Gypsum and Other Calcium-Rich Aerosol Particles ... - ACS Publications

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Environ. Sci. Technol. 1996, 30, 1515-1520

Gypsum and Other Calcium-Rich Aerosol Particles above the North Sea STEFAAN HOORNAERT, HANS VAN MALDEREN, AND R E N EÄ V A N G R I E K E N * Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp (UIA), Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerpen, Belgium

Ca-containing particles, especially CaSO4 particles, have been encountered in several atmospheric aerosol studies. An overview is given of the different sources of airborne Ca-containing particles. The North Sea atmosphere is studied to identify the different Ca-containing particle types and to find the correlation between their occurrence and the source regions of the corresponding air masses. About 50 000 individual aerosol samples were collected above the Southern Bight of the North Sea for several wind directions and analyzed for their composition using electron probe X-ray microanalysis. Nonhierarchical cluster analysis is performed on the data to reveal the different particle types, their relative abundances and their sources. CaSO4 in most cases constitutes the largest fraction of the Ca-containing particles. Extremely high numbers of CaSO4 particles are found for northeastern winds, coming from the central part of Germany, suggesting that a great fraction is derived from anthropogenic sources located in this region. Among the other Ca-containing particle types are the aluminosilicates, CaCO3, Fe-Ca-rich particles, and CaSO4 or CaCO3 in combination with NaCl.

Introduction Prior studies have pointed out that atmospheric deposition is a major source for the input of some heavy metals into the Southern Bight of the North Sea (1, 2). The presence of quite considerable amounts of CaSO4 particles in several studies of the North Sea atmosphere, as well as the possible interaction of hygroscopic particles in cloud formation processes (3), resulted in a growing interest in this type of particulates and their emission sources (4-7). In this work, we therefore want to give an overview of the sources of airborne Ca-containing, especially CaSO4, particles. Neither type of particle has ever been studied in more detail. Several sources have been reported by various authors, but they have never been gathered in one paper. We discuss the results of automated electron probe X-ray microanalysis of airborne particulate matter, collected in the North Sea atmosphere with the aid of an airplane. Single-particle analysis, combined with multivariate statistical approaches,


 1996 American Chemical Society

like nonhierarchical cluster analysis, has proven to be a useful tool in air pollution studies and especially in the apportionment of the different aerosol sources (7-11).

Experimental Section Sampling Strategy. The samples used were taken over the Southern Bight of the North Sea, using a twin-engine Piper Chieftain PA 31-350 call sign PH-ECO of Geosens B.V. Co. The aircraft is equipped with an isokinetic inlet for the sampling of particulate matter (12). In our experimental setup, a 47 mm diameter “aerosol-grade” Nuclepore filter with 0.4 µm pore size is used. Nineteen flights were made, of which 16 yielded useful sample sets. All sampling flights were performed in the same way. At the Goeree platform (position 51°55′ N, 03°40′ E), an upward spiral track was performed, during which the temperature inversion height is localized. Once this was achieved, tracks were flown at six different heights equally spaced under the inversion layer. Filter samples were collected on each track. All tracks were flown parallel to the wind direction. Thirty-six hour back-trajectories were calculated by the KNMI (De Bilt, the Netherlands) for four different levels (1000, 900, 850, and 700 mbar). More details on the sampling campaign can be found elsewhere (13). Chemical Analysis. Single-particle analysis was done by electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA) using a JEOL JXA-733 superprobe (Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a TN-2000 energy-dispersive X-ray detection system (Tracor Northern, Middleton, USA). A modified particle recognition and characterization (PRC, Tracor Northern, Middleton, WI) software package, the 733B program, allowed us to perform automated individual particle analysis. Once the particles are localized, their diameter, area, and shape factor are computed, and finally an X-ray spectrum is accumulated. For each sample (one per flight track), up to 500 particles were analyzed. Numerical Analysis. To allow a comparison between the results for different wind directions, all flights were classified into five wind sectors according to the origin of the air masses as inferred from the back-trajectories: northeast-east (NE-E), southeast-south (SE-S), southwestwest (SW-W), northwest (NW) (Figure 1), and a “local” sector (with variable wind drections). Data reduction and interpretation, in particular classification of particles with similar chemical composition into “particle groups”, was done by cluster analysis. All elements that were detected in more than 1% of the particles were considered, i.e., Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb. Clustering was performed on the normalized elemental X-ray intensities using the software package DPP (14). Because of the great number of particles, hierarchical clustering requires an enormous amount of computer time for calculating the distances between the particles in each cycle of the hierarchical clustering. Therefore, we used the nearest centroid sorting method of Forgy, a nonhierarchical clustering procedure. The number of clusters (particle groups) is determined by the so-called consistent Akaike’s information criterion (CAIC), a mathematical function based on the relation between order, entropy, and information of an isolated system. Its value reaches a minimum for the optimum number of clusters. The criterion is





Ca > 10 Fraction for the Different Flights (Averaged over the Six Tracks) and Sectors flight no. northwest 6 northeast-east 5 15 17 18 19 average southeast-south 7 8 13 average

FIGURE 1. Classification of the different sampling flights into five sectors (the local sector is not shown). The indicated lines are the corresponding 1000 hPa air mass trajectories for air masses arriving at the sampling site.

discussed in more detail by Bondarenko et al. (15). The program for calculating the criterion forms part of the homemade integrated data analysis system (IDAS), which has recently become available (16). After the clustering, ZAF correction (a mathematical procedure to correct the observed X-ray intensities for differences in matrix composition between standards and unknown samples) was carried out in order to convert the relative peak intensities into elemental weight compositions.

Results and Discussion Only the NW sector, which contains only flight 6, can be regarded as purely marine. The results of two sectors reflect the continental influence, natural as well as anthropogenic. These are the NE-E sector, including flights 5, 15, 17, 18, and 19, for which the air masses have passed over Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and some eastern European countries, and the SE-S sector, including flights 7, 8, and 13, influenced by Belgium, the southern part of Germany, and the northern and eastern parts of France. Samples collected during flights 2, 3, 11, and 12 characterize the SW-W sector and are related to the influences of the United Kingdom and the northwestern part of France, but also to some extent those of the north Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel. Finally, aerosols collected during flights 4, 9, and 14 were obtained under low wind speed and variable wind direction conditions; therefore, they are classified in the local sector. (1) Investigation of the Ca-Containing Particles. Cluster analysis was performed on the EPXMA data in order to identify the different types of Ca-containing particles (these are particles with a Ca content >0%). Since we are mainly interested in those particles in which Ca is not just a minor element, we made a selection of all the particles having a relative Ca X-ray peak intensity >10% of that from all elements (hereafter these particles will be called “Caenriched” particles, not to be confused with Ca-rich




Ca > 10 fraction (%) 1.6 39 31 24 18 17 26 12 13 16 14

flight no. southwest-west 2 3 11 12 average local 4 9 14 average

Ca > 10 fraction (%) 16 12 7 15 12 16 13 17 15

particles, used in other studies, which are composed of mainly Ca). So, by using this threshold value, the clusters should be better separated, and therefore interpretation of them should be easier. Comparing the numbers of particles after selection with the original number of analyzed particles yields the “Ca > 10” fraction, which is reported for all flights and sectors in Table 1. The values shown for each flight are the averages over the six tracks. (1.1) Fraction of Ca-Enriched Particles. We can see from these results that, in general, the value of the Ca > 10 fraction ranges from 7% to 18%. Four flights are exceptions to this rule: flight 6 with only 1.6%, flight 5 with 39%, flight 15 with 31%, and flight 17 with 24%. The lower fraction for flight 6 is due to the great contribution of seasalt particles in this sector as a result of the marine origin of the corresponding air masses and is probably also due to the sea being only a minor source of Ca-enriched particulates. The values of flight 17 and especially flights 5 and 15 are rather high. All three flights belong to the NE-E sector, and their respective air masses have passed over nearly the same regions, including Germany and the Netherlands, suggesting some very important sources of Ca in this region. We also found, by inspecting the Ca > 10 fractions for the different tracks separately, that Ca is distributed rather homogeneously over the six tracks for each flight (small or no decreasing or increasing trends), except again for flights 5 and 15, where higher fractions are found in the lower tracks (up to 49% and 39% for the sixth track of flights 5 and 15, respectively). These lower tracks correspond to air masses coming from even a smaller region, the central and northern parts of Germany and the Netherlands. The high values for these flights result in a high Ca fraction for the whole NE-E sector (26% in comparison to 15% for the local sector and even lower fractions in the other). The big difference between the two continental sectors (NE-E and SE-S) might suggest that mainly anthropogenic sources are responsible for the high values in the NE-E sector. (1.2) Cluster Analysis for the Ca-Enriched Particles. The nonhierarchical cluster analysis of the Ca-enriched (Ca > 10) particles should provide us with the different particle types. The numbers of clusters, determined by the CAIC criterion, are slightly different for the five sectors. Except for the NW sector, for which four different clusters are found, the number of groups is six or seven. The results, after ZAF correction, are summarized in Table 2. The results from enrichment factor (EF) and backtrajectory calculations show that the marine sources of


Results of the Nonhierarchical Clustering of the Data after Selection of the Ca-Enriched Particles cluster no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

elemental composition (wt %) (relative to all elements detectable by EPXMA) Northeast-East Ca(48) S(45) Si(43) Al(19) Ca(17) Fe(12) Ca(30) Si(20) S(19) Al(12) Fe(8) Fe(34) Ca(27) S(23) Ca(58) S(10) P(5) Fe(68) Ca(13) Ca(96)


abundance (%)

CaSO4 aluminosilicates

49 14 11 9.1 7.6 5.6 4.3


Southeast-South 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ca(48) S(43) Si(43) Ca(20) Al(13) Fe(11) Ca(26) S(26) Si(15) Fe(5) Fe(43) Ca(19) S(13) Zn(10) Ca(63) P(10) Pb(9) Fe(79) Ca(10)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Southwest-West Ca(46) S(42) Si(42) Al(17) Ca(17) Fe(13) Cl(57) Na(22) Ca(15) Ca(83) Ca(31) S(15) Si(14) Fe(13) Cl(32) Ca(28) S(17) Na(11) Fe(73) Ca(13)

1 2 3 4

Cl(42) Na(36) Ca(12) S(8) Ca(51) S(36) Ca(47) Fe(15) Si(14) Mg(8) Si(47) Al(27) Ca(17) Fe(9)

CaSO4 aluminosilicates

36 17 16 13 10 7.8

CaSO4 aluminosilicates NaCl-CaCO3 Ca-rich

33 15 14 13 12 7.4 6.4


Northwest NaCl-CaSO4 CaSO4 aluminosilicates

48 31 15 6.3

Local 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ca(48) S(43) Si(42) Al(19) Ca(17) Fe(12) Ca(21) S(20) Na(18) Cl(6) Ca(51) P(11) Pb(6) Ca(90) Fe(77) Ca(13)

atmospheric Ca compounds are less important than the land-based ones, natural or anthropogenic. Only about 25% of airborne Ca comes from the sea (17), and at least 60% of Ca is coming from nonsoil sources (18). So it seems that a considerable amount of the atmospheric Ca content is originating from anthropogenic sources. With this information, we tried to relate the different particle types that resulted from our clustering with possible sources. From Table 2 it is clear that, in every case, CaSO4 is the most abundant particle type, except for the NW sector. In the NE-E sector, these particles are even responsible for half of the Ca-enriched particles (49%) (expressed relative to all elements detectable by EPXMA, so excluding elements with Z < 11; this definition will be used systematically below), but also in the other sectors they constitute more than 30% of the total load of Ca-enriched particles (local, 41%; SE-S, 36%; SW-W, 33%; NW, 31%). The sources for these airborne particulates are discussed in part 2.2. The aluminosilicates are the second most important Caenriched group for the continental sectors (NE-E and SE-S) the local and the SW-W sectors, but their abundance is much less than that of CaSO4 (only 14-18%). For the marine sector, however, they constitute the least abundant group (6.3%). Considering the major elements, the composition of this cluster is nearly the same for every sector: 42-47 wt % Si, 13-27 wt % Al, 17-20 wt % Ca, and 9-12 wt % Fe. The sources for this airborne particulates are soil dust, transported into the air by the action of erosion and wind (19-21), stack emissions from coal-fired power plants and boilers (22), and probably also emissions from waste

CaSO4 aluminosilicates Ca-rich

41 18 14 11 9.2 7.7

incinerators, which are characterized by the same elements in similar proportions (23). Thus far, the results for the different sectors are very alike. Concerning the other groups, there is still a good resemblance between the main elemental compositions of most of the clusters, but there are some differences between the sectors in their relative importance. In all the air masses that have traveled over the sea to some extent, a cluster is found that is mainly composed of Cl, Na, Ca, and S. Examining the composition of the individual particles in these clusters revealed that we are dealing with mixed particles (all four elements present), so the combination of these elements is not the result of the classification of two different particle types, e.g., CaSO4 and NaCl, in one and the same cluster. The high Na and Cl content can be attributed to the sea, the main source of atmospheric NaCl aerosols, which is confirmed by the absence of these particles in continental air masses. Also, the Ca component may originate from the sea under the form of CaCO3 (coccoliths), as reported by Rojas and Van Grieken (19), which then might react with atmospheric sulfur compounds. However, one must not forget the possible coagulation between airborne CaSO4 and NaCl particulates. These particles constitute nearly half of the Ca-enriched particles in the NW sector (48%), while in the local sector they are the third most abundant particle type (14%). In the SW-W sector, they are much less important (the second last group); however, here, there is a similar group that is much more important with a similar composition, except for the sulfur content, which is now much lower. This can




be interpreted as the coagulation between CaCO3, which may be partly derived from the cliffs along the English Channel, situated in this sector (7), and NaCl or as the incomplete reaction between marine particles and atmospheric sulfur. In this sector, the role of the sea in the formation of this particle type is very clear if one considers the results for the different flights separately; the particles are much more abundant in the samples collected during flights 11 and 12, when the air was passing mainly over the English Channel, than during flights 2 and 3, when the air was coming from the UK. The third most abundant Ca-enriched particles in both of the continental air masses (NE-E, 11%; SE-S, 16%) which are also present in the SW-W sector (12%), are composed of Ca (26-31 wt %), S (15-26 wt %), Si (14-20 wt %), and Fe (5-13 wt %) and sometimes also contain some Al. The combination of Ca, S, and Si can be thought of as being CaSO4 particles with a silicate core and are most likely formed by combustion processes (24). This type of Caenriched particles is absent in the local and the marine sectors. Except for the marine sector, Fe-Ca-rich particles are present everywhere. Two different Fe-Ca-rich particle types can be found. The first one, which is present in each of the four sectors, is composed of mainly Fe (68-79 wt %) and Ca (10-13 wt %) but is the least abundant cluster in almost every sector (5.6%-7.8%). The second type is present only in the continental air masses and is characterized by Fe (34-43 wt %), Ca (19-27 wt %), and also S (13-23 wt %) but with abundances that are somewhat higher (9.1% for the NE-E sector and 13% for the SE-S sector). According to Hopke (23), such Fe-Ca-rich emissions are characteristic for sewage sludge incineration and several ferrous metal-related sources. These assumptions are supported by the presence of some heavy metals like Pb and Zn (25). Clusters containing only Ca are identified as CaCO3 (24) (C and O cannot be detected by our method). In our clustering, these particles are present mainly in the SW-W sector (13%) but are also in the local (9.2%) and the NE-E sectors (4.3%). As mentioned earlier, airborne CaCO3 can be of marine origin or from sources on the land. The latter include both natural and anthropogenic sources. An important natural source, which might explain the relatively higher abundance in the SW-W sector, is again the cliffs along the English Channel (7). Industrial sources with important Ca emissions are the production of construction materials like asphalt and concrete batch plants and limestone kilns (20, 23). Other important calcite-emitting industries are iron and steel plants, chemical plants, heatand power-generating plants and cement plants (20, 2628), agricultural liming (20, 27, 28), and the abrasion of streets and buildings (28). The identification of the remaining particle types is less clear; however, the combination of Ca and P found mainly in the local and the SE-S sectors and also in the NE-E might suggest the cement industry (23). (2) A Closer Look at the CaSO4 Particles. (2.1) Fraction of CaSO4 Particles. From the above results, it is clear that the CaSO4 particles are joined in a single cluster for each of the sectors, providing us with the number of CaSO4 particles. In the following discussion, we use these numbers of CaSO4 particles to make some comparisons. The selection of the particles with a relative Ca intensity greater than 10% should not have any influence on the number of





Gypsum Fraction for the Different Flights (Averaged over the Six Tracks) and Sectors flight no. northwest 6 northeast-east 5 15 17 18 19 average southeast-south 7 8 13 average

CaSO4 fraction (%) 0.5 29 12 12 5 4 13 5 5 5 5

flight no. southwest-west 2 3 11 12 average local 4 9 14 average

CaSO4 fraction (%) 7 7 2 2 4 5 6 7 6

CaSO4 particles, since the latter by definition have a Ca content greater than 10%. In Table 3, a comparison is made for each flight between the CaSO4 particles and the original number of particles (called the CaSO4 fraction). For the different flights, it can be said that as a general rule the value of the CaSO4 fraction lies between 2% and 7%. Again, some outlying values are present for flights classified in the marine sector and the NE-E sector. Flight 6 contains only 0.5% of CaSO4 particles, while flights 15, 17, and especially 5 contain much more of them (12%, 12%, and 29%, respectively). It is also clear again that, although flights 2, 3, 11, and 12 have been joined in one and the same cluster, there exists a difference between the composition of the air masses corresponding to them. The CaSO4 fractions for flights 11 and 12, which are influenced mainly by the English Channel, are rather low (2%), while the fractions for flights 2 and 3, mainly influenced by the UK, are higher (7%). To get a better view on the dependence of the CaSO4 fractions on the origin of the air masses for the two continental sectors, the back-trajectories for each track were compared and ordered geographically from north to south (Figure 2). Back-trajectories which were too variable and could not be assigned to a single direction were omitted. The corresponding CaSO4 fractions for the ordered tracks are represented graphically in Figure 2. A remarkable trend is observed. High values (10% or more) are found for air masses passing over the northern part of Germany and the Netherlands and even much higher values (up to 40%) for the central part of Germany. For wind directions more to the south, the CaSO4 fractions are much lower (less than 8%) and more uniformly distributed. Thus, it is apparent that some very important CaSO4 sources are situated in Germany and its neighboring Eastern European countries. (2.2) Sources of CaSO4 Particles. Marine Sources of CaSO4. The occurrence of pure CaSO4 in the atmosphere can be the result of fractional crystallization of marine aerosols (29, 30). The evaporation of seawater is accompanied by sequential crystallization of several salts: as a first step, calcite (CaCO3) and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) crystallize, next gypsum (CaSO4(aq)), followed by halite (NaCl), and finally the Mg-K salts (31). In this way, loosely bound conglomerates of several particles are formed which are shattered during transport in the atmosphere or by impaction on the filter during sampling. This might result in the presence of one of these pure salts in the samples.

FIGURE 2. Fraction of gypsum particles of ordered geographically from north to south for both of the continental sectors.

Another marine source of CaSO4, though indirect, is the reaction of marine CaCO3 with atmospheric sulfur components, mainly H2SO4, formed by the oxidation of SO2 (direct industrial emissions), H2S (anaerobic decomposition), DMSO, or DMS (algae) (4, 30, 32). This reaction also takes place on the filters during and after sampling, resulting in a clean, fresh appearance of the crystals (33, 34). The marine CaCO3, coming from the skeletons of pelagic organisms and coccoliths, which create a suitable chemical environment for this reaction because of their alkalinity, is introduced in the atmosphere by sea spray. Land-Based Sources of CaSO4. A variety of land-based sources of CaSO4 have been suggested in the past by several authors. Van Borm et al. (35) indicated that primary atmospheric CaSO4 particles are produced by the weathering of limestone buildings, covered by a crust of gypsum, which is formed by interaction with atmospheric sulfur compounds. Other sources of CaSO4 are proposed by Biggins and Harrison (36, 37), like the attrition of building materials such as plaster and dusts from quarries, from which gypsum is extracted commercially. In the latter case, the particulates are derived from wind erosion, blasting, and transport of the quarried material. Still other sources are reported by Rybicka (26), who finds gypsum in dusts emitted by metallurgical plants, and by Bruynseels et al. (4), who suggested combustion processes and eolian transport from the continent as sources of CaSO4. The former is also implied by Shattuck et al. (24), who associate this particle type with the combustion of coal. Del Monte and Sabbioni (38), who investigated the morphology and the mineralogy of fly ash from a coal-fueled power plant, discovered that the fly ash, when exposed to a high level

of relative humidity, leads to the nucleation of gypsum crystals. The gypsum is thus confirmed not to be a crystalline phase of the fly ash emissions but to have an airborne origin on the fly ash particles. Also, carbonaceous particles emitted by oil combustion seem to behave in the same way. Similarly, Andreae et al. (30) find CaSO4 particles on silicate aerosol particles. These are produced by the reaction between acid sulfates and silicate minerals brought together by in-cloud processes, and they are characterized by a low Ca content in the silicate component because of extraction of Ca from the minerals by H2SO4. Just as marine CaCO3, land-derived CaCO3 can react with atmospheric SO2 or H2SO4 to form airborne CaSO4. The CaCO3 is present in dust from metallurgical plants, chemical plants, and cement plants (26) or is originating from soil dust and road wear (35). According to Ichikuni (39), it can also be the result of the world-wide spreading of desert dust, which contains CaCO3 as a major constituent. Another source of airborne CaSO4 is the desulfurization processes in thermal power plants that use limestone for SO2 removal. Besides other sulfur emission control techniques, two limestone injection processes are applied. One is a dry process, in which limestone is injected into the high-temperature combustion zone as a mixture with the coal, where it is calcined as CaCO3 f CO2 + CaO. Part of the produced CaO reacts in the furnace with SO2 to produce CaSO4 as CaO + SO2 + 0.5O2 f CaSO4. A second, more effective limestone injection process is the wet variant, which is initiated like the dry process, but, in addition, the combustion flue gas and unreacted limestone are scrubbed after the furnace with a lime slurry, which flows down through a marble bed in the scrubber




for further removal of SO2 (40-42). The different flue gas desulfurization processes in Germany produce about 1 Mton of gypsum each year. Parungo et al. (29), who made a study of plume aerosols from a coal-fired power plant which uses such a lime slurry to scrub the SO2 gases, found that about 10% of the particles in the plume consisted of crystalline or irregular CaSO4 particles. Drops of the CaSO4 solution, formed in the scrubber, escape along with the flue gas, are transformed in solid CaSO4 particles after evaporation, and are released into the plume.

Acknowledgments S.H. is supported by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO). We acknowledge partial financial support by the Belgian Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs in the framework of the Impulse Programme in Marine Sciences (Contract MS/06/050) and, before, by Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands (Contracts NOMIVE*2 DGW-217 and -920).

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Received for review June 22, 1995. Revised manuscript received January 12, 1996. Accepted January 15, 1996.X ES9504350 X

Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, March 15, 1996.