Handbook of Analytical Derivatization Reactions (Knapp, Daniel R

Handbook of Analytical Derivatization Reactions (Knapp, Daniel R.) Jerome W. O'Laughlin · Cite This:J. Chem. Educ.1980576A196. Publication Date ...
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book reviews Figs. &tables. 27.6 X 21.3 cm. i $25.00.

+ 501 pp.

This texthook is intended to aervice a two-year rhem~stryp r w a m either in the lasl two years of secondary school or in grader 12 and 13 of the British Commonwealth & e m . The authors' intent to relate chemistry to the human experience has resulted in a sourcehook that admirably succeeds in describing diverse geological and living processes in chemical terms. A d o t edition of this book was tested in the schvols of Victoria. Australia. in 1977. In the same year the newlyformed Chemistry Kducatiun A~soeintlon assumed control of the hook-writing project with sixteen contributing writers, a six member editorial board and a chief editor. A casual glance a t this textbook reveals that the authors have succeeded in creatine an attractive oackaee which exalts descrinlive c h ~ m ~ s tto r ya high plateau. Thecornhinatiun c,f colorful language, "homry" examples and tw