Handle with care. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehensi...
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S t r o n t i u m n i t r a t e is an oxidizer in signal flares, which are part of safe boating. FMC is the world's largest producer of this important chemical.


Phosphorous c h l o r i d e s are used in manufacturing stabilizers that keep the color of the boats vinyl cushions bright throughout their life. FMC is the leading supplier of phosphorous chlorides in the U.S.


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Handle with care. When you make products for consumers, you have quite a responsibility. You have to b e careful to provide them with safe, quality products. At FMC we feel a similar obligation to you. We provide many of the chemicals that go into your products. And we're committed to make sure these chemicals meet your highest quality standards. For you that means predictability in your processing. Higher quality products that are Dapon—FMC trademark

more competitive. To help you achieve these goals, we have extremely stringent quality controls at all our production facilities. In fact, our reputation for quality has helped FMC Industrial Chemical Group b e c o m e a half-billion dollar business. And we intend to keep on growing, through the dedication of our people and our continued high standards for everything we make. These products include acetic acid, alkalis, allyl alcohol, allyl monomers, allyl resins,

S o d a a s h goes into the glass for their fiberglass boat and fishing rods, their beverage bottles, and the detergents that keep their clothes clean. FMC is the w o r l d s leading supplier of highly pure, natural soda ash in both dense and intermediate grades.

C h l o r i n e goes into the PVC boat cushions, the vinyl life jackets and tackle box, even the plastic food wrap for their sandwiches. I t s also used to make white pigments for plastic products such as their boat. FMC has been a reliable producer of chlorine for more than 60 years.

Hydrogen p e r o x i d e


is used to clean up industrial and municipal wastes so that our nation s waters stay fresh and pure. A versatile chemical, FMC s hydrogen peroxide is also used as a safe, economical bleach for textiles, paper, and home laundry products.

m o n o m e r s . Dapon plastic connector plugs in their radio and engine remain tight and reliable despite stress, heat, humidity, and other rough conditions. As dilution extenders, FMC monomers helped control the chemical action while the boat hull was solidifying.

ammonia, barium chemicals, chlorine, dolomite, dry bleach chemicals, epoxidized soybean oil, glycerine, organic intermediates, organic phosphates, peroxygen chemicals, inorganic phosphates, phosphoric acid, and solvents. Would you like to know more? Write to FMC Corporation, Industrial Chemical Group, 2 0 0 0 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. Or call 215-299-6000.

