Harshaw Chemical Co

Harshaw Chemical Co.pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ac60252a728windows and UV components. The Harshaw Chemical Co. * OtN...
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Crystal Products

Performance tested crystals for use as gamma radiation detectors, IR windows and UV components.

The Harshaw Chemical Co.

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Infrared Optical Materials

Harshaw infrared materials transmit to 70 microns. Available as blanks or polished to your finished specifications.

The Harshaw Chemical Co.

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The Harshaw Chemical Co.

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Performance Tested Crystals

Crystals for use as X-ray monochromators, X-ray detectors, reststrahl plates, and refracting components.

The Harshaw Chemical Co.

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Your inquiries for complete information are invited.

The Harshaw Chemical Co. 194S East 97th St · Cleveland, Ohio 44106 · Phone 216 721-8300 Utrecht. Netherlands —Harshaw-Van Der Hoorn N.V. Frankfurt. W. Germany— Harshaw Chemie GmbH Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card 36 A



REPORT FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS T h u s it m a y be easy to separate closely boiling solutes containing different functional groups with a selective stationary phase. I t m a y be somewhat more difficult to sepa­ rate closely boiling solutes (iso­ mers) with the same functional group (e.g. TO-, p-cresol). I t is most difficult to separate closely boiling solutes with no functional group (e.g.TO-,p-xylene) : To illustrate these ideas, let us ex­ amine the separation of TO- and pcresol. [ T h e ortho isomer can be easily separated from the meta and p a r a isomers because of the steric hindrance of O H by t h e methyl group when this group is in the or­ tho position (the well-known ortho effect) (32).] T h e methyl group is known to exhibit a different elec­ tronic effect on the hydroxyl group, when the alkyl is in the meta and para positions. To t a k e advantage of this difference, one should search for solvents which interact strongly and specifically with the hydroxyl functional group. F o r example, a hydrogen bond accepting solvent would be able to effect separation from the fact t h a t the meta isomer is more acidic t h a n the p a r a isomer (33). If, however, such a solvent were also t o interact nonselectively with other p a r t s of the phenolic iso­ mer molecules, the separation would be diminished. Examination of E q u a t i o n 17a further indicates t h a t temperature affects yt", and we might thus expect a also to be temperature dependent from this term. I n general it is found t h a t a will improve as the temperature is decreased, if solutesolvent interactions are important to the separation, (we have already discussed how temperature can af­ fect a through the saturation vapor pressure r a t i o ) . Using E q u a t i o n 15 for two components, it is seen t h a t the temperature dependence of α arises from the \(Αββ") term. When the difference in excess par­ tial molar enthalpies of mixing is large, temperatures will affect a greatly. Unfortunately for closely related solutes, A(\Se°) is usually small, so t h a t temperature does not usually play t h a t prominent a role in chemical selectivity. T h e limits of this article do not provide us the opportunity to dis­ cuss in any greater detail the a c ­

tivity coefficient and the excess functions. W e should note, how­ ever, t h a t Pierotti et al. (34, 35) have developed an empirical a p ­ proach for the prediction of activ­ ity coefficients in G L C . T h e y es­ sentially assign a t e r m for each t y p e of interaction between solute and solvent, and then sum up all the terms to obtain the total interac­ tion. Their work is certainly v a l ­ uable, for it provides an estimate of γ " . One is able to predict, for ex­ ample, the linear relationship be­ tween In y" and carbon number in a homologous series (34) • How­ ever, for more accurate y=values, based on an understanding of the solution process, a fundamental a p ­ proach m a y prove more valuable. Complexation Equilibria I n the previous section we noted t h a t for high solvent selectivity specific solute-solvent interactions should be exploited relative to non­ specific interactions. A logical ex­ tension of this principle is the use of reversible complexes between solute and solvent, or to go one step further, the use of an additive ca­ pable of complexing with the solute for selectivity. T h e first example of this latter approach was by B r a d ­ ford et al. in 1955 (36). These workers added A g N 0 3 to an "inert" solvent and found olefins selectively retarded relative to saturates. T h e silver ion complexed with the u n s a t ­ urated center, and this complex re­ sulted in the increased retention of the olefin in the stationary phase. Since the above paper, m a n y workers have used liquid phases impregnated with A g N 0 3 for the separation of olefins. As an exam­ ple of the selectivity possible with these types of columns, Phillips (36a) found t h e relative retention of benzene/n-hexane on liquid paraf­ fin t o be 1.6, and 40 on 3 0 % silver perchlorate in tetralin. Separations of isomeric olefins are also possible with Ag+ impregnated columns. C. S. G. Phillips and co-workers (37, 38) have continued this work with other cationic complexing agents as the solvent itself. M e n ­ tion should also be made of the work of Rogers et al. (39, 40) in the use of heavy metal salts as adsorbents in gas-solid chromatography. This work was directly followed by Al-