HAMILTON COMPANY, INC. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 18, 2012 - HAMILTON COMPANY, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (7), pp 70A–70A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60163a767. Publication Date: June 1960. ACS Legacy ...
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NEW BOOKS Silver Activitation of Zinc Sulfide Single Crystals for Scintillation Counting. C. W . Moore, Air Force Institute of Technology. March 1959. 54 pages. P B 151793. $1.50.

Thermoluminescent Dosimeter.

Crystals used in this study were either cubic, hexagonal, or a mixture of both in their crystalline structure. Silver was thought to be incorporated in the zinc sulfide lattice as a monovalent cation s u b s t i t u t i o n a r y for the divalent zinc ions.

A special manganese-activated cal­ cium fluoride phosphor was devised for detection of x-ray and gamma-ray doses in the milliroentgen range. I t is said to show promise as a replacement for t h e photographic film badge in health physics applications.

J. Ή .

Schulman, R. J. Ginther, R. D . Kirk, and H . S. Goulart, Naval Research Laboratory. June 1959. 11 pages. P B 151725. 50 cents.

ACCURATE LIQUID DISCHARGE TO O.I ul HAMILTON MICROLITER SYRINGES You can make accurate liquid discharges in the range of 100 ul to 0.1 ul by direct reading of Hamilton Microliter Syringes. •

10, 50 and 100 ul capacity syringes available

Syringe tested to be leak-tight with water at 150 psi

Precision of graduation better than 1 %

Special needle point design perforates rubber closures without plugging • Cemented needle minimizes dead volume in the syringe, prevents leakage • Precision bore NC glass, stainless steel plunger Available w i t h cemented needle; for removable needle; w i t h Chaney Adap­ tion for accurate repetitive i n j e c t i o n s . Order direct, or write today for literature and prices. Also available through your supply house.

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Vapor Pressures of S o m e Hydrocar­ bons, in t h e Liquid a n d Solid State at Low Temperatures (NBS Tech­ nical N o t e 4 ) . W. T. Ziegler, N a ­ tional Bureau of Standards, U . S. D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce. M a y 1959. 19 pages. P B 151363. 75 cents. T h e data included are for methane, ethane, ??-butane, ethylene, acetylene, propane, isobutane, n-pentane, propy­ lene, 1-butene, and cyclopropane. In general the range covered is from 1500 mm. down to about 0.001 m m . H g . Calculated Behavior of a Fast N e u ­ tron Spectrometer Based on t h e Total Absorption Principle (NBS Technical N o t e 10). J. Ε Leiss, National Bureau of Standards, I". S. D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce. April 1959. 36 pages. P B 151369. $ 1 . Performance calculations for a spec­ trometer with a boron-10-loaded liquid scintillator are reported. They give enough information to allow a reason­ able estimate of the predicted perform­ ance for different sizes of the device, and to serve as a guide for experimental study. Ultraviolet X-Ray Physics a n d A p ­ plications. Pomona College for Air Force Office of Scientific Research. June 1957. 101 pages. P B 151182. $2.25. This volume contains a collection of papers dealing with studies by ultrasoft x-radiations. T h e papers cover such subjects as ultrasoft x-ray analysis of micron systems and visual a n d photo­ metric " c o n t r a s t " in microcardiograms. Geiger Counter for Large Diameter Sources. L. Bird and J. Kinch, Army Chemical Center, I I . S. Army. J u n e 1958. 17 pages. P B 151321. 50 cents. Α 2τ7· flow-type Geiger-Miiller counter with a 4 3 / 4 - i n c h diameter window was developed. I t provides for the deter­ mination of the beta activity of radio­ active dust collected on 4-inch diameter filter papers. T h e counter can be adapted t o 4π counting. Infrared Dispersion a n d t h e Deter­ mination of Absorption Coef­ ficients. R . E . Kagarise, Γ . S. Naval Research Laboratory. M a r c h 1959. 23 pages. P B 151443. 75 cents. The feasibility of using the interferometric method to measure the re­ fractive index of organic liquids in the 2- to 22-micron region was demonCircle No. 140 on Readers' Service Card-