Spectra-Tech. School of Medicine. Determination of the Molecular Size. Distribution of. Immunoglobulin G in Intravenous. IgG/Albumin Formulations by H...
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MEETINGS C. Mancott, I. Noda, A. E. Dowrey, Procter and Gamble Chemical Sensing at the Liquid-Solid Interface with IR Spectroscopy. M. D. Porter, S. M. Stole, T. P. Jones, L. K. Chau, Iowa State U Stepped-Scanning Interferometer for Depth Profiling by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy. G. L. Pariente, The Sherwin-Williams Co.; P. R. Griffiths, U of California, Riverside

Applications of Microspectroscopy in the Near-IR Region. R. T. Carl, M. J. Smith, Nicolet Instrument Corp.

Current Techniques for the Analysis and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Arranged by K. Cohen


Hyphenated Techniques in IR Microscopy. S. L. Hill, K. Krishnan, D.A.C. Compton, S. Bourne, Digilab Division, Bio-Rad Laboratories Transmission Electron Microscopy of Electrodeposited Ultrathin Metal Crystals and Their Electron Diffraction Patterns. M. L. Norton, J. L. Anderson, N. S. Chong, U of Georgia Automated Electron Microprobe Particle Characterization of Electronic-Grade Gases. W. R. Gerristead, Jr., E. Ezell, BOC Group FT-IR Microscopy with an Extended-Range Spectrometer. L. Ellis, C. Tripp, P. Beauchesne, F. Baudais, Bomem Hadamard Transform Raman Microscopy. P. J. Treado, M. D. Morris, U of Michigan

Monoclonal Antibodies: Bird's-Eye View of Structure, Function, and Analysis. S. D. Marlin, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Biochemical and Immunochemical Analyses of Engineered Antibodies. T. Phillips, George Washington U Tetramolecular Antibody Complexes. P. M. Lansdorp, Terry Fox Laboratory for Hematology/ Oncology Multiple Solid-Phase Slide Immunoenzymatic Assay for Characterization and Quantification of Monoclonal Antibodies. E. C. de Macario, A.J.L. de Macario, New York State Department of Health Antlnuclear IgM Monoclonal Antibodies: Purification, Fragmentation, and Their Applications for Tumor Imaging and Therapy. F. M. Chen, G. S. Naeve, A. L. Epstein, USC

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Acorn St., Beacon Hill Chemical Mapping of Grain Thin Sections by FT-IR Microscopy. D. L Wetzel, Kansas State U; R. G. Messerschmidt, Spectra-Tech; R. G. Fulcher, Agriculture Department of Canada Applications of IR Reflectance Microscopy: Routine Handling of Strange Bounces. K. Krishnan, S. L. Hill, Digilab Division, Bio-Rad Laboratories Experimental Factors Affecting the Photometric Accuracy of FT-IR Microscopy. J. A. Reffner, C. R. Friedman, R. G. Messerschmidt, Spectra-Tech Integrating Microscopy with Spectroscopy. J. A. Reffner, G. Ressler, K. Morris, Spectra-Tech New Applications for FT-IR Microspectrometry. C. R. Friedman, SpectraTech FT-IR Microscopy—Biological and Other Difficult Applications. R. G. Messerschmidt, Spectra-Tech

School of Medicine Determination of the Molecular Size Distribution of Immunoglobulin G in Intravenous IgG/Albumln Formulations by HPLC. J. K. Lee, F. J. DeLuccia, E. L. Kelly, Rorer Central Research; C. Davidson, Lederle Laboratories; F. R. Borger, Armour Pharmaceutical Co.

Chemometrlcs/Analytlcal Chemistry as an Information Science Arranged by B. K. Lavine Comparison of Multivariate Calibration Methods: Separating Fact from Fiction. D. M. Halland, Sandia National Laboratories Multivariate Methods and Their Applications

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