in each strand (the strand with the most guanosines appears first and the strand with the least guanosines appears last). Since the negatively charged oligonucleotides and G-gel network migrate towards the positively charged inlet, G-rich strands that are more closely associated with the slower moving G-gels will have a faster net velocity towards the negative outlet than the less interactive A-rich strands, therefore reaching the detector first in forward polarity mode. This is analogous to the separations observed for the homodimers and homopentamers and suggests that the interaction of G-gels with guanosine nucleotides present in the 76-mers retards migration towards the positive inlet. Strand 3 is well resolved from the other strands, which is attributed to the presence of more guanosine residues in this strand than the other strands. Neither CZE nor sieving gel CGE provide significant separation of the 76-mers, which is expected since the oligonucleotides are of the same length and lack significant conformation differences. The ability of G-gel CGE to separate the fragments is therefore attributed to sequence specificity, demonstrating its potential for the separation of polymorphic oligonucleotides of equal length.

Figure 4. Sequences of DNA 76-mer strands 1, 2, 3 and 4. G-A substitutions are underlined.

221 In Interfaces and Interphases in Analytical Chemistry; Helburn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 5. Separation of four DNA 76-mers (1 µM each) using G-gel CGE (0.14 M GMP, 0.04 M KCl in 15 mM Tris-HCl, pH = 7.0, 25 µM ID capillary, 580 V/cm, 55 °C, 5 s hydrodynamic injection.

Conclusions This work demonstrates the effectiveness of G-gels for the separation of oligonucleotides of identical length based solely on minor differences in sequence. In the CGE separations in forward polarity, the negatively charged G-gels and oligonucleotides electromigrate towards the positive inlet while being driven by EOF to the negative outlet. It is thought that the net velocity in the forward direction would be greatest for those oligonucleotides that are most closely associated with the G-gel network. The G-gels therefore preferentially retard the counter migration of ssDNA that is rich in nucleotides that show the greatest degree of association with the G-gel network (T in the case of A, C and T homodimers and pentamers; G in the case of the 76-mers with A/G polymorphism). Given their low cost, ease of preparation and compatibility with common biological buffers utilized in CE, G-gels offer great promise as a practical approach to the separation of highly similar ssDNA based only on sequence and in the absence of differences in length or conformation.

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