Sim- ply pushbutton and take. pH or millivolt reading. Drift free, no warm-up time, line voltage compen- ... 72 on Readers' Service Card. 106 A . ANAL...
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Spotlights pH Meters


With our comprehensive line of pH meters—includ­ ing those made by Beckman, Coleman and Leeds & Northrup—we offer the proper instrument for your particular need. Representative models are described below. We welcome your requests for more detai led information.

H-28915BECKMAN Zeromatic pH meter, line operated. Sim­ ply push button and take pH or millivolt reading. Drift free, no w a r m - u p t i m e , line voltage compen­ sation, continuous 0-14 pH scale. Outlets provided for recorder, polarizing current, etc $330.00

H-28925 BECK MAN Model 72 pH meter, tine operated. This "Economy M o d e l " has accuracy of ± 0 . 1 pH and repeatability of ± 0 . 0 5 p H . Suitable for Karl Fischer titrations. Used on liquids, pastes and semi-solids. Operates with only three controls $184.00

H-30025 LEEDS & NORTHRUP pH meter line operated. Employstime proven circuitry in a newly designed metal case. Reads in pH and mil­ livolts. The la rge 7'Λ" scale permits read­ a b i l i t y t o 0.02 p H . Suitable for Karl Fischer t i t r a t i o n s $330.00

H-2890S BECK M AN Model 76 pH meter, line operated, for extremely precise pH and millivolt measurements. Features expanded scale. Any two pH units from 0 to 14 pH c a n be read with readability to 0 . 0 0 3 p H . Accuracy is ± 0 . 0 2 pH. Of highest quality throughout. $470.00

H-30040 COLEMAN M et r ion pH meter, line o p e r a t e d . Coleman's "Econ­ omy Model" has a double scale: upper from 0 to 10 pH ; low­ er, from 10 to 14 pH; easily reset. Accu­ racy is ± 0 . 0 5 p H , reproducible to 0.02 pH. A very popular meter . . . $139.00

H-30035 COLEMAN Com­ panion pH meter, line oper­ ated. This versatile meter with range of 0-14 pH and 0-1400 mv., reads directly from a single 6 Ά " mirror backed scale. Accurate within 0.05 pH r reproducible to 0.02 p H . A q u a l i t y unit. . . . $300.00

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Division of The Harshaw Chemical Co. · Cleveland





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BRANCHES: Cleveland 6. Ohio · Cincinnati 37, Ohio · Detroit 28, Michigan · Houston 1 1 , Texas · Los Angeles 22, California · Oakland 1, California · Philadelphia 48, Pa. OFFICES: Baton Rouge 6, La. · HastingsOn-Hudson 6, New York · Pittsburgh 22, Pa.

Circle No. 72 on Readers' Service Card

106 A
