24 απ Readers' Service Card. 1 1 4 A. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING ... Dept. IEC, Des patch Oven Co., 611 Southeast 8th St.,. Minneapolis 14, Minn. 49...
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EQUIPMENT Liquid Cooler. Data sheet covers packaged liquid cooler with storage tank, for use where instant availability of chilled brine is desired and capacity requirements vary. Dept. IEC, Doyle & Roth Mfg. Co., Inc., 136-50 TwentyFourth St., Brooklyn 32, Ν. Υ. 44 Gas-Drying Equipment. Bulletin de­ scribes drying equipment available for removal of moisture from low-pressure gas or air streams and contains curves relating dew point to moisture content of gases. Dept. IEC, Dept. D-l, Gas Atmospheres, Inc., 20011 Lake Rd., Cleveland 16, Ohio. 45

It's yours for the asking . . . from Brooks Here is a quick, convenient way to compare rotameter specifica­ tions to find the correct model for any particular application. With the Brooks Rotameter Selection Guide, you can deter­ mine essential information at a glance. You simply set the chart dial at the required flow range, and other pertinent data—model, size, maximum operating temper­ ature and pressure — are con­ veniently presented. The Guide covers the full line of Brooks Rotameters . . . a line that includes everything from rugged armored meters for large flows, high temperatures and pres­ sures, to "miniature" purge meters for small flow indication. All in all, you'll find the Selec­ tion Guide a genuinely useful reference manual. To get a copy, request Bulletin 110.


Pressure Equipment. New booklet de­ scribes valves, fittings, reactors, agi­ tated vessels, pumps, and compressors for pressures to 100,000 p.s.i. in labora­ tory or pilot plant. Dept. IEC, Pres­ sure Products Industries, Inc., Hatboro, Pa. 46 Size







Bulletin 4 describes design, operation, construction features, and installation specifications of packaged unit which provides continuous supply of hot water for process use. Dept. IEC, The Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., East Stroudsburg, Pa. 48 Ovens. Reference catalog gives basic information about laboratory ovens, pilot plant ovens, and small batch-type production ovens. Dept. IEC, Des­ patch Oven Co., 611 Southeast 8th St., Minneapolis 14, Minn. 49 Industrial Processing Ovens. Sixpage bulletin describes both batch type and semiautomatic continuous indus­ trial heat-processing ovens. Bulletin 159, Dept. IEC, Hevi-Duty Electric Co., Milwaukee 1, Wis. 50


International TO SELL THEIR PRODUCTS ABROAD It's easy to understand why. The European and foreign chemical industry is growing just about as fast as it is able to. The only limiting factor is in the ability of its chemists and chemical engineers to design and build plants fast enough. Thus the demand for the latest in chemical processing tech­ nology is acute. There is only one complete technical publication in the chemical field; INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY. Technical management men throughout the world rely on it for the latest in process technology. That's why I/EC has the largest international circula­ tion of any technical publica­ tion in the field. And that's why over 100 companies are using I/EC—International to sell their products abroad. I/EC can help you solve your international marketing prob­ lems. Call MUrray Hill 88600 for more information. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY International An American Chemical Society


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Plastics Preheaters. Brochure offers description of new dielectric equipment said to speed time and reduce costs for

Circle No. 24 απ Readers' Service Card 114 A


Stokes Tornado Mill and Oscillating Granulator are described in new fourpage bulletin, No. 350. Complete speci­ fications are given. Dept. IEC, F. J. Stokes Corp., 5500 Tabor Rd., Philadel­ phia 20, Pa. 47



R E I N H O L D PUBLISHING CORP. 4 3 0 Park Avenue

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plastics preheating. Specifications for load-handling capacity, heating rates, power input requirements, and dimen­ sions are given for each model with typical applications illustrated. Dept. IEC, Girdler Process Equipment Divi­ sion, Chemetron Corp., 222 East Broad­ way, Louisville 1, Ky. 51 Diaphragm Pumps. Bulletin 14S gives information on the design and a p ­ plication of pumps for corrosive, abra­ sive, viscous, and other hard-to-handle fluids with complete engineering and selection data. Dept. IEC, T. Shriver & Co., Inc., 892 Hamilton St., Harrison, N. J. 52 Filter Pumps. New catalog, Bulletin M - l , contains illustrations and specifi­ cations for various pump models and a filter-pump selection guide listing many electroplating and industrial solutions with recommended filter pumps. Dept. IEC, Sethco Mfg. Corp., 2284 Babylon Turnpike, Merrick, Ν. Υ. 53 Turbine-Type Pumps. Drawings, se­ lection tables, limitation charts, dimen­ sions, construction specifications, and engineering specifications are included in Bulletin S - l l l describing Apco line of turbine pumps for a variety of chemical processing applications. Dept. IEC, Aurora Pump Division, The New York Air Brake Co., Loucks St., Aurora, III. 54 Ductile Iron Regulators. Bulletin J-DI describes composition, properties, specifications, comparison tables, and test results for ductile iron valves and is a condensed catalog of regulators and control valves available in ductile iron. Dept. IEC, OPW-Jordan Corp., 6013 Wiehe Rd., Cincinnati IS, Ohio. 55 Heat Exchanger Tubes. Technical bulletin gives attributes of welded steel tubing for heat exchangers. Bull. TB431, Dept. IEC, Sales Division, Babcock & Wilcox Co., 712 Eleventh St., Beaver Falls, Pa. 56 Valves and Fittings. Dimensional data, drawings, specific applications, and standard connections data for stainless steel taper seal valves and fit­ tings assigned for pressures to 15,000 p.s.i. are included in Catalog 759. Dept. IEC, High Pressure Equipment Co., Inc., Erie, Pa. 57


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Du Pont

DIMETHYLACETAMIDE in commercial quantities This highly polar alkyl amide is both a versatile solvent and a reaction catalyst A s a Catalyst and S o l v e n t f o r Reactions Like other alkyl carboxylic amides, Du Pont Dimethylacetamide (DMAC) has the unusual ability to serve as a reaction catalyst. It can convert molecules into reactive forms by solvation and high dielectric effect. Reactions improved by the use of Du Pont DMAC include: elimination reactions; halogenations; cyclization; alkylations; interesterification; hydrocyanations; preparation of nitriles; and preparation of organic acid chlorides.

A s a General S o l v e n t Du Pont DMAC is an excellent solvent for synthetic polymers, natu­ ral gums and resins. Because it is highly polar, dimethylacetamide has been found particularly useful as a solvent for polyacrylonitrile, its co-polymers, and inter-polymers. The unique solvent power of DMAC makes it a valuable chemical for use in a number of applica­ tions, including crystallization and purification solvent, non-aqueous electrolytic solvent and paint remover. FURTHER DATA on Du Pont DMAC—its physical and chemical prop­ erties and other uses—are outlined in the new Product Information Bulletin prepared by Du Pont. For your copy, just mail the coupon.

DU PONT * « . U.S. PAT.Off-

Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.) Industrial and Biochemicals Dept. Km. N-2533IE, Wilmington 98, Del. Please send me your new Product Information Bulletin on Du Pont DMAC. Νa m e




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VOL. 51, NO. 12 ·


115 A


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Gate Valve Selection. Four-page illustrated brochure contains special tracing templates which permit checking of valve sizes on fluid system blueprints as well as specification, dimension, and actuator configuration tables for a complete line of gate valves. Dept. IEC, Dept. SMA 550, Whittaker Controls Division, Telecomputing Corp., 915 North Citrus Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 59 Self-Energizing Valves. Twelve-page bulletin, No. 4072, describes pipe-size valves and fittings equipped with lensring gaskets which tighten the pressure seal as internal pressure increases. Dept. IEC, American Instrument Co., Inc., 8030 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 60 Solenoid Valves. Eight-page booklet, "How to Specify Solenoid Valves," contains sections on nomenclature, types, and mechanical, electrical, and environmental specification criteria. Dept. IEC, Valcor Engineering Corp., 365 Carnegie Ave., Kenihcorth, N. J. 61 High-Pressure Solenoid Valves. Information concerning solenoid valves of two-way, normally closed construction with operating pressure differentials up to 1250 p.s.i. is contained in bulletin. Dept. IEC, Dept. RR34, Skinner Electric Valve Division, 105 Edgewood Ave., New Britain, Conn. 62 CHEMICALS A N D MATERIALS Silicone Antifoams. Bulletin CDS204 explains how to choose the proper defoamer for both aqueous and nonaqueous systems. Recommendations on equipment and methods for use are included. Dept. IEC, Silicone Products Dept.. General Electric Co., Waterford, Ν. Y. 63 Propcllant Blending. "Blending of Aerosol Propellants" discusses five methods in current use and analyzes important aspects of each. Dept. IEC, Union Carbide Chemicals Co., 30 East 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 64 Electronic Chemicals. Electronic phosphors and chemicals are described in new catalog. Dept. IEC, Electric Lamp Metals and Components Dept.,

Circle No. 52 on Readers' Service Card

116 A


"Valve Finder" offers ratings of production valves for the complete Hannifin line, allowing selection of the correct valve size for any air flow application. Also included are an engineering formula for use with these data and other informative material. Dept. IEC, Dept. 286, Hannifin Co., 501 South Wolf Rd., Des Plaines, III. 58


General Electric Co., 21800 Rd., Cleveland 17, Ohio.

Tungsten 65

Industrial Wire Cloth. Bulletin offers technical data on selection, ordering, and quality checking of a wide variety of wire cloth products for industrial applications. Dept. IEC, Newark Wire Cloth Co., 351 Verona Ave., Newark 4, N. J. 66 Protective Coatings. Booklet gives pertinent information on performance and applications of various types of protective coatings. Dept. IEC, David E. Long Corp., 220 East 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 67 Silicone Rubber Compounds. Bulle­ tin CDS-170A contains complete up-todate information on room-temperature vulcanizing silicone rubber compounds. Dept. IEC, Silicon Products Dept., General Electric Co., Waterford, Ν. Υ. 68 Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer Latex.

Dylex K-31, an improved copolymer for paints, is discussed in a new bulletin, Dylex Latices. Tech. Bull. C-9-285, Dept. IEC, Plastics Division, Koppers Co., Inc.. 801 Koppers Bldg., Pitts­ burgh 19, Pa. 69 Dihydropyran. Technical bulletin 137 discusses physical and chemical proper­ ties of dihydropyran (2,3-dihydro-4-Hpyran), a colorless liquid and very re­ active chemical. Dept. IEC, Chemicals Division, The Quaker Oats Co., 345-A Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, M. 7 0 Dithio-oxamide. Bulletin describes reactions of dithio-oxamide and six of its iV,V-disubstituted derivatives. De­ velopment quantities of these sulfurbearing compounds are available. Dept. IEC, Product Development Dept., Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, 2nd and Mallinckrodt Sis., St. Louis 7, Mo. 71 Esters for Industry. Catalog discusses applications of esters in a variety of processing applications. Specifications, physical properties, and solubility data on principal esters are given. DeptIEC, Kessler Chemical Co., 7290 State Rd., Philadelphia, Pa. 72 Product Index. Complete list of in­ dustrial and specialty chemicals is avail­ able. Physical properties and shipping data are included. Bull. P-102, Dept. IEC, Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tenn. 73 Products List. Catalog lists properties and uses of some 375 industrial, phar­ maceutical, and agricultural chemicals currently produced. Dept. IEC, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. 7 4

INSTRUMENTS Analog Computer. Two-page brochure, "Analog Computer CM-2," describes and illustrates solid-state computing device for calculations especially applicable in the chemical, petrochemical, refining, and process industries. Dept. IEC, Southwestern Industrial Electronics Co., 10201 Westheimer Rd., P.O. Box 22187, Houston 27, Tex. 7 5 Hygrométrie Equipment. Catalog 660 contains descriptions and illustrations of complete systems as well as individual components of moisture detection, control, and alarm equipment. Dept. IEC, American Instrument Co., Inc., 8080 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 76 Metasonic Liquid Level Gage. Literature describes liquid level gage utilizing sonic waves to determine levels in liquids which are difficult or impossible to measure by conventional methods. Dept. IEC, The General Ultrasonics Co., 6 Tobey Rd., Bloomfield, Conn. 77 Nuclear Instruments. Descriptions of over 50 instruments and systems are included in Bulletin C, "Nuclear Instrumentation." Dept. IEC, Victoreen Instrument Co., 5806 Hough Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. 78 Volumetric Meter. Bulletin 43 provides a new and simplified basis for selecting a volumetric meter for any given application or liquid that can be metered. Dept. IEC, Buffalo Meter Co., Inc., 2890 Main St., Buffalo, Ν. Υ.

Any i d e a s in these Silicate Reactions'? When PQ Sodium Silicate is mixed with acid or acidic compounds, you quickly see a typical reaction—the silica is released. Depending on concentration and temperature, silica precipitates as a floe, or as a lumpy mass or as a gel. Many uses of the soluble silicates spring from combinations with other chemicals. Take for instance: Sodium Silicate P L U S . . . ammonium sulfate = silica sol magnesium salts = complex magnesium silicates aluminum salts = complex aluminum silicate iron oxide = iron silicate—silica complex zinc oxide = complex insoluble silicate The coupon below is for your convenience in requesting additional information or samples.


Panel Meters. Indicating panel meters and pyrometers in numerous sensitivi­ ties, styles, and sizes for monitoring any electrically measurable variable are de­ scribed in new 12-page Bulletin 107. Dept. IEC, Assembly Products, Inc., Chesterland, Ohio. 80 Temperature Regulators. Bulletin 7-1 describes a new line of regulators designed to control flow of either heat­ ing or cooling fluids. Dept. IEC, CashAcme, P.O. Box 191, Decatur, III. 81 Electronic Thermometer. New elec­ tronic thermometer which provides a quick accurate reading of temperatures ranging from —425° to +800° F. is described in Technical Bulletin 140. Dept. IEC, Trans-Sonics, Inc., Burling­ ton, Mass. 82

Fill in, attach to your business letterhead and mail to PHILADELPHIA QUARTZ COMPANY, Public Ledger Building, Phila. 6, Pa.

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see also Chemical Materials Catalog, pages 408-409




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SODIUM SILICATES . SODIUM METASILICATE . SODIUM SESQUISILICATE . SODIUM ORTHOSILICATE . POTASSIUM SILICATES Associates: Philadelphia Uuarti Co.ol California. Berkeley I Los Angeles,California; Tacoma,Washington; National Silicates limited,Toronto, Canada

VOL. 5 1 , NO. 12
