HANS NEURATH, University of Washington Milton ... - ACS Publications

Paul D. Boyer, Universityof California, LosAngeles ... Minor J. Coon, University of Michigan Medical School. Joseph S. ... Business and Subscription I...
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Charles R. Bertsch, Manager, Editorial Production


1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D . C. 20036 ASSOCIATE EDITORS

Milton P. Gordon, University of Washington Edmond H. Fischer, University of Washington William W. Parson, University of Washington

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John Κ Crum, Director Joseph H. Kuney, Head, Business Operations Department R u t h Reynard, Assistant to the Director

© C o p y r i g h t , 1972, by the American Chemical Society. EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD

Paul D. Boyer, University of California, Los Angeles Konrad Bloch, Harvard University Roger D. Cole, University of California, Berkeley Minor J. Coon, University of Michigan Medical School Joseph S. Fruton, Yale University I. C. Gunsalus, University of Illinois Gordon G. Hammes, Cornell University William F. Harrington, Johns Hopkins University John J. Holland, University of California, La Jolla William P. Jencks, Brandeis University Elwood V. Jensen, University of Chicago Irving M. Klotz, Northwestern University Daniel E. Koshland, University of California, Berkeley Edwin G. Krebs, University of California, Davis Henry A. Lardy, University of Wisconsin Albert L. Lehninger, Johns Hopkins University Peter Lengyel, Yale University Albert S. Mildvan, Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia Kivie Moldave, University of California, Irvine Mary Jane Osborne, University of Connecticut William D. Phillips, Du Pont Experimental Station Rodney R. Porter, Oxford University William J. Ray, Jr., Purdue University Phillips W. Robbins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harold A. Scheraga, Cornell University S. Jonathan Singer, University of California, San Diego Earl R. Stadtman, National Heart Institute Charles C. Sweeley, Michigan State University Ignacio Tinoco, Jr., University of California, Berkeley Paul O. P. Ts'o, Johns Hopkins University Bernard Witkop, National Institutes of Health


Warren E. C. Wacker, Harvard Medical School








Published biweekly by the American Chemical Society at 20th and N o r t h a m p t o n Streets, Easton, Pennsylvania. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D . C , and at additional mailing offices. Manuscripts for publication and correspondence regarding accepted papers should be sent to the Editor, Hans Neurath, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105. Proof, edited manuscripts, and reprint orders should be sent to Edi­ torial Production Office, American Chemical Society, 20lh and N o r t h a m p t o n Streets, Easton, Pa. 18042. Manager: Charles R. Bertsch. Senior Production Editor: Marianne C. Brogan. Assistant Editor: Patricia A. Bronko. Editorial Assistant: Margaret A. Sullivan. Advertising Office: Century Communications Corporation, 142 East Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851. The American Chemical Society and the Editors of Biochem­ istry assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors to this journal. Business and Subscription Information Remittances and orders for subscriptions and for single copies, notices of changes of address and new professional connections, and claims for missing numbers should be sent to the Subscrip­ tion Service Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D . C. 20036. Changes of address for this journal must be received four weeks before the first issue is (o go to the new address. Such notification should include both old and new addresses and ZIP code. Please enclose a mailing label from a copy of one of your ACS publications with your notification. Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed (1) if received more than sixty days from date of issue plus time normally re­ quired for postal delivery of journal and claim, (2) if loss was due to failure of notice of change in address to be received before the date specified in the preceding paragraph, or (3) if the reason for the claim is "missing from files." Subscription rates for 1972: to members, $20.00 per year; to nonmembers, $60.00 per year. Those interested in becoming members should write to the Admissions Department, Ameri­ can Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Postage to Canada and countries in the PanAmerican Union, Ϊ5.00; all other countries, $6.00. Single copies: for current year, $3.00. Rates for back issues and volumes are available from Special Issues Sales Department, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. This publication and the other ACS periodical publications are now available on microfilm. For information write to : M I C R O F I L M , Special Issues Sales Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D . C. 20036.