Hach Company

apparatus and the LC. A rotating planetcoil is used to take advantage of both centrifugal and gravitational force for improved separation. Advantages ...
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Counter-Current Chromatography combines the benefits of both the countercurrent distribution apparatus and the LC. A rotating planet coil is used to take advantage of both centrifugal and gravitational force for improved separation. Advantages over the LC include minimum sample loss, no contamination from solid supports, and no tailing of solute peaks due to the adsorption effects of solid supports. Kontes 403 Optical Multichannel Detector Series TN-6100 series features a "dual-cool­ ing" design that makes possible the parallel detection of optical spectra with the lowest background and noise levels. System is ideal for the detection of emission or absorbances associated with laser-induced reaction, fluores­ cence, chemical luminescence, HPLC, and UV/VIS experiments. Tracor North­ ern 423

Direct-Connect Guard Column HPLC DCGC column protects expensive columns from strongly retained impuri­ ties, without sacrificing performance. The direct-connect design screws di­ rectly into the analytical column inlet, keeping extra column effects to a mini­ mum even with high-efficiency 3-μηι LC columns. The 3 X 3-cm i.d. column is easy and inexpensive to dry pack with pellicular material. Milton Roy Co. 438

ULTRAPURE PRIMARY STANDARDS 4-Aminopyridine KH 2.34x10 s (prepd. by sublimation) 2-Furoic Acid ΚΛ 8.63x10 * (prepd. by sublimation) Sodium silicofluoride (Primary Standard for Silica and Fluoride) For more information, prices on bulk quantities, or custom manufacture, call our toll free number: 800-247-3990 and ask for special chemical sales.

HACH Hach Company P.O. Box 389 Loveland, CO 80537

HPLC system, consisting of a 750 Solvent Delivery System, an optional 725 Autolnjector, and a 786 Variable Wavelength Detector, performs routine analyses, methods development, and functional research applications. The system has a flow range from 0.10 to 19.99 mL/min, and pressure settings are variable from 0 to 6000 psi. Micromeritics 408

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