ICAL, giving low cost laboratory operation. Whether your glassware requirements call for custom-bilt or standard taper ware, MARTIN. QUALITY will SAVE...
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V O L U M E 23, NO. 11, N O V E M B E R


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Yes, the unexcelled quality of MARTI Ν-MADE glassware makes laboratory equipment last longer and give consistently accurate performance. That's why MARTIN QUALITY is ECONOM­ ICAL, giving low cost laboratory operation. Whether your glassware requirements call for custom-bilt or standard taper ware, MARTIN QUALITY will SAVE YOU ΜΟΝΕ Υ !... giving you only the finest materials and the highest skilled glassblowing. Phone or write for prompt and courteous con­ sultation and quotation. Catalog No. 48 is avail­ able on request.

H . S. M A R T I N & C O M P A N Y , E V A N S T O N , I L L I N O I S 1916-20 Greenleaf Street, EVANSTON, ILL.—TEL. GR 5 - 0 7 0 7


CHICAGO T E L . - A M 2-1325