HAWS DRENCH SHOWERS - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 18, 2012 - HAWS DRENCH SHOWERS. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (1), pp 64A–64A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60181a766. Publication Date: January 1962...
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Calibrated Current Source for testing ELECTROMETERS!

The Radiochemistry of Tungsten. IT. T. Mullins and G. W. Leddicotte, Oak Ridge National Laboratory NAS-NS '3043. 40 pages. Septem­ ber 1961. 50 cents. The Radiochemistry of Germanium, J. A. Marinsky. University of Buffalo. NAS-NS 3043. 4S pages. July 1961. 50 cents.

Gyra CS-51 Current Source . . offers a convenient method of verifying ELECTROMETER calibration . . . essential for accurate Gas Chromatog­ raphy and other applications of ELECTROMETERS! Pro­ vides 70 accurately calibrated increments of current between 1 μμα and 10,ua for checking the electrometer input tube sensitivity, (which may have been overload­ ed with resultant loss of emission on a preceding ap­ plication) thermal drift and other causes of calibration deviations. Current is derived from self-contained mercury cells. Write for Gyra CS-51 Bulletin No. 700. Other products of Gyra Electronics Corporation are Electrometers, and stabilized power supplies for laboratory research.



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The Radiochemistry of Platinum. G. W. Leddicotte, Oak Ridge Na­ tional, Laboratory. NAS-NS 304430 pages. October 1961. 50 cents.

Correction Standards for Indicating and Re­ cording Instruments and Auto­ matic Controls for Industry. Re­ corder-Controller Section. Scientific Apparatus Makers Association. 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17. Ν. Υ. 25 cents each. Between the period 1054 to 1001 the Recorder-Controller Section of the Scientific A p p a r a t u s M a k e r s Associa­ tion has issued a total of 14 s t a n d a r d s . Six of these are SAM A S t a n d a r d s : eight others are listed as SAMA T e n t a t i v e S t a n d a r d s . T h e l a t t e r group remains as such for a period of two years from date of adoption, at the end of which time t h e y a r c considered for adoption as SAMA S t a n d a r d s . I n the Decem­ ber issue (page 74 A) the price cited failed to indicate t h a t the 14 s t a n d a r d s cost 25 cents each. E a c h of the Stand­ ards listed below, therefore, cost 25 cents. SAMA Industry Standards RC RC

in a HAWS Emergency Drench Shower. Burning, corrosive, caustic c o n t a m i n a t i o n can inflict injuries m o r e d a n g e r o u s than blazing clothing! C o n t a m i n a t i o n by acids, chemicals, volatile fuels. radioactive elements, etc., m u s t be i n s t a n t l y c o u n t e r e d by first did. I m m e d i a t e d r e n c h i n g with clear water is the first precaution against p e r m a n e n t injury. H A W S leads in design and p r o d u c t i o n of Emergency Drench Showers! Ask for our complete catalog.



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Mechanical and Electric Chart Drive Speeds of Circular Charts 2. Air Pressures for Pneumatic Controllers and Transmission Systems 5. Resistance Thermometers 9. Tomperature-emf Relation for Iron-Constant an Thermo­ couples 10. Locks and Keys for Instrument Cases 11. Mechanical Chart Drives

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64 A





4a. 6b. 7a.



R C 12. RC 17. R C 18.

Accuracy and Sensitivity Ter­ minology as Applied to In­ dustrial Instruments Bimetallic Thermometers Filled System Thermometers Liquid-in-Glass Industrial Thermometers Thermocouple Thermometers (Pyrometers) Panel Cut-Out Dimensions Bushings and Wells for Tem­ perature Sensing Elements Markings for Adjustment Means in Automatic Con­ trollers