Windows for standard IR spectrophotometer cells are in stock andean be shipped within 3 days after the receipt of your order. HARSHAW. The Harshaw Che...
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W I C K - S T I C K ™ is a simple, easy method for infrared analysis of TLC samples. It is a prepressed KBr triangular shaped element which fil­ ters silica gel from the TLC sample and concentrates the sample on the "Wick-Stick" tip, which is then removed, pressed into a micro-pellet and analyzed on an IR spectrophotometer. "Wick-Sticks" are available from stock. Kit contains vials, "Wick-Stick" holders, vial rack and tweezers.

Potassium Bromide Micro-Pellet Die is for those laboratories that already have a hydraulic press. This die presses pellets approximately 4 mm in diameter. Pellet remains in a portion of the die for convenient infrared analysis. Pressed Pellet Micro Press is for those laboratories without a hy­ draulic press. Ideal for work with "Wick-Sticks" and other pressed pellet powders. Presses pellet approximately 1.5 mm in diameter into a V2" diameter washer for immediate infrared analysis.

are ideal for infrared anal­ ysis of hard-to-clean sam­ ples. These AgCI windows measure 25 mm χ 12.7 mm χ 0.5 mm. Inexpensive, unbreakable, resistant to thermal shock.

MULL PLATES AND HOLDER Sodium chloride mull plate kit is now available. Kit contains mull plate holder and one dozen %" diameter χ 4 mm thick mull plates.

Pressed Pellet Powders, available from stock, include Potassium Bromide, Thallium Bromide and Cesium Iodide.

I N F R A R E D W I N D O W S are a Harshaw specialty. All the crystals now being used as cell windows in infrared spectro­ photometers were developed in the Harshaw Research Labora­ tories. For any portion of the spectrum covered by your instru­ ment, you have a choice of several different infrared crystals. Available as polished windows or as unpolished blanks. Windows for standard IR spectrophotometer cells are in stock andean be shipped within 3 days after the receipt of your order.

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The Harshaw Chemical Company · Division of Kewanee Oil Company Crystal-Solid State Department 1945 East 97ih Street- Cleveland, Ohio 44106 · Phone 216-721 -8300