Gulf General Atomic

Here's the fast, low-cost way to get an ultra-sensitive analysis for the ele- ments present in a sample. It's Gulf General Atomic's ACTIVATION ANALY-...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Micro Syringes. A 4-page catalog gives size, cost, specifications, etc. on a line of modular micro syringes. These syringes may be used for both liquids and gases. Unimetrics Universal Corp., 11791 E. Slauson Ave., Springs, Calif. 90670



Ultra-sensitive analysis has its price.


Lamellar Grating Interferometer. Bulletin 7150, 4 pages, describes the first commercially available lamellar grating Fourier spectrophotometer, LR100. This instrument can record wavenumbers as low as 3 cm-1 (the very far IR). Technical Information Section Scientific Instruments Div., Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Harbor 6 02 Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 Test Instruments. A 24-page conelectronic test densed catalog covers and measuring instruments including oscillographs, X-Y and magnetic tape recorders, digital multimeters, transducers and other analysis equipment. Honeywell Test Instruments Div., P.O. 603 Box 5227, Denver, Colo. 80217

A detailed 8-page bulle-


tin, Catalog No. ITTT 1069, on TriFlow and Tri-Flat predictability flow-

contains calibrations charts, calculations, and performance data. Manostat Corp., 20 N. Moore St., New meters


York, N. Y. 10013

Source Chamber. Four pages describe heavy gauge aluminum source chamber for any 3/ 4 meter Spex UVISR spectrometer. The chamber can accommodate any two of several sources of radiation. Spex Industries, Inc., Box 6 05 798, Metuchen, N. J. 08840


A 2thermoconductivity detector block which has a range of sizes to fit all gas chromatographs. Process Analyzers, Inc., 6400 Southwest Freeway, Suite 400, Houston, Tex.

Thermoconductivity Detector.

page leaflet discusses





Master-Slave Manipulators. Two 4page brochures describe and picture the Mini-Manip and Tru-Motion Mini-

Manip, respectively. Capabilities of the equipment and specifications are

given. Programmed and Remote Systems Corp., 899 West Highway 96, St. 607 Paul, Minn. 55112

Here’s the fast, low-cost way to get an ultra-sensitive analysis for the elements present in a sample. It’s Gulf General Atomic’s ACTIVATION ANALYSIS SERVICE. Take a look. COST: A typical one-element, non-destructive analysis costs $20 per sample, in quantity. Some are as little as $6 per sample. METHOD: Samples are irradiated in one of Gulf General Atomic’s TRIGA® reactors (reactor core shown above). The induced radioactivities are then identified and measured quantitatively, and the data are processed in GGA's

computer center.

SENSITIVITY: Limits of detection for over 70 elements range from 10/x.g to 10-· /¿g. Median sensitivity is approximately 10-3 µ (0.001 ppm in a one gram sample). PRECISION & ACCURACY: Typical accuracy in a routine analysis is ±2-4% of the value, with a precision in the range of ±1-3% of the value. SAMPLES: The technique is applicable to the analysis of virtually every conceivable solid or liquid material, including ores, semiconductors, petroleum, water, polymers, solvents, biological tissues, and agricultural products. Most analyses can be performed without destroying the sample. CAPABILITIES: GGA's Activation Analysis Service is the largest, most comprehensive service of its type in the world. Analyses have been performed for over 600 organizations in the past eight years. Major facilities include three TRIGA reactors, several electron linear accelerators and neutron generators, and a UNIVAC 1108 computer. GET SPECIFIC DETAILS in terms of your analytical problem. Write to Activation Analysis Service, Dept. 401 Gulf General Atomic, P. O. Box 608, San Diego, California 92112. Or phone 714/453-1000, Ext. 327. SEE US AT THE

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