HAMILTON COMPANY, INC. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 16, 2012 - HAMILTON COMPANY, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (8), pp 38A–38A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60164a734. Publication Date: July 1960. ACS Legacy ...
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McCrone Offers Industrial Microscopy Course Industrial microscopy is the subject of an intensive 3-week course offered by McCrone Associates, starting on July 11. Microscope optics, photomi­ crography, size determination, textile and crystal morphology, fusion meth­ ods, and special techniques are among the topics to be covered with lectures and laboratory experiments. Tuition, covering all expenses, is $300. Classes

will be held in the Laboratories of Mc­ Crone Associates, 449 East 31st St., Chicago, 111. Analytical Chemistry Seminars in Progress A series of seven monthly seminars featuring experts in the field of analyt­ ical chemistry began on May 26 at Con­ solidated Electrodynamics Corp. Sponsors of the meetings are the Re­ search Division of Bell & Howell, par-

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ent firm of CEC, and CEC's Analytical and Control Division. Selected staff members of neighboring academic institutions have been in­ vited to the seminars, which are pri­ marily for technical staffs of the spon­ soring groups. Chief purposes of the talks are to acquaint those attending with current trends in undergraduate and graduate training in analytical chemistry, and with the increasing emphasis on instru­ ment techniques as both teaching aids and research tools.

Microscopy Course Offered at Cornell Facilities are available for a few more students in the 3-wcck course in chemi­ cal microscopy to be given at Cornell University starting July 11, according to Prof. C. W. Mason (ANAL. C H E M ,

March, page 60A). Emphasis in the course will be on principles and basic methods rather than on routine tech­ niques, with instruction at the upperclass or graduate level. The course fee, payable at registration, is $250. Regis­ tration deadline is July 5. Dr. Mason says that housing is available in Uni­ versity dormitories, if reserved in ad­ vance. Correspondence should be ad­ dressed to Dr. C. W. Mason, School of Chemical Engineering, Olin Hall, Ithaca, Ν. Υ.

ISA Fall Meeting Features 50 Technical Sessions More than 50 technical sessions are to be offered at the Instrument So­ ciety of America's Fall Instrument-Au­ tomation Conference and Exhibit, to­ gether with its 15th annual meeting. The event is being held at the New York City Coliseum, Sept. 26 to 30. Nearly 400 leading instrument man­ ufacturers will display and demonstrate the latest developments in scientific equipment. A number of the exhibits will be presented by the various branches of the armed services, and the National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ ministration will offer an exhibit deal­ ing with space exploration and with satellites. Among the sessions planned are those covering chemical and petroleum in­ strumentation, metals and ceramics in­ strumentation, nuclear instrumenta­ tion, sample handling, laboratory anal­ ysis instrumentation, and standards measurements. Details are available from ISA, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa.