Guide for Authors - Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (ACS

Guide for Authors. J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1973, 18 (1), pp 113–113. DOI: 10.1021/je60056a901. Publication Date: January 1973. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite...
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GUIDE FOR AUTHORS (Revised-,January


Policy. T h e Journal of C h e m i c a l a n d E n g i n r e r i n g D a t a is :i quarterly directed t o the 1iu1)lication of experimental o r , in some c:iseh. derived d a t a in sufficie~itdetail t o form a working basis for ap1)lying the iiiform:itioii t o scientific or engineering objectives. Experimental methods should lie referenced or described in enough detail t o liermit duplicatioii of the d:it:i by others familiar with the field I'ublished or standardized procedure? and their simple modific:rtions need not he deocribed, but i i readilJ- available reference should he cited. T h e datal should be Iireheiited with ~ u c l i precision t h a t inform:itio~imay be e : d y obt:iined from the p p e r \\-ithiti the stated limits of uncertaintJ- of the experimental h:ickgr(iutid. P'ur most studieh. ii tabultir or R rnuttiernatical dezcrii>tioii i i preferred t o tlie use of gralihical reiiresentntiori. Gra1)liical depirtioii should be u.ed Ilriniarily to portral the effect of the indeliendent vari:ihleh i i 1 m t i the liehavior. A mensure of statisticel agreement of snioothed t1:ct:i with the eaperimeiital 1,:ickground should be iric-. Data hastd on c r p e i iinc n f to aid i n t l i c idcntifrcation or iii the uti1iz:itioii of new or little ~IIIJ\\-II orgntiit, o r itiorg:iiiic. c o n i l m u n d ~:ire .uitalile for pubIit7ittion Suc,h itrforination need not cov :I mnge of >t;tteh i f it satisfieb the requirenient>for :wur:ic)- th:it :ire wi:ited with the ideiitification o r the utilizatioti of the innteriul i t i qu fuiidament:il i)hyhii,d proiiertieh such :is derisity fraction, :idlimited rritirally cliosen spec.troxol) Piiecific romiiierit o i i the w n - in which the (1; and the sigriifie:rnve of >ut,li data should he included. Divusaioii of theor>- xiid Iirep;ii:itive detail :ind tech~iiquesm:iy or ma>.nut he :ii)propriate to the ohjei,tives of the miinuwrilit. Comnierit O I I iiew proc~edurea o r on standardized organic ~iroreduresma>- a l r o he qiproliriate. J,;ytetisive tahul:itioii of ultinitite analyses : i d it~tiid:irdizedI)repariitive det:til.: should be ~irovidedas aliiiendeil t t i b l e ~und dewrilitive inaterial t o he deposited with tlie AC'S 1Iei)ository Service in coniiectioti with the .ICY I'rimxry I'uhlicatioiis on >Iicrofilin iirogruni. Papcrs relatin(/ p r . i m a r i l y to iif'icljI dci,elnped or novel s y i i t h e r i ~of conipounds will he con*idered. Yuficiexit experiinetitul data of e~ttiblishecl sccur:iy>. coiicerniiig the Iiropertiei of tlie coinpourid in que-tioii inuht be irrcbluded t o ideiitify the ni:iterinl. >Innuhcriptn pert:iiriing t o tlie ~ ~ ' 1 1 thesia of orgtitiic~v o r n p o u t i t i ~will he published in it separate sertioii entitled "Organic." :irntioii guide is puhlished to :Lid autliors ig review and iiuhlication. i :$lid :i sulititle itive titles. A m ~ i i title Abstract. Provide itn :ihntract for till papers (~ireferahlynot to exreed 16 to 20 t~-l)ewritteiiline?) ])resented i i i :t findings-oriented format-- tlit~t is, one irt which the first sentence is :i succinct, informatire suninmtion of t h e most ini~iortant resulth :ind cmnclu$ionn. T h e remainder Should highlight pertiueiit suliporting detail.. related fi~tdiriga,type or c,l:issei of conilioundo invectigatetl. and methods used. T h e a1~ntr:ic.tshould lie self-coiit:iined f o r direct use in ('lrenzical Abstracts. Authorship. He consistent in :tuthorshil) designation. (iiveii ii:iiiie :tiid initial of second iianie :ire generally adequate fur correi't itlentific:tti~it~. Omit titler. Giye ronil)lete niailiiig :tdtlres:b of illacre where work was r u n ducted. If cwrrerit :iddress is different, include it in footnote oii title page of article. Indicate author to whom n l l c,orreapoiidence should he sent. Text. Give essential informatioii iri a conrise f:idiioii. Avoid wurdiness :ind unnecesrary detail. Avoid unnecessary duli1ic:itiori i i i text, taldes, and graphs. Incorporate footnotes in t e s t . Tables. 1 t . k ~L ) . s ~ a . JC'&EU exists t o 1)uhli:bh actual data. However, t h e author must limit the entries iri a table example, multiple measurements can be e x p r e s ~ e merit giving deviation. T h e authors are encouraged t o submit uiismoothed experimental d:it:i if, in the author.*?'opinion, ruch iiifortiiation errhartces the lasting value of tlie contribution. SUOOTHED L).\T.%. Smoothed data tables are published i f the?. cannot be expressed as an equation, arid if they serve t: purliose heyond t h a t of the raw d:tta. F o r esample, tables of raw thermodyn:iinic data are usually very difficult to use. Entries in smoothed data tahles should he kept to the minimum required for :icrurute interpolation. Figures and Graphs. J ( ' & E D frequently publishes graphs of d a t a even

Page Charges. To help dgirau mPchanical a n d h a n d l i n g costs, t h e AC'S Board of Directors has airtlinrizcd a charge of 860.00 per printed page f o r JC&ED papers. P a y m e n t o j such a charge in connrction wifli pzrblication of t h e results of sponsored research is expected. Si[ch p a y m e n t is not a prercqiiisite to piitdication; t h f , editor's decision to publisFL is m a d e i n d c p e n d m t l l / o j pagr chary? considerations.