Handbook of laboratory distillation (Krell, Erich) - Journal of Chemical

Chemical crossword puzzle. Journal of Chemical Education. Schneider. 1964 41 (7), p 405. Abstract: Presents a chemical crossword puzzle. Abstract | PD...
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The treatment in these basic areas is good, but not better than that in other currently available books. Some sections seem unduly long, as though they were insufficiently condensed versions of lectures or class discussions. For instance, a t one point there is a detailed elementary explanation of how a bimetallic thermocouple functions. There is no attempt at exhaustive theoretical or mathematical treatment, but all the basic concepts are considered. There is a good glossary and a satisfactory index. The unique and valuable features of the book are as follows: I t indicates to the American reader the differences in European approaches, apparatus and procedures, though in terms of theory there does not seem to be much difference. Krell certainly gives much more information about German and European practice with regard to apparatus and procedures than has been published anywhere about the United States' equivalent. Thereis, thus, muchof interest in the way of laboratory-built or uommercially available equipment t~ndaccessories. There is a considerable discussion of laboratory continuous distillation, going quite beyond what is available in other books. There is an excellent hktarical introduction with good references and figurn. Items which raised questions or doubts in the reviewer's mind include the following: On page 86 the treatment of methods of evaluating vapor-liquid equilibrium data is inadequate in view of the otherwise extensive treatment of vapor-liquid equilibrium. On page94 the discussion does not show the basis for the graphical McCabeThiele procedure in terms of the underlying equations for material balance relations. On page 95 there is uncertainty as to whether the discussion applies to batch distillation or just to continuous. On page 264 the discussion of the effect of nonadiabaticity leads to confusing conclusions. On page 428 the data on singleturn helices are quite limited. On page 311 the discussion of steam distillation ignores the fact that component.? in general vary in the range of intermediate volatility between "volatile" and lLnouvolatile!' These items are listed, and some less importsnt ones could be added, partly to prove thst the reviewer and author are human, but more importantly to tantalize possible readers among distillation specialists. Examples of rewarding items for readers are: On page 6 the mention of Cleopetrs.; on page 45 and elsewhere the organization of the discussion into sections on analytical distillation, preparative distillation, production distillation, and a distillation for comparison with a large-scale operation; on page 65 and nearby p a g e the discussion of vapor pressure and vapor-liquid equilibria; on page 98 the mention of Billet's work; on page 218 the combination of batch and continuous distillation; on page 250 the use of the term "unfractiouated distillation"; on pages 281-2 the finding of leaks with a stethoscope, with a fluorescent dip, or with a thermistor device; and on page 293 the separation of substances of identical vapor pressures by molecular distillation. The printing and format are very good. A very helpful feature is the footnote on each right page telling where references for that section may be found.



Journal o f Chemical Educafion

The reviewer was surprised a t the number of instances when the reference given to support discussion of a significant idea or concept or technique was not the one familiar to United States readers, but was selected from the German or often the Eastern European literature. Possibly an important reason for owning the book is to have it serve as a convenient entry to this redm of the technical litersture. The Krell hook should serve as a stimulating adjunct to other distillation literature summaries in every distillation course and laboratory, and should be present in every library having B clientele interested in distillation. ARTHURROSE Pennsylvania State University Uniaersity Park Chemical Infrared Spectroscopy. Volume 1, Techniques

W . J . Potts, Jr., Dow Chemical Go., Midlands, Michigan. John Wiley and Sons, Ine., New York, 1963. xvi 322 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 em. $8.50.


The stated purpose of this volume is t o collect in s. convenient place information of value to the practicing chemical infrared spectroscopist. This objeotive has been achieved with clarity and with a degree of background development not found in most other works. A great deal of the material presented is familiar to most spectroscopists. The organization and the treatment of the subject matter, however, clearly present to the interested chemist a weelth of infommtion concerning infrared spectroscopy and its practical utilization in solving chemical problems. The title of this work is misleading since the book deals with many aspects of infrared spectroscopy which cannot be categorized by the term, "Techniques." The author has included an introduction to the theory of infrared spectroscopy (Chapter 2), a discussion of the infrared spectrophot,ometer (Chapter 3) itnda thorough, interrsting tmatment of ,fpectrophotonleter performance and operation (Chapter 4). The discussion in Chapters 3 and 4 presents principles of speetrophatometer construction, performance and operation in a concise, refreshing manner, rather than the ritualistic comparisisun of various commercial instruments so frequently encountered in other books treating the same material. These chapters will be of interest to all chemists using infrared epectrompy in their work. The last cbptepter (Chapter 8) outlines the theory of infrared spectre. of polyatomic moleoules. The reader is led through an abbreviated diseussion of molecular vibrations, symmetry properties and rotationvibration bends in expert fashion. This chapter is by far the outstanding contribution of the volume; it impruts a familiarity with the meaning of the results of the theory rather than overwhelming the reader with a detailed mathematictl treatment. The quditative appreciation for the theory of infrared spectroscopy which the author achieves here will be of interest and value to a large number of chemists. Perhaps the weakest portion of the book

is the treatment of specifictechniques used in preparing samples and in obtaining a suitable infrared spectrum of a material. These techniques are discussed in two chapters (5 and 7) which are far too brief. The sections on the preparation and use of cells are incomplete and, in part, outdated. Many excellent techniques fur window preparation are completely omitted. In addition, the sections on microssmpling (e.g., the use of cavity cells) and on attenuated total reflection are given only a hrief passing treatment, leaving the impression thst they are rather special techniques of minor importance. Throughout the discussion of techniques, no detailed delineation of the effect of sample state and method of preparation on the recorded spectrum could be found. This is unfortunate, since one does not gain ctn sppreciation of the necessary restrictions, dependent on these parameters, which must be applied to the interpretation of spectral data. Despite these deficiencies, both academic and industrial chemists will find this volume of interest. The writing is clear, to the point and the book is certainly a valuable addition t o the literature in the field of spectroscopy. For those seeking introductory information regsrding infrared spectroscopy and its applications, this volume, together with the projected second volume, should provide any neophyte in the area a storehouse of food for thought. ROBERTT. CONLET S e t a Hall University South Omnge, New Jersell Molecular Vib-Rotors: The Theory and Inlerpretation of High Resolution Infrared Spedra

Harry C. Allen, JT., Nstional Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C . , and P a d C. Cross, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1963. vii 324 pp. Figs. and tables. 18.5 X 26 cm. $13.50.


The study of the line structure of molecular vibration-rotation bands dates from the measurements of 1910 to 1914 by Eva van Bahr. Over the intervening years many of our most revealing insights into the exact shapes and sizes of molecules and the interactions between their parts have come from these infrared investigationians. Unfortunately, the specialized techniques of the analyais of vibration-rotation spectra have been scstt,ered among a multitude of papers in the literature, often with quite different choices of notation. The monograph by Dm. M e n and Cross represents the fimt major effort to bring this material together in a readily available form, with consistent notation throughout. Starting with the separation of the Hamiltonian, the problem of the rigid rotor is treated, with and without the presence of symmetry, including various levels of approximation to the energy states of an asymmetric rotor. Building on the rigorous treatment of the separation problem, the cross terms that appear (Continued a page A5301