harry w. dietert co. - ACS Publications

be completed at the rate of 15 minutes per fraction by unskilled ... L. Brealey, Boots Pure Drug Cc. Ltd., Station St., Nottingham, England. Page 62 A...
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ANALYST'S- C A L E N D A R l l t h Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied" Spectroscopy and Exposition of Modern Laboratory Equipment Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact: J. E. Pat.erson, program chairman, Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh 3C. Pa. Page 58 A, Feb.

Feb. 29 to Mar. 4

for product or new materia! research

Mar. 2 Mar. 17

i 1

DETERMINE PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION below 60 microns . . . in materials such as: Beryllium Powder Catalyst Ceramic Powders Chemicals Diatomaceous Earth Drugs Dry Powders Fly Ash

Grinding Sand Metal Oxides Penicillin Polymers Powdered Metals Milk Solids Standard Dust Samples

with the

Metropolitan Microcheniical Society, monthly meeting. Ameri can Museum of Natural History, New York, Ν. Y, Speaker: Dr. Eugene Sawl:k\ Topic. The Organic Analysis of AL-rv.rnc P - ticuiate.Si. Contact- P.. Mainmever, Brooklyn Couege. or;o?.iv-; Ν. Υ. Spring meeting, Gulf Coast Spectroscopic Group, Lake Charles, L i . Contact: Albert Zlatki--., secretary-treasurer, GCSG, University of Houston, Cullen Blvd., Houston 4, Tex. Page 44 A, Fei>

Mar. 18 Mar. 23 to 25

Society for Analytical Chsmistry. Annual Meeting Queen's Hotel, Birmingham- England. Contact: Society for Analytical Chemis­ try, 14 Belgrave Sq., London, S.W. i, England.


Symposium on Optical Spectrometric Measurements of High Tem­ peratures, National Science Foundation, Laboratories for Appiie Science, Jarreli-Ash Co., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Contact: Frederick Brech, c/o Laboratories for Applied ScienceUniversity of Chicago, 6220 South Drexel Ave., Chicago 37, 111.



Model No. 6000, totally enclosed 220 volt, 3 phase motor, operates at 3500 rpm.

Widely used for particle size control in many industrial processes... for scienti­ fic study of fine materials . . . for pre­ testing dust collector needs . . . for determining the separating efficiency of air cleaners. An 8-fraction analysis can be completed at the rate of 15 minutes per fraction by unskilled operators. Frac­ tions are precisely defined and may be retained for accurate study.



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April 4 to 7—Atomic Exposition and Nuclear Congress. Nevv York Coliseum. Contact: International Atomic Exposition Architects Building, Philadelphia 3, Pa. April 5 to 7—3rd National Chemical and Petroleum Instrumentation Symposiuir; Rochester, Ν . Υ. Contact: Director of Technical and Educational Services, Instru­ ment Society of America, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22. Pi.. April 5 to 14—137th National Meeting, American Chemicai Society. Cleveland, Ohio. Page 46 A, Feb. April 6 to 8—Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group-, meeting on masers and mavars, Nottingham, England. Contaci: D. J. E. Ingram, Hon. Secretary, Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group, c/o Dept. of Electronics, Telecommunications and Radio Engi­ neering, University of Southampton, Southampton, England. April 20—16th annual Quality Control Clinic. Rochester Society for Quality Contre;, University of Rochester. Rochester, N, Y. Contact: C Robert Stumpi, publicity chairman, Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Park Works, Film Testing Division, B-6C, Rochester 4, Ν. Υ. May 3 to 4—Symposium on the Determination of Gases in Metals. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Iron and. Steel Institute, Institute of Metals. Church House, Westminster, London. Contaci: Society for Analytical Chemistry, 14 Belgrave So., London, S.W. 1, England. May 3 to 5—15th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Contact: Prof. Don E. Bloodgood, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue Uni­ versity, Lafayette, Ind. May 9 to 13—ISA Instrument-Automation Conference and Exhibit for San Fran cisco, Calif., Brooks Hall. Contact: William E . Kushnick, executive director, in­ strument Society of America, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. June 1 to 3—Sixth Annual Instrumental Methods* of Analvsis Symposium, Montreal Que. Contact: Director of Technical and Educational Services, Instrument Society of America, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. June 8 to 10, 1960—Third Symposium on Gas Chromatography, Society lor Analytics; Chemistry and Gas Chromatography Discussion Group—Edinburgh. Contact. L. Brealey, Boots Pure Drug Cc. Ltd., Station St., Nottingham, England. Page 62 A, Sept. June 13 to 15—43rfi Annual Comerence and Exhibition, Cic-mical Institute ci Canaoa Chateau. Laurier Hotel, Ottav.v,, Ont Contact: Chemical Institute of Canada, 4g Rideau St., Ottawa 2, Ont. June 13 to 15—National Microscopy Symposium, McCrone Associates, De- Prac-, Hotej, Chicago, 111. Contact: Walter C. McCrone Associates, 501 Eat/ ;i2nd St Chicago 16, 111. Page 44 A, Feb June 13 to 15—Annual meeting, American Association of Feed Microscop; u , HiS'nHotel, San Antonio, Tex. Comnet: Ε. Ε. Brown, Texas Experimental 3t..-i·:.., C-.lege Station, Tex. June IS to 17—Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, Dei; ,rtmt :· of Physics and Astronomy, Th.- Ohio State Urvvcrsity, Columbus, Ohio. ; Conlac. Prof. R. A. Oetjen, Department ot Physics and Astronomy, The Ohio &*-ι ί ;Tnivc sity, Columbus 10, Ohio. P a g , 44 A, F · ' ; . June IS to 17—Annual Summer Symposium, on Trace Analysis, ACS D'vis;or. Analytical Chemistry ar.d ANALYTICAL CHEMISTHY, University of Houston, Housioi·. Tex. Contact - L. C She-.!,:.:-.., C""t.T.' i aborat.ory. Ths II·."» Cl::;i-.iic-';. · Γ- . port, Tex Comina
