AVAILABLE I N : Box of 3 lbs $ 1.95 Case of 12 bx-3 lbs - a . 1 8 00 Drum of 25 lbs. . . .45 lb. Drum of 50 lbs . . . .40 lb. Drum o< 100 lbs.. . .40 lb. Drum ol 300 lbs... .37 lb. (Slightly Higher on Pnilflc Coass)
Glassware, Borosilicate Fritted. Used in filtration, company's Pyrex fritted ware resists corrosive reagents, eliminates preparation of asbestos filter pads, provides uniform porosity control, and cleans quickly for re-use. Catalog available. Corning Glass Works, 72-4 Crystal St., Corning, Ν. Υ. 28Α Glassware, Calibrated. Brochure available on the Diamond D Blue Line of laboratory glassware. The pigment is heat-fused into the graduations and is impervious to almost every chemical. Doerr Glass Co., Vineland, N. J. 58A-1
When you're ORDERING a Detergent— and BUYING Cleanliness Specify, ALCONOX for all hand washing operations: ALCOJET for all machine washing operations. It's α fact that A L C O N O X is the largest selling hospital and labor atory detergent in the world. It's also a fact that ALCOJET, its machine washing twin is fast catching up to his famous brother's record. Your only real proof lies in trying them both. O r d e r t o d a y from your nearest distributor.
AVAILABLE I N : Box 5 Lb $ 3.00 C a s e ( i χ 5 Lb.).. 15.00 Drum 2 5 l b 45 lb. Drum 5 0 l b 4 2 Lb. Drum 1 0 0 Lb 4 0 Lb. Drum 3 0 0 Lb 3 7 Lb. (Slightly Higher on Pacific Coast)
ALCONOX, Inc. 6 1 - 4 3 CORNELISON AVE., JERSEY CITY 4 , N. J . Circle No. 56 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A
56 A
Glassware Catalog. Circle 52A for new 1956 special apparatus catalog "Custom-Made Laboratory Glassware by Corning." Illustrated, it contains many examples of special glass and unusual kinds of apparatus. Corning Glass Works, 69-4 Crystal St., Corning, Ν. Υ. 52Α Glassworking Hand Torch. Bulletin available on the Bethlehem "Polymix" used for Pyrex, Vycor, Quartz, and metal working. An oxy-gas hand torch, it is cited as being noiseless, light weight. Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc., Hellertown, Pa. 65A-1
for Temperature Control of Liquids or Air the
HALLIKAINEN Thermotrol Temperature Controller
Shell Development Co. Design
Hoods & Accessories. Catalog "The CBR System" available. Company's hoods are cited as being ideal for analyses, handling radioactive materials, organic preparations, and biological work. Kewaunee Mfg. Co., 5090 S. Center St., Adrian, Mich. 72A Instruments, Reference Manual. Circle 65A-2 for manual that contains useful descriptions of most commonly used analytical systems: spectrochem istry, nephelometry, colorimetry, pH measurement, fluorimetry and flame photometry. Coleman Instruments, Inc., Maywood, 111. 65A-2 Instruments, Research and Control. Circle indicated numbers for complete information on the following instru ments: direct reading spectrometer, 75A-1; Ebert spectrograph with order sorter, 75A-2; console comparator microphotometer, 75A-3; photoprocessing unit, 75A-4; monochromator, 75A5; refractometer, 75A-6; glass circle polarimeter, 75A-7; micro-focus x-ray unit, 75A-8; and compensated beam x-ray diffractometer, 75A-9. JarrellAsh Co., 32 Farwell St., Newtonville, Mass. 75A-1 to 9 Kjeldahl Apparatus. New bulletin available on digestion, distillation, and steam generator apparatus used for micro and semi-micro determination of nitrogen. These 3 units provide com plete Kjeldahl determination runs. American Instrument Co., Inc., Silver Spring, Md. 18 A (Continued on page 58 A)
For controlling the temperature of a liquid or air, t h e Hallikainen-Shell Development Thermotrol is a generalpurpose laboratory-temperature con troller of high accuracy. The temperature range of the Thermotrol is limited only by the resistance thermometer employed. Standard ranges available are from - 7 0 ° C to 300 °C. Other ranges on request. The Thermotrol uses any one of three control methods: on-off, pro portional or proportional w i t h reset. Proportional control is achieved by time-cycle modulation. Because of its unique design and custom assembly, t h e Thermotrol is not affected by variations in ambient temperature, line voltage, or load. For full details about t h e Thermo trol write today.
Co for A larm. Thermometer Cali bration Baths. Hydrogen Analyzer. Radiological Gas Analyzer. Alkyla· tion Acid Analyzer. . . and other analytical instruments for continu ous processes.
HALLIKAINEN Instruments Industrial and Scientific
1341 Seventh Street, Berkeley, Calif. Circle No. 56 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A