Have you considered TRIOXANE as a source of Anhydrous

Nov 12, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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TRIOXANE as a «OWfïé pf Anhydrous Formaldehyde?

Τ TE£Rii's a new chemical which may -*- •*• solve s o m e p r o b l e m s in organic synthesis, particularly those where yield and quality of p r o d u c t are of g r e a t importance. It is a formaldehyde

p o l y m e r — a special form of formalde­ hyde which m a y be used to carry out many reactions heretofore considered impracticable or impossible with for­ maldehyde or its usual polymers.


With T r i o x a n e . unusual and profit­ able reactions are possible b e c a u s e :

Cyclic trimeric polymer of Formaldehyde P R O P E R T I E S

Colorless, crystalline compound

Molecular Weight 90.05 Odor Mild. Pleasant Melting Point 61°C Boiling Point 115°C Vapor Pressure 25~C 13 mm 86°C 283 " 114.5°C 759 " 129°C 1212 " Flash Point (Open Cup) 44°C Density (molten)