nently in thesystem memory, until you decide to erase the program. And Hamilton offersyou ... Write for free literature to Hamilton. Co., PO. Box 1003...
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Complex diluting and dispensing made simple and automatic

In Your highly complex laboratory environment, the d e m a n d for exactness is crucial. But with high personnel costs, w h o can afford to waste time o n procedures? That's w h y automated liquid handling can b e so important.

Unique New Dispenser Hamilton's n e w Microlab-M combines microprocessor control with precision engineering to guarantee performance to the most demanding standards. Time after time. Which makes it ideal for the RIA lab, or for u s e in enzymology hematology

serology microbiology, or analytical chemistry The Microlab-M offers resolution down to .001% of the total syringe volume, and accuracy better than 0.5% for most applications. You can program in as m a n y as 9 9 different diluting or dispensing operations. Complex sequences or just repetitive, routine work. Automatic and semi-automatic combinations. Stored permanently in the system memory, until you decide to erase the program. And Hamilton offers you

the flexibility of a programmable air gap to reduce the danger of cross contamination in critical dilutions.

Let us tell you more Find out more about the Microlab-M from your Hamilton representative, or by getting in touch with us directly. Write for free literature to Hamilton Co., PO. Box 10030, 4960 Energy Way Reno, NV 89510, or call our tollfree n u m b e r (800-648-5950). And find out w h y in more and more laboratories, Hamilton's precision is becoming an automatic decision.





