Wilhelm Simon. 11:25 Microsensors in Micro- chemistry. A. Manz, D. Ammann,. W. E. Morf, and W. Simon, ETH-Zen- ... mental Laboratory Using an IBM PC...
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News 9:40 Potentiotitrimetry of Anions Using Quaternary Ammonium Halides. W. S. Selig, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 10:40 Electroanalytical and Optical Methods in the Study of Analytically Important Reactions. P. Zuman, Clarkson U 11:20 Presentation of the Award to Wilhelm Simon 11:25 Microsensors in Microchemistry. A. Manz, D. Ammann, W. E. Morf, and W. Simon, ETH-Zentrum, Switzerland

LIMS: Expectancies vs. Experience Chaired by G. Gibbon, U.S. Department of Energy 9:00 Tailoring LIMS for a Contract Analytical Laboratory. A. Bridge, Multiware 9:40 Laboratory Data Management Systems Specification, Compromise, and Result. L. M. Caudill, F. T. Green, and V. L. Turner, Du Pont 10:40 Implementation of a Data Management System in an Environmental Laboratory Using an IBM PC Network. K. Hausknect, A. Schkuta, L. Leonard, and D. Farnsworth, Cambridge Analytical Associates 11:20 User Perspective on the Beckman LIMS. R. Gifford, Smith Kline Chemicals

Chromatography Award Symposium Forty Years of Chromatography: Perspectives and Future Trends—II Chaired by I. Halasz, Universitat des Saarlands, F.R.G. 9:00 People, Ideas and Instruments: Reflections on the Formative Years of GC and HPLC. I. Halasz, Universitat des Saarlands, F.R.G. 9:30 Multichromatography Using Selectivity Tuning of Serially Connected Capillary Columns. L. S. Ettre and J. V. Hinshaw, Jr., Perkin-Elmer 9:55 Recent Advances in Capillary Column Chromatography. S. Lipski, Yale U 10:30 Presentation of the Award to Csaba Horvath 10:35 Trials and Triumphs of Instrumentation in Chromatography. C. Horvath, Yale U 11:05 High-Resolution Approaches to the Separation of Biological Samples. B. Karger, Northeastern U 11:35 Impact of HPLC on Modern Biochemistry. F. Régnier, Purdue U

Applications of Robotics In Chromatography and the Pharmaceutical Industry Chaired by G. D. Owens, Procter & Gamble 9:00 Robotic Assay for Fermentation Products. S. Hamilton, Eli Lilly 9:40 Robotic Sample Preparation for High-Volume HPLC Analysis: A Case Study. W. Sonnefeld, R. Newcomb, and M. Sprengart, Eastman Kodak 10:40 Robotic Automation for the Analytical Laboratory: A Two-Vendor Comparison from the Users' Point of View. R. B. Kirsch, American Cyanamid 11:20 Robotic Drug Extractions from Plasma To Support Pharmacokinetic Studies. R. L. Schoenhard, M. S. Chang, L. A. Kosobud, and R. E. Schmidt, G. D. Searle

Intelligent Systems Chaired by S. N. Deming, U of Houston 9:00 History of Intelligent Systems in Analytical Chemistry. W. E. Baitinger, Purdue U 9:40 Learning Algorithms. D. A. Burns, Technicon Science Center 10:40 Fuzzy Sets, Desirability Functions, and Analytical Chemistry. S. Deming, U of Houston 11:20 Expert Systems for the Analytical Laboratory. T. Isenhour, Utah State; J. C. Marshall, St. Olaf College

Multidlscipllnary Approaches to Materials Analysis Chaired by W. Boyko, Villanova U 9:00 Procedural Optimization Based on Pattern Analysis: Isolation of the Petroporphyrins from Crude Oil. D. H. Freeman and R. M. Angeles, U of Maryland 9:20 Compositional Analysis of Urethanes and Polyesters via Hydrolysis/Chromatography. J . Belisle and V. Bunnelle, 3M 9:40 Comparison of Isocratic and Gradient Elution Modes for ReversedPhase HPLC Characterization of Purified Proteins. R. M. Riggin, Eli Lilly

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