Guaranteed to be incredibly boring - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Guaranteed to be incredibly boring

...unless, of course, you're working with surfactant intermediates. In that case, you may find The Alkanolamines Handbook invaluable. Published by The Dow Chemical Company, this newly-revised edition is industry's most comprehensive source on alkanolamines. With over 100 pages of information on current surfactant applications and substitutions, including essential data for all ethanolamines. The Handbook is also a complete guide to Dowproduced isopropanolamines. You'll find all the reasons isopropanolamines have triggered so many advances in surfactant formulations...superior oil solubility and heat stability, broader range of applications, plus lower formulations costs often possible by direct substitution for ethanolamines. Your Dow distributor has a copy of The Alkanolamines Handbook for you. Call him — or contact the Organic Chemicals Department, Dow Chemical U.S.A., Midland, Michigan 48640. Phone 1-800-248-9160. DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. Organic Chemicals Department 9008 Building, P.O. Box 1706 Midland, Michigan 48640

Dow * Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company CIRCLE 19 ON READER SERVICE CARD May 19, 1980C&EN